Kamis, 26 Maret 2015


Perampok Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Shiciri Kojun adalah seorang perajin tenun sutra. kata orang, ia bukan hanya sebagai seorang pengrajin kain ? tetapi lebih dari pada itu, ia adalah seniman kain. Motif-motif kain sutra rajutannya sangat indah, sehingga tidak heran jika ia menjadi sangat terkenal karena karya-karyanya.

Pada suatu senja, saat Shiciri Kojun sedang merajut sutra, datanglah seorang perampok memasuki rumahnya. Perampok itu membawa sebilah pedang, yang langsung ditempelkannya ke leher Shiciri Kojun.. ?Serahkan semua uangmu !? kata perampok itu.

Dengan tenang Shiciri berkata, ?Semua uangku ada di laci itu, tapi jangan ganggu saya, karena saya sedang berkonsentrasi mengerjakan tenunan sutra ini..? Pencuri itu pun segera melepaskan pedang yang ditempelkannya di leher Shiciri, lalu berjalan dan bergegas membuka sebuah laci lemari yang ditunjukkan Shiciri.

Ketika perampok itu sedang memasukkan uang-uang itu di tasnya, tiba-tiba Shiciri berkata, ?Jangan ambil semuanya, saya masih butuh seperempat dari uang itu untuk membayar pajak besok pagi.?

Entah mengapa, perampok itu menuruti kata-kata Shiciri. Ia pun hanya mengambil tiga per empat uang di laci itu. Setelah memastikan uang-uang tersebut telah tertata di tasnya, perampok itu segera berjalan menuju pintu keluar.
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Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Pesan Yang Kurang

Pesan Yang Kurang Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sepi. Berat. Itulah yang setidaknya ku rasakan saat ini. Semua indraku belum berfungsi dengan baik. Telingaku, tengah berusaha menyempurnakan pendengarannya. Aku menarik nafas kembali. Mataku, masih terpejam dan seluruh tubuhku terasa kaku. Meski begitu, samar-samar ku dengar suara indah itu. Yang membuatku tenang dan sangat tenang. Hujan. Ya, suara hujan adalah nada terindah yang pernah ku dengar selama ini.

Tenagaku terasa memudar. Aku tau, aku tengah berbaring sekarang. Di suatu tempat yang bahkan aku sendiri belum mengetahuinya. Sebenarnya, bisa saja saat ini aku membuka mataku dan memeriksa dimana diriku sekarang. Tapi… aku. Aku ingin bersantai dulu. Ya, seperti ini. Dengan tubuh lemah, yang dapat ku lakukan memang hanya seperti ini bukan? Berbaring dengan memejamkan mata. Setidaknya ada suara rintik itu yang membuatku tak bosan. Sudahlah, kalau bisa aku ingin melakukan ini selamanya. Entah kenapa.
Lalu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi padaku sebelumnya?

“hey.. cepat.. sadarl
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Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Kura-kura dan Kuda

Kura-kura dan Kuda Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pada zaman dahulu kala hiduplah keluarga kura-kura yg sangat rukun. Akan tetapi banyak di sekeliling mereka yang iri kepada keluarga kura-kura. Suatu hari, Bara si kura-kura ingin pergi mencari makan. Saat di jalan, Bara bertemu dengan Rodi si kuda. “hei kamu! Kura-kura yang lambat, sini kamu!” kata Rodi.
Barapun menghampiri Rodi. “ada apa kuda?” Tanya Bara.
Dengan wajah yang menyeramkan Rodi si kuda pun berkata kepada Bara si kura-kura “kamu mau lewat ke sini kan? Oh, oh, oh, tidak bisa”.
Bara si kura-kurapun terbingung, lalu ia berkata “kenapa tidak boleh? Ini kan jalan umum”.
“kamu melawan yah sama aku!, Kalau begitu kita adu cepat saja gimana?” tantang Rodi.
“baiklah kalau itu maumu kuda!” balas Bara.

Saat perlombaan adu cepat, rodi maupun Bara sudah bersiap-siap. “kalau kau kalah kura-kura, kau akan memberikanku semua hartamu sedangkan kalau engkau menang, aku akan memberimu harataku dan semua makananku” tantang Rodi si kuda.
“priiittttt” suara sempruitan berbunyi yg menandakan bahwa pertandingan sudah di mulai.

Saat pertengahan si Rodi dengan santainya berlali, sedangkan Bara yang tengah berusaha belari cepat. Rodi membuat rencana agar si Bara kalah. Rodi berkali kali membuat jebakan, akan tetapi jebakan itu menimpanya sendiri. Saat menuju garis finish si Rodi membuat rencana lagi yaitu, Rodi memberikan a
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Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Pesan Ibu

Pesan Ibu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu hari, tampak seorang pemuda tergesa-gesa memasuki sebuah restoran karena kelaparan sejak pagi belum sarapan. Setelah memesan makanan, seorang anak penjaja kue menghampirinya, “Om, beli kue Om, masih hangat dan enak rasanya!”

“Tidak Dik, saya mau makan nasi saja,” kata si pemuda menolak.

Sambil tersenyum si anak pun berlalu dan menunggu di luar restoran.

Melihat si pemuda telah selesai menyantap makanannya, si anak menghampiri lagi dan menyodorkan kuenya. Si pemuda sambil beranjak ke kasir hendak membayar makanan berkata, “Tidak Dik, saya sudah kenyang.”

Sambil berkukuh mengikuti si pemuda, si anak berkata, “Kuenya bisa dibuat oleh-oleh pulang, Om.”

Dompet yang belum sempat dimasukkan ke kantong pun dibukanya kembali. Dikeluarkannya dua lembar ribuan dan ia mengangsurkan ke anak penjual kue. “Saya tidak mau kuenya. Uang ini anggap saja sedekah dari saya.”

Dengan senang hati diterimanya uang itu. Lalu, dia bergegas ke luar restoran, dan memberikan uang pemberian tadi kepada pengemis yang berada di depan restoran.

Si pemuda memperhatikan dengan seksama. Dia merasa heran dan sedikit tersinggung. Ia langsung menegur, “Hai adik kecil, kenapa uangnya kamu berikan kepada orang lain? Kamu berjualan kan untuk mendapatkan uang. Kenapa setelah uang ada di tanganmu, malah kamu
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Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

In Rapid City, hate crimes are 'disorderly conduct'

Photos by Jean Roach, Lakota

Today in Rapid City, Trace O'Connell did not appear in court, but his lawyer entered a plea of not guilty. O'Connell was charged only with disorderly conduct after throwing beer on Lakota students, and verbally abusing them with racial slurs at a hockey game. Today's protesters said O'Connell should be charged with a hate crime. The charge of

Minneapolis AIM spied on via Facebook by Mall of America

Read the story at Intercept:
Mall of America used fake Facebook accounts to spy on
Black Lives Matter, AIM, Idle No More and others.


Gaza Flotilla Three to Sail

Hi all,

We are using the Gaza Flotilla 2 US Boat to Gaza email list to let you know of another Gaza Freedom Flotilla---Number 3--that will sail in the next few months.

Ann Wright has written the following article about the lack of international attention focusing on the terrible conditions in Gaza and

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Mar. 17, 2015. The mark of the beast is the corporate signature you are forced to use to do any business. It means ...

View on mohawknationnews.com

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Oglala Commemoration 2015

Oglala Commemorationwww.oglalacommemoration.com

This year's event is coming together, slowly but surely. So far it will be a 2 day event, with a 3rd day pending. So please come out for the 16th Annual Oglala Commemoration - Leonard Peltier Day.June 25th Thursday - The Oglala Commemoration Committee will be host to the ILPDC Support Meeting. We invite all

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Parents of 43 Kidnapped Students to Speak in El Paso




Press statement

Censored News
Dutch translation at NAIS Gazette

EL PASO, TEXAS -- The parents of the 43 students kidnapped in late September in Guerrero, Mexico will visit El Paso on Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17 to speak to about their children�s experiences and about the human rights

New Age Fraud in Europe: Steve McCullough Part II

By A. Holemans
NAIS Gazette
Original in Dutch



Part I in English: Fraud profiteering from his version of Native American ceremonies in Europe:


Part II English


Mohawk Nation News 'Anatomy of a Land Grab'


Posted on March 15, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 15 Mar. 2015. We pulled back the curtains and saw into the band council�s change room. It�s the same old genocidal business plan to steal our land and get rid of us for good. We can�t be killed outright without them being charged with genocide. So our unsurrendered land will be turned into CROWN land

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Defending Medicine Lake from Industrial Geothermal Desecration

Indigenous Nations Rallied to Protect Medicine Lake from Industrial Scale Geothermal Desecration
Indigenous Nations� appeal in Ninth Circuit Court concerned desecration and contamination of California sacred area and water in midst of record drought

By Morning Star Gali



Censored News

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Indigenous Rally at Appeals Court to Protect Medicine Lake

Indigenous Nations Rally to Protect Medicine Lake from Industrial Scale Geothermal Desecration

Federal Appeals Court Hearing March 12 in San Francisco, CA

Ceremonial sunrise gathering, march, rally, and press conference Immediately following hearing on courthouse steps.
By Morning Star Gali
Censored News

SAN FRANCISCO -- On Thursday, March 12, 2015 a federal appeals court

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Melee'


Posted on March 12, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAR. 2015. The Corporation of Canada does not require the approval of the Ongwe�hon:weh to push through a proposal, only to have a �consultation� meeting. If we don�t take part, that means we acquiesced. This OBJECTION to usurping Ganiengeh land known as the �Seigneury of Sault St. Louis� was presented to the

Fraud 'chief' exposed in Europe

NAIS Gazette Dutch version Part I

Part II in English at Censored News:



Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Leonard Peltier Clemency Campaign 'It's Time' Part II


Article by Brenda Norrell
Censored News

In this new video by the Leonard Peltier Clemency Campaign, Archbishop Desmond Tutu tells how he has spoken to Leonard Peltier. "I have felt his pain."
Speaking of those killed that day, Thomas Poor Bear, Lakota, says, "Our people never condone in killing, it is a tragedy." Remembering Jo Stuntz and the agents, Poor Bear said his people pray for

O'odham Ofelia Rivas to speak at 'Balance Unbalance' Conference at ASU


Balance-Unbalance International Conference

March 4 at 9:19pm � Edited �

Ofelia Rivas, founder of O'odham Voice against the Wall, will be speaking on panels at the Balance Unbalance Conference at ASU in Tempe, Arizona, to be held March 27 -- 29, 2015.

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette

Statement by Ofelia Rivas on Shu-da�g (Water)

Water is life

Video Apaches 'Protect Oak Flat' by Paper Rocket Productions


from Paper Rocket Productions




Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette

For nearly a decade, Resolution Copper Mining, a subsidiary of British-Australian mining conglomerate Rio Tinto, had unsuccessfully sought ownership of Oak Flat Campground.
Yet, on December 19, 2014, with

Zapatistas 'Thank you Part III: The Most Expensive Building in the World'

Thank you Part III: The Most Expensive Building in the World Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Italiano and Espanol

Thank you Part III:

The Most Expensive Building in the World

Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

February-March, 2015

It is the eve of the big day� in the wee hours of the morning. The cold bites under the

NEWE Cultural Days at Poo-Ha-Bah Healing Center, Western Shoshone 2015

From Ian Zabarte," Even if you cannot attend, we welcome visitors to stay and share in the healing waters. Donations for the use of the pools are accepted. Hotel rooms are for reserve with a modest cost. Please call to reserve time for either."

--In Memory of Corbin Harney

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Zapatistas 'Capitalism Destroys, the People Build'

Capitalism Destroys, the People Build Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s

Capitalism Destroys, the People Build

French, Italian and Espanol
Also see: 'Gracias III' in Espanol and Italiano

Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s

The words of the EZLN�s General Command in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s in the Zapatista community La Realidad at the presentation of the Zapatista

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Celebrating Native Women's Voices on International Women's Day

Buffy Sainte Marie, Sarah James, Joye Braun and Amalia Astorga.

Celebrating Native Women's Voices on International Women's Day

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

On International Women's Day, we celebrate the writers, photographers and voices of the women who have made a difference at Censored News. We begin with Margene Bullcreek, Goshute Shoshone, who passed to the Spirit World on March

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

John Trudell, Sihasin, more 'Native American Showcase' Austin, March 21, 2015

For interviews with Sihasin's Jeneda and Clayson Benally, Dineh. Berta Benally said, "If anyone needs any press or interviews please contact me at tacoho@blackfire.net and we can rock n roll."

Jim Pepper Tribute Concert San Francisco March 22, 2015

A Tribute to Jim Pepper (1944-92) the great sax player in San Francisco.

Concert by Brava Theater, Dr. Loco, and AIM-WEST!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'Harper De Sade'


Posted on March 6, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 6 Mar. 2015. Prime Minister Harper is having a Sado-Masochistic relationship with the Canadian people. What happens when Harper�s Nazi plans fail? We Ongwe�hon:weh will redress the genocide, theft and desecration of our lands? In 1940 a British-French-Polish declaration was issued to

Mohawk Nation News 'Costa Can'Cordia'


Posted on March 7, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 7 Mar. 2015. Captain Joseph Brant of the British army tried to pull his people, the Mohawks, out of the canoe into the ship to shred the Two Row Wampum/Teiohateh. He was trying to remove one line on the belt representing the Ongwe�hon:weh.

The good ship �Harper�pop�.

Prime Minister

GOGAMA: Another Oil Train Catches Fire in Ontario

Another Oil Train Derails and Catches Fire in OntarioFourth Oil Train Accident in Three Weeks Shows Need for Immediate Moratorium

By Center for Biological Diversity
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans
GOGAMA, Ontario � An oil train derailed and caught fire early this morning in Ontario near the town of Gogama, the second such incident in Ontario in three weeks, and the fourth oil

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Zapatistas 'Gracias 1'


On Sunday March 1, 2015, after more than six months of work and building materials offered up by Zapatista supporters, La Realidad now has a health clinic and a school. The construction was made possible by the solidarity of people and groups around the world.
March 5, 2015

El d�a domingo 1 de marzo del 2015, despu�s de m�s de 6 meses de trabajo, se entreg� a las bases

Zapatistas Bulletin Board: Events March -- August, 2015

Photo: Zapatistas with Tohono O'odham in Sonora
by Brenda Norrell, Censored News

On the Bulletin Board

The Concierge


March 2015.

Early morning in reality.

Just here, as usual: watching and listening. The crack in the wall is barely visible from the other side. On our side it expands with persistence.

In the classrooms and in the huts of the

KELO TV: Oglala Lakota Ban Lawyer for Man Charged in Hockey Game Incident

Tribe Bans Lawyer Representing Man Charged In Hockey Game Incident

March 5, 2015, 12:58 PM by Kevin Woster


By Keloland TV



A South Dakota tribe has barred a Rapid City-based defense lawyer from entering their land.

Oglala Lakota Tribe

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'WASAKO�NI�TA�IEN'


Posted on March 5, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 5, 2015. As the eagle sat on top of the tree of peace looking out for the people, a foul smell was coming from the direction of Washington DC. An eloquent foreigner from far away was visiting the big �outhouse� on the hill. Some see it as one of the lowest places on earth.

All I



El Conserje.



Marzo del 2015.

Madrugada en la realidad.

Aqu� nom�s, como de por s�: mirando y escuchando. La grieta en el muro apenas profundizada por el lado de afuera. Ensanchada con porf�a por nuestro lado.

En los salones de clase, las champas de las miles de familias zapatistas que recibieron,

Zapatistas on the Passing of Don Felix

Letter from the EZLN to Do�a Emilia Aurora Sosa Mar�n, compa�era of Honorary Major Insurgent F�lix Serd�n N�jera

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


Traduzione italianoTraduction en Fran�aisDeutsch �bersetzung

February 2015

To: Do�a Emilia Aurora Sosa Mar�n.

From: Subcomandates Insurgentes Mois�s and Galeano

EZLN, Chiapas, Mexico

Compa�era Emilia:

We got the news

La Via Campesina protests GMO trees, shuts down Brazil summit

Global Week of Actions Against GMO Trees in Brazil Ends with Shut Down of CTNBio Meeting in Brasilia

Occupations in Brazil Today Follow Emergency Global Day of Action

Posted at Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

March 5, 2015)-This morning 300 peasants organized by La Via Campesina occupied the meeting of the Brazil National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) in

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Remembering Margene Bullcreek: The Goshute's Nerve Gas Neighbors

When Margene Bullcreek stood up to halt the nuclear dump on Skull Valley, her efforts led to new exposures of the nerve gas neighbors next door

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat
Also see KUER Utah news report by Judy Fahys

The passing of Margene Bullcreek, Goshute Shoshone, reminds us of the need to record the stories for future generations. Margene



Posted on March 3, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 3, 2015. The incident in Moscow that killed Boris Nemstov reminds us of the events of one hundred years ago. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Hapsburg Dynasty was heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. They occupied Serbia which had always been a part of the Russian Federation. On June 28,

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Goshute Shoshone Hero Margene Bullcreek Passes to Spirit World

In Memoriam by Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone

Also see: 'Remembering Margene Bullcreek: Goshute's Nerve Gas Neighbors' by Brenda Norrell, Censored News: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/03/remembering-margene-bullcreek-goshutes.html

Video: Margene Bullcreek and Native Icons of the Environmental Movement


Originally posted on April 6, 2010, it is reposted today in Memory of Margene Bullcreek
Margene Bullcreek, Goshute, points out Indian Nations continue to be targeted with nuclear waste dumping. �We�ve been targeted with environmental racism and genocide long enough.�

Video by Seventh Generation Fund
Article by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Listen and watch the Native American

AIM Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2015: Photos by Carla Lisa Cheyenne


Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2015

AIM Grassroots 2015 royalty
(Top Photo) Miss AIM Grassroots: Mahli Shey (granddaughter of Renee and Larry HandBoy)
Miss Liberation: Katie Underwood granddaughter of (Clifford Black Elk and daughter of Tara Black Elk) Aim Grassroots AIM warrior: Wicahpi Rowland from the Fire Lightening Tiyospaye



'Crying Earth Rise Up' Premiere Packed at Sedona Film Festival

�Crying Earth Rise Up� Premiere at the International Sedona Film Festival

Article and photos by Natalie Hand
Lakota Media Project/Owe Aku
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS
French translation by Christine Prat

SEDONA, Ariz. -- The emotionally charged documentary �Crying Earth Rise Up� was showcased to a full house at this week�s Sedona International Film Festival.

Earthcycles at work on new Crow Voices Radio FM antenna

Video: Native youths at summer camp doing radio for Crow Voices at Center Pole

Grassroots Crow at Center Pole on Crow Nation creating new FM station
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Govinda of Earthcycles is at Center Pole on the Crow Nation, in southeastern Montana, today setting up a new antennae upgrade for the new Crow Voices Radio's 91.1 LPFM.
While the low today is 5 degrees, Govinda

March to Protect Medicine Lake: Federal Court, March 12, 2015

Indigenous Nations Rally to Protect

Medicine Lake from Geothermal Desecration

Federal Appeals Court Hearing March 12 in San Francisco, CA

Ceremonial sunrise gathering, march, rally, and press conference

Immediately following hearing on courthouse steps.

By Protect Medicine Lake

Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- On Thursday, March 12,