Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015



Post navigationKAYONI #85

Posted on January 31, 2015


Mohawk Nation News

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MNN. Jan. 31, 2015. Paper currency is fiat and based on nothing. Ongwe�hon:weh land is the only real asset. The following Objection to the fraudulent attempt of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. to usurp Kanion�ke:haka land known as the �Seigneury Sault St.

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Native Women to Protest Redskins Ethnic Slur in Phoenix: Superbowl and Domestic Violence

Native American Activists Tell NFL �No More� Stereotypes--

Hold Vigil/Protest at Super Bowl

By Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst

Jacqueline Keeler

January 28, 2015

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

PHOENIX -- Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry, a national group of Native parents dedicated to ending the mascotting of Native

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Senate betrays Native Americans, approves Keystone XL pipeline

Leonard Peltier's Written Statement to Boarding School Tribunal


By Leonard Peltier

Censored News

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans

French translation by Christine Prat

In the fall of 1953 I was living with my widowed Grand mother Mary Dubois Peltier (originally from

Federal fish agency opposes Shasta Dam raise



Photo: Mark Miyoshi and Chief Caleen Sisk watch as Jesse Sisk and James Ward work on lighting the ceremonial fire in September 2014. Photo by Dan Bacher.

Federal fish agency opposes Shasta Dam raise

by Dan Bacher

Censored News
The Winnemem Wintu Tribe, fishing groups and environmentalists have been fighting a federal plan to raise Shasta

Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Boarding School Tribunal releases findings and recommendations

Boarding School Tribunal 2014 by Brenda Norrell

Article and photos by Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS
French translation by Christine Prat

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Truth Commissioners of the Indigenous Peoples Boarding School Tribunal held here in October have released the findings and recommendations, following three days of testimony by

Velocity of Movement: Civil Rights Movement, American Indian Movement and the Zapatistas

Velocity of Movement: Civil Rights Movement, American Indian Movement and the Zapatistas

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

The Civil Rights Movement and the American Indian Movement had this in common: They survived the attempts by the US government's COINTELPRO and other secret ops to eradicate them. They survived the attempts by the media to

Dineh Walkers Honor Horse Nation, Receive Shiprock Support

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

Dineh Walkers against Fracking, Journey for our Existence, is honoring the Horse Nation as they walk to the Four Sacred Mountains to protect the land, water and air from fracking.

Celebrating the Dineh walkers who walk in the "Spirit of our Relatives," the Shiprock, N.M., Chapter passed a resolution supporting

More Femicide Victims Identified from Border Graveyard

More Femicide Victims Identified from Border Graveyard
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored News
January 25, 2015
Women's/Human Rights News
The parents of Esmeralda Castillo Rincon recently heard sad news about their long-disappeared daughter. The 14-year-old had been missing from her Ciudad Juarez home since 2009, and the parents had waged a long campaign demanding her safe return.On January 16,

San Carlos Apache Nation Spiritual Gathering Oak Flat Feb. 5 -- 8, 2015


Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Mohawk Nation News: CUBA SI! YANKEE NO!


Posted on January 23, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 23, 2015. In December 1959 a group of McGill University students were sitting in the university cafeteria. We were admiring Life Magazine cover of Fidel Castro. One of the students, a reporter for the McGill Daily, said, �I�d like to go to Cuba and interview him!�. We all said, �We�ll go with

EPA's millions won't bring back Navajo uranium miners

Navajo miners at Kerr McGee mine in Cove on Navajo Nation

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

The US EPA announced a settlement that will bring millions to the Navajo Nation in uranium mine cleanups. Those millions will not bring back the Navajos who died from cancer and respiratory diseases after being sent to their deaths by Kerr McGee -- the company that knew the radiation in Cold War uranium

Apaches Ceremony to Protect Oak Flat Feb. 7, 2015


Earlier, San Carlos Apaches protested Resolution Copper. Now, Sen. John McCain pushed the bill through Congress to steal sacred Apache land for copper mining, in the Defense spending bill.

Video: Muskogee-Creek Phillip Deere 'On Being a Natural Human Being'


'Majority Can Be Wrong,' A Conversation with Phillip Deere, Muskogee-Creek Elder

"I don't believe in majority. Majority can be mistaken."

Article by Brenda Norrell

Censored News

In this rare interview, Muskogee-Creek elder Phillip Deere describes the return to ancestral ways and traditional spiritual ways. Deere describes how tribal councils often result in disagreements, while

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015




MNN. Jan. 22, 2015. The Gus'wen:tha, Two Row Agreement, between the Ongwe'hon:weh of Ono'ware:geh, is the basis of our arrangement for the invader...

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Walking the Good Walk: Photos of Dineh Walking against Fracking!

Walking the Good Walk today, Dine' (Navajos) against Fracking: Journey for our Existence!

Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015: "Today we were invited to speak to three classes at the Tse Yi Gai high school in Pueblo Pintado (NM). We shared information on historical trauma, resource extraction and the implications they have on us. There was a sense of empowerment that we could all feel as we departed to

VIDEO: Northern Paiute Wesley Dick: Traditional Tule Violations Dismissed


Thank you to Northern Paiute Wesley Dick for sharing his story of winning his federal case of traditional tule gathering for ancestral crafts.
On the Longest Walk northern route, the Earthcycles/Censored News Long Talk Radio, interviewed Wesley, descendant of Wovoka's family, at home in 2008.
Now, with Wesley's creation of this new video, he shares this struggle. Wesley said of winning

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

'Powerlines' Dine' authentic filmmaking on Navajoland

By Censored News

Dine' filmmaker Klee Benally and cast are now shooting the movie Powerlines on the Navajo Nation. Klee said of the photo above, Day 5 of filmmaking in Cameron, "Special thanks to my sis Michelle Babbitt and family for use of the awesome location."

Klee Benally: "Awesome folks who are acting in my feature length Powerlines movie! Tony, Nezbahe, Kayla, and Belinda!

Mohawk Nation News 'Remembering Dick Hill'


Posted on January 21, 2015

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MNN. Jan. 21, 2015. The beautiful words of Hazel Hill describing her husband Dick. He was a hero to us all.


Your strength was like a mountainBoth physical and spiritual the sameYour mind as brilliant as the sunriseNew challenges welcomed as each day came

Your spirit was unshakeableYet gentle

Mohawk Nation News 'Modern Day 'Indian' Land Theft'


Posted on January 20, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2015. Christine Elliott is the wife of former Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty. He was a balancer for the robber baron shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. He chose to have a conflict with the Kanion�ke:haka at Kane�ko:ta by committing a modern-day INDIAN land theft.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Rumble on the Mountain: A Celebration of Water

Support the water defenders on Jan. 24, 2015 in Flagstaff, Arizona!

Center for Biological Diversity's Statement: Obama's State of Union Address

E-mail this pageMore press releases

For Immediate Release, January 20, 2015
Contact: Patrick Sullivan, (415) 517-9364,

Center for Biological Diversity's Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON� Kier�n Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, released the following statement ahead of President

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Snowden's and Greenwald's Latest Bombshells

Excerpt from The Guardian, by James Ball, referring to UK and US spying on journalists spied on by US and UK, latest Snowden leaks:

Also in the news:

Greenwald interview with CIA agent in prison for exposing US torture:
Former CIA agent John Kiriakous,

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Video: Opening Arguments Arizona Ethnic Studies Ban in Ninth Circuit

JANUARY 12, 2015

Maya Arce v. John Huppenthal Oral Argument

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral argument in Maya Arce v. John Huppenthal, on the constitutionality of Arizona�s ban on ethnic studies programs in public schools.

Watch 44 minutes, opening arguments at C-Span:

Read more at Censored News

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Indian Nations ask Obama to reject KXL and request emergency meeting

Tribal Nations Ask President Obama to Reject KXL and Request Emergency Meeting with Department of Interior

Great Plains Tribal Chairman�s Association concerned about exclusion of Tribal interests on tar sands pipeline debate and the impact on Treaty Rights

Link to Letter (PDF)

By Indigenous Rising
Posted at Censored New
Censored News translations: German translation by

US and UK: Deadly game of entrapment

The United States and United Kingdom have engaged in deadly games of entrapment, resulting in long prison terms, agents fathering children, violence and death

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Top: UK undercover cop Mark Kennedy
(Mark 'Flash' Stone') who fathered
children. Photo 2: 'Anna' infiltrator in
Florida and California

The US and UK undercover agents have been playing a deadly

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Dineh 'The Good Women Walkers'

B��sh Dilhil

Journey for our Existence
Today's Censored News photos from Dineh Walkers against Fracking, now in Counsellors, N.M., on Navajo Nation with snow!
Top Photo: "Here's to good women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."
photo by: Makai Lewis

BLM Farmington Holds Pipeline Public MeetingBut Refuses to Let the Public Speak

Press statement

Farmington, NM�

Christine Prat 'France: The January 11th Farce'


By Christine Prat
Censored News

English, French and Italian

The worst of the corporate media claim that �demonstrations� took place all over France this Sunday, January 11th 2015. To call that �demonstrations� is an oxymoron: people demonstrate when they have no other means to be heard. In this case, there were rallies, ordered and organized by

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Dineh Walking 'No Man Camps on Navajo Nation! No Pinon Pipeline!'

Nih�gaal bee Iin�

Journey for our Existence

Dineh Walking against Fracking

"This property is proposed to become a permanent man camp. With the oil boom comes man camps, with man camps, comes violence against women, prostitution, drugs and trafficking."

Read Grace Her Many Horses' account of the violence against Native Americans

Mohawk Nation News 'Je Suis La Paix'


Posted on January 13, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 12, 2015. France is undergoing a big awakening from a long dark nightmare. As the soldiers and police are moving amongst them, violent events are taking place initiated by the banking quagmire. Prime Minister Hollande even said the perpetrators of the attacks at Charlie Hebdo are the �illumine�.

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Student Challenges Racist Law Banning Mexican American Studies

Student Challenges Racist Law

Banning Mexican American Studies

Tucson Public Schools banned books by leading Chicano
and Native American authors when Mexican
American Studies was prohibited

Press statement

Censored News

SAN FRANCISCO (January 12, 2015)- Arizona House Bill 2281 was used to prohibit the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Program at Tucson Unified School District. �

Journalists failing Indigenous Peoples with stay-at-home plagiarism

Who will cover the news today?

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
English, Dutch and German

As stay-at-home plagiarizers continue to produce fake news, the words of journalist Scherer Garcia, who just passed to the Spirit World, reminds journalists of their high calling. Garcia said it is the job of journalists to interview everyone. Garcia pointed out that it is not the work of a journalist to

Yaqui Water Rights Defenders Imprisoned

Yaqui water rights spokesmen imprisoned, as Mexico steals Rio Yaqui water

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

Yaqui water rights defenders battling the theft of their water by the Mexican government have been imprisoned. The National Indigenous Congress, Zapatistas, and Amnesty International have demanded the release of the Yaqui spokesmen for the Traditional Authority in Vicam,

Walking to Ojo Encino: 'Journey for Our Existence' Dineh against fracking!

A reason to walk, future generations.

Journey for our Existence!

Dineh walkers against fracking have walked through Chaco and Counsellors and are walking to Ojo Encino, N.M., today!


US deporting migrants to danger zones

Deportations to Dangerous Zones

By Frontera NorteSur
Dutch translation by Alice
Holemans, NAIS, Censored News
French by Christine Prat, Censored News
Tens of thousands of Mexican immigrants from the conflict-ridden, impoverished state of Guerrero have been deported from the United States since 2010.Netzahualcoyotl Bustamante Satin, Guerrero's secretary for migrant and international affairs,

Leonard Peltier on the passing of his little sister

In memory of Vivian Peltier by Leonard Peltier

My Dear little Sister, I am so sorry,

I should have been there to help you.

We went through a lot together.

I have memories kept deep inside,

And they will always be a part of me.

I remember us as little children,

Life was never easy for us.

there were times we were afraid,

I was afraid too, but I tried to look brave.

I felt a

On writing well and living well: Julio Scherer Garcia and the art of the interview

Farewell to the Grand Old Dean of Latin Journalism

In an age where stay-at-home plagiarism has become the pattern in journalism in the US, these words remind journalists of their calling -- Censored News

By Kent Paterson

From the Editor

Frontera NorteSur

"Those that say Julio Scherer Garcia has been a reference for the Mexican press during the past half-century or more are wrong and

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'SHAKE, RATTLE and ROLL'


Posted on January 8, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 8, 2015. Someone out there besides Stephen Harper and the Board of Directors for the Corporation of Canada has seen the �100-year business plan to be rid of the INDIAN problem�. We are now in the 9thdecade. This genocide plan needs to be published for the world to see what Canada really is.

Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Zapatistas Declaration Festival of Resistance Rebellion against Capitalism

Photos by Timo Russo

Declaration from the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

German (below)

Declaration from the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

To the peoples of the world.

From Chiapas, Mexico, we send out our word to all those women and men from below, in the countryside and the city, in

Fort Robinson Outbreak Spiritual Run 2015

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

Photos by Timo Russo, Festival of Resistance to Capitalism 2015

Photo by Timo Russo 2015

Photos by Timo Russo 2015

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

A los pueblos del mundo.

Desde Chiapas, M�xico, levantamos nuestra

Kamis, 08 Januari 2015




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Jan. 8, 2015. Someone out there besides Stephen Harper and the Board of Directors for the Corporation of Cana...

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Border Drones are Big Flop, audit says

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

TUCSON -- The border drones are a big flop, says a new audit. As homeless children sleep on the streets of America on freezing nights, the US is spending millions on worthless drones and spy towers that do not work. But that doesn't discourage the United States government from wasting more money, now billions, on drones and spy towers for the

On the Road to Chaco: Dineh Walking against Fracking

On the road to Chaco Jan. 8, 2015


Jan. 6, 2015 "Made it to Nageezi. We are being hosted by a family who helped us put up our tipi. We have food in our stomach and chizh on the way! Feeling so blessed and grateful. �hxe'h�� to the Harrison family!"

Dineh Walking against Fracking

The Journey for our Existence

Join them at Chaco campground tonight!

Read more: http://

Banning of Native American books, Mexican American Studies, goes to federal court

The banning of Mexican American Studies, and Chicano and Native American books, in Tucson schools, exposes Arizona's white privilege government

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News original

The banning of Chicano and Native American authors, and the Mexican American Studies program, in Tucson Public Schools, proceeds before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday.

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Dine' Walk against Fracking 'Our Journey for Existence!'

Censored News

Nih�gaal bee Iin�

Update: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015: Ya'aht'eeh Abin�. I know many of you have been wondering what the route is. We covered 12 miles yesterday from Dzil N��'ooldili to Nageezi. Here is the plan for the rest of the week. Today we plan on covering as many miles as we can, Chaco is our next destination and its approximately 24 miles. We expect it to take 2

Photos Protest of Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota 2015

Photos by Gary Dorr Photos: Protests as South Dakota Public Utility Commission considers Keystone Pipeline permit. (Middle photo) Prayer circle at South Dakota Capitol on Jan. 6, 2015, during two days of protests.

Thank you to Gary Dorr for sharing your photos with Censored News!

By Censored News
Photos by Gary Dorr

PIERRE, SD, - A grassroots coalition of landowners, native leaders

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Zapatistas: Words on 21st Anniversary of War against Oblivion

The Words of the EZLN on the 21st Anniversary of the beginning of the War Against Oblivion. Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s.

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


December 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015
Traduzione italiano
e???????? �etaf??se??English translationTraduction en Fran�aisDeutsch �bersetzung

Compa�eras and compa�eros, families of the students from Ayotzinapa

El Paso: Protest Mexico and US Presidents and Plan Mexico


Censored News
English and Dutch

El Paso, TX, January 6, 2015- Today as President Barack Obama meets with Mexican President Enrique Pe�a Nieto, major cities, including El Paso advocacy group Uni�n del Pueblo Fronterizo, will protest to demand an end to the deadly �Plan Mexico�

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Action across South Dakota to Protest Keystone Pipeline Jan. 6, 2015

Coalition of Grassroots Activists Take Action across South Dakota to Protest the Keystone XL Pipeline

Rapid City Protest: January 6:

Top of Main Street Square parking ramp, 7:45am MT

Sioux Falls Protest:

10th and Minnesota, 2:00pm CT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 5, 2015

Sabrina King, Dakota Rural Action Organizer
Joye Braun, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

UK 'Royal Family' linked to pedophile ring as Anonymous exposes elite

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

The media in the United Kingdom is exposing the alleged involvement of members and staff of the so-called Royal Family in an international pedophile ring for the elite, which involved raping and murdering minors.

Anonymous, on Twitter, began exposing the pedophiles weeks ago, in the operation #OpDeathEaters online.

In recent years, the roles

Zapatistas attacked enroute home from Resistance Conference

Breaking news Monday, Jan. 5, 2015

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

National Indigenous Congress delegates now enroute home from the Zapatistas gathering have been attacked by police and paramilitary. The trucks and buses attacked are transporting Yaqui and other leaders from northern Mexico.
Indigenous enroute to Puebla and Mexico City were also attacked late Sunday, Jan
4, 2015.
The Global

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

EZLN affirms support for missing students during anniversary

EZLN Affirms Support for Parents of Missing Mexican Students

Zapatistas stand under the Zapatista flag during 20th anniversary celebrations of the armed indigenous insurgency in Oventic December 31, 2013. | Photo: Reuters

Published 1 January 2015

The rebel group issued an invitation to the parents of missing students to participate as guests of honor at

Mohawk Nation News 'Soul Suckers'


Posted on January 4, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 3 Jan. 2015. The National Museum in Ottawa is removing the vast Ongwe�hon:weh exhibit. The new theme for the existence of Canada is based on corporate fiction. Education about us is one page in a history book. We are now being forced to sell ourselves as being incorporated INDIANS or being packed and stored

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN, 1 Jan. 2015. The military sends in an advance force which is often sacrificed in battle. The band councils, national,...

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Sandra Rambler 'Born and Die Apache'

Photo Jennifer Johnson

By Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache

Traditionally Speaking

Apache Messenger
Translations into French, Dutch and German by Censored News

"The words of our ancestors still hold true today, 'You are born an Apache! You will die as an Apache! Don�t ever act like the White Man�the enemy!'"

How do you respond to a White Man whose name is