Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

Kesederhanaan Sebuah Cita-Cita

Kesederhanaan Sebuah Cita-Cita Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sore yang indah, ditemani oleh bunyi ombak dan semilir angin yang kian beriringan dengan suara daun kelapa yang tak mau berhenti untuk melambai. Suasana tenang disini setidaknya dapat mengurangi rasa penatku. Kudengar decitan kursi roda yang makin lama kian mendakatiku. Kulihat sosok yang memang akhir-akhir ini sering bersamaku di tempat ini. Aku sangat bingung jika melihat ekspresi wajahnya terkadang dia terlihat sangat tenang dan terkadang dia terlihat datar.

“Apa hari ini kau baik-baik saja?” tanyaku padanya karena memang dia adalah sosok yang sangat sulit ditebak, bukannya jawaban yang kudapat tapi hanya senyum kecil yang mengembang di bibirnya. Aku semakin bingung dengan semua tingkahnya, sangat aneh bagiku karena memang dia sosok yang pendiam tak banyak kata yang dia lontarkan untukku.

“Disini sangat tenang, aku menyukainya” ucapku menceracau sendiri, inilah kebiasaanku setiap bertemu dengannya meskipun tak ada satupun respon darinya tapi aku tahu bahwa dia me
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Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Musibah atau Berkah

Musibah atau Berkah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Ada seorang Pria yg buta huruf bekerja sebagai penjaga sekolah.

Sudah ? 20 tahun dia bekerja disana. Suatu hari kepala sekolah itu digantikan & menerapkan aturan baru.

Semua pekerja harus bisa membaca & menulis maka penjaga yg buta huruf itu, terpaksa tidak bisa bekerja lagi.

Awalnya, dia sangat sedih. Dia tidak berani langsung pulang ke rumah & memberitahukan istrinya. Dia berjalan pelan menelusuri jalanan.

Tiba-tiba muncullah ide untuk membuka kios di jalanan itu. Tidak disangka, usahanya sukses, dari 1 kios sampai jadi beberapa kios. Kini dia jadi seorang Pengusaha yg sukses & kaya.

Suatu hari, dia pergi ke bank untuk membuka rekening, namun karena buta huruf, dia tidak bisa mengisi formulir & karyawan Bank yg membantunya.

Karyawan Bank berkata, : "Wah, Bapak buta huruf saja bisa punya uang sebanyak ini, apalagi kalau bisa membaca & menulis, pasti lebih kaya lagi"

Dengan tersenyum dia berkata, : "Kalau saya bisa membaca & menulis, saya pasti masih menjadi penjaga sekolah"

Apa yg merupakan musibah, bisa saja BERKAH.<
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Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Tetesan Terakhir

Tetesan Terakhir Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pasar malam dibuka di sebuah kota. Penduduk menyambutnya dengan gembira. Berbagai macam permainan, stand makanan dan pertunjukan diadakan. Salah satu yang paling istimewa adalah atraksi manusia kuat. Begitu banyak orang setiap malam menyaksikan unjuk kekuatan otot manusia kuat ini.

Manusia kuat ini mampu melengkungkan baja tebal hanya dengan tangan telanjang. Tinjunya dapat menghancurkan batu bata tebal hingga berkeping-keping.

Ia mengalahkan semua pria di kota itu dalam lomba panco. Namun setiap kali menutup pertunjukkannya ia hanya memeras sebuah jeruk dengan genggamannya. Ia memeras jeruk tersebut hingga ke tetes terakhir. ‘Hingga tetes terakhir’, pikirnya.

Manusia kuat lalu menantang para penonton: “Hadiah yang besar kami sediakan kepada barang siapa yang bisa memeras hingga keluar satu tetes saja air jeruk dari buah jeruk ini!”

Kemudian naiklah seorang lelaki, seorang yang atletis, ke atas panggung. Tangannya kekar. Ia memeras dan memeras… dan menekan sisa jeruk… tapi tak setetespun air jeruk keluar. Sepertinya seluruh isi jeruk itu sudah terperas habis. Ia gagal. Beberapa pria kuat lainnya turut mencoba, tapi tak ada yang berhasil. Manusia kuat itu tersenyum-senyum sambil berkata : “Aku berikan satu kesempatan terakhir, siapa yang mau mencoba?”

Seorang wanita kurus setengah baya mengacungkan tangan
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Senin, 09 November 2015

Sekilas Tentang Phelps, Sang Pemecah Rekor Renang di Olimpiade Beijing 2008

Sekilas Tentang Phelps, Sang Pemecah Rekor Renang di Olimpiade Beijing 2008 Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Potensi manusia begitu besar dan tidak terbatas. Terbukti selalu ada rekor baru dalam setiap penyelenggaraan olimpiade. Dalam sejarah Olimpiade muncul para pemecah rekor yaitu Michael Phelps (perenang), Carl Lewis (pelari), Mark spitz (perenang), Paavo Nurmi (pelari jarak jauh) dan Larysa Latynina (pesenam peraih 9 medali emas).

Michael Fred Phelps, kelahiran Baltimore-AS, berhasil merebut 8 medali emas, memecahkan rekor Mark Spitz yang pernah meraih 7 medali emas pada olimpiade Munchen tahun 1972. Puluhan medali emas selalu ia dapatkan dalam berbagai kompetisi kelas dunia, misalnya World Championships (Yokohama, Jepang 2002), Pan Pacific Championship (Kanada 2006), dan lain sebagainya. Prestasi Phelps menginspirasi kita begitu besar potensi di dalam diri manusia. Bahkan beberapa hal tentang Phelps berikut ini menjadi acuan penting untuk mengeksplorasi potensi tersebut.

Salah satu yang dapat kita teladani dari pemuda usia 23 tahun ini adalah kebiasaan Phelps yang selalu fokus pada aktifitas-aktifitas penting untuk mencapai tujuan. Contohnya Phelps tidak berusaha melakukan sesuatu yang dilakukan orang lain. Sebaliknya, ia hanya fokus untuk terus berlatih dan meningkatkan kemampuannya berenang cepat.

“Saya mengerti jika saya berlatih sekeras mungkin dan melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda, maka saya akan baik-baik saja. Saya senang bertanding sebaik mungkin. Saya dapat mengontrol apa yang saya lakukan dan mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin, lalu
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Rabu, 04 November 2015

Wiro Sableng #116 : Hantu Selaksa Angin

Wiro Sableng #116 : Hantu Selaksa Angin Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito


SENGATAN sinar matahari di wajah dan sekujur badannya menyadarkan Pendekar 212 Wiro Sableng. Perlahan-lahan dia buka kedua matanya tapi serta merta dipicingkan kembali, tak tahan oleh silaunya cahaya matahari. Sambil melindungi matanya dengan tangan kiri Wiro mencoba bangkit dan duduk di tanah.

"Ampun, sekujur tubuhku sakit bukan main. Tulangtulang serasa copot. Kepalaku mendenyut tak karuan. Apa yang terjadi dengan diriku...?" Wiro buka kembali sepasang matanya. Lalu memandang berkeliling. Dia dapatkan dirinya berada di satu kawasan berbatu-batu di kaki sebuah bukit kecil. Pakaiannya kotor bahkan ada robekanrobekan di beberapa tempat. Lengan serta kakinya lecet. Ketika dia meraba kening sebelah kiri ternyata kening itu benjut cukup besar. Di depan sana dia melihat beberapa pohon besar bertumbangan. Semak belukar berserabutan dan bertebaran di mana-mana.

"Kaki bukit batu... Pohon-pohon tumbang... Sunyi. Di mana ini... Bagaimana aku bisa berada di tempat ini?" Wiro kembali memandang berkeliling. Dia coba mengingat-ingat sambil menggaruk kepala. Seperti diceritakan dalam episode terdahulu, "Rahasia Perkawinan Wiro", sebelum dinikahkan oleh Lamahila
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Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Wiro Sableng #170 : Kupu-Kupu Mata Dewa

Wiro Sableng #170 : Kupu-Kupu Mata Dewa Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito


"Tuanku Laras, dengarkan saya. Ada yang hendak saya katakan. Ada satu hal yang sangat saya takutkan ..." Tuanku Laras angkat kepalanya dari dada Chia Swie Kim. Tapi dua tangan kini turun memegang paha Si gadis. "Puti Mata Dewa, kekaSihku ... Katakan, hal apa yang kau takutkan?" "Tuanku Laras, ketahuilah, saya sudah tidak gadis lagi. Saya tidak perawan lagi..." Sepasang mata Tuanku Laras membeliak. Bulu hitam putih yang menutupi wajah berdiri meranggas. "Puti Mata Dewa, apa maksudmu? Bicara yang jelas." "Tuanku Laras, ketika berada di goa kediaman Datuk Marajo Sati, Datuk itu telah merampas kehormatan saya. Dia meniduri saya sampai berulang kali..." Habis berkata begitu Chia Swie Kim lalu menangis sesenggukan. Apa yang diucapkan Si gadis seperti gelegar petir terdengarnya di telinga Tuanku Laras. "Srett!" Tiba-tiba Tuanku Laras cabut pedang Al Kausar.

BUKIT Batu Patah di Gudam, ranah Minangk
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Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Keluarga itu, Keluarga Baiti

Keluarga itu, Keluarga Baiti Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012
07.10 wib.
Tiba2 hp-ku berdering. Satu panggilan dari nomor kamu. Seketika q angkat. Dan kamu hanya miscall. Aku terbangun dari tidurku. Ada 3 sms. Satu dari kamu dan dua lagi dari nomer tak dikenal.

Mas Slamet dimana…???”

“Mas… kalo bisa nanti siang ke HMJ ya..
Ada yg mau dibicarakan. Penting.”

My Sweety
“Mas bangun mas.
Dah siang nich.
Kita kan mau pulang ke rumah adex.”

Aku lupa jika tadi malam aku janji mau nganter kamu pulang. Tanpa menghiraukan 2 sms yang lain aku langsung mandi. Secepat mungkin. Dan selesai. Selanjutnya dengan kecepatan 100KM/Jam aku menuju kosmu. Dan 10 menit kemudian aku telah sampai di depan kosmu. Tidak ada kamu. Tidak ada siapa2 di depan sini. Suasana masih sangat lengang di pagi ini. Akhirnya Ku ambil hanphone untuk menghubungimu. Tapi ternyata ada sms darimu lagi.

My Sweety
“Bo”k yok mas”……..

Aku hanya tersenyum membacanya. Sembari berpikir kalo2 kamu merajuk karena aku telat datang. Ku hubungi kamu t
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Minggu, 13 September 2015

Kembalinya Seorang Aktivis

Kembalinya Seorang Aktivis Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Catatan dari 30 Maret 2012
Siang hari disaat matahari terik membakar Kota Makassar. Tampak air turun dengan derasnya dari gas air mata petugas keamanan dan asap tebal yang membubung tinggi di angkasa dari ban bekas yang dibakar para demonstran. Seperti airmata rakyat yang menangis karena penderitaan dan kabut akan masa depan mereka yang semakin tidak jelas.

Mahasiswa lalu datang atas nama pahlawan untuk menolong, tapi pada kenyataannya jutru menorehkan luka pada sebagian masyarakat. Tak tahu lagi siapa yang akan disalahkan, mahasiswa ataukah pemerintah sepertinya sama saja. Rakyat sama-sama tidak merasa damai, tidak percaya, dan tidak nyaman lagi atas kehadirannya.
“Gulingkan Pemerintah!”
“Gulingkan Pemerintah!”
“Pemerintah anj*ng!”
“Turun… Anj*ng…!”
“Turunkan BBM… Turunkan BBM…!”
Sumpah serapah sambung menyambung dari berbagai arah, kata yang sebenarnya tak pantas diucapkan mahasiswa sebagai mahkluk
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Kamis, 10 September 2015

Wiro Sableng #25 : Cinta Orang Orang Gagah

Wiro Sableng #25 : Cinta Orang Orang Gagah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito

SAAT ITU menjelang fajar menyingsing. Kesunyian dirobek oleh suara tawa bergelak seseorang. Orang ini tengah berlari cepat ke jurusan timur. Jelas suara tawanya bukan tawa sembarangan. Bukan saja mengejutkan burung-burung serta binatang-binatang lain yang tengah tertidur nyenyak dalam pelukan udara dingin, tetapi juga menggetarkan tanah pada tempat-tempat yang dilajuinya.

Begitu cepat manusia ini berlari hingga dalam waktu singkat dia sudah menempuh jarak ratusan tombak. Suara tawanya masih juga terus mengumandang. Di lain saat di ufuk timur merambas sinar terang tanda matahari telah terbit menyembulkan diri. Tanda malam telah berganti dengan siang.

Orang itu hentikan larinya. Dibasahinya mukanya dengan air embun yang menempel pada dedaunan di sekitarnya, Setelah merasakan kesegaran maka dia meneruskan perjalanan kembali. Seperti tadi lagi-lagi berlari sambil mengumbar tawa. Namun sekali ini suara tawanya tidak berlangsung lama.
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Rabu, 09 September 2015

Wiro Sableng #42 : Badai Di Parang Tritis

Wiro Sableng #42 : Badai Di Parang Tritis Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito

SIANG ITU laut selatan tampak cerah. Ombak memecah tenang di pantai Parangtritis. Burungburung laut terbang berkelompok-kelompok dan angin bertiup membendung teriknya sinar sang surya.

Belasan perahu tampak berjejer di tepi pasir. Para nelayan sibuk memperbaiki dan membenahi jaring masingmasing untuk persiapan turun ke laut malam nanti. Di tepi pantai, dibawah jejeran pohonpohon kelapa anak-anak ramai bermain-main. Baik nelayan-nelayan maupun anak-anak itu semuanya serta merta memalingkan kepala ketika telinga mereka menangkap suara tiupan seruling yang keras dan merdu. Yang meniup seruling ternyata adalah seorang bocah bertelanjang dada. Anak ini meniup suling bambunya sambil duduk di atas punggung seekor kerbau yang melangkah di sepanjang jalan di teluk.

"Anak si Kantolo itu pandai sekali meniup suling. Mengalahi kepandaian ayahnya...." berkata salah seorang nelayan lalu menyedot rokok kawungnya dalam-dalam.

Ketika anak dan kerbau bergerak menjauhi tepi pasir seorang nelayan berser
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Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Si Dogol

Si Dogol Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dogol adalah anak semata wayang dari pasangan ibu tuti yang hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan bapak rahmat hanya seorang petani. sebenar nya dia adalah anak yang pandai hanya saja dia malas, pak rahmat berusaha bersusah payah untuk membiayakan anak nya agar dapat bersekolah ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, namun si dogol hanya memilih untuk putus di jenjang SMK saja.

Si dogol selalu disuruh oleh ayah nya untuk bergegas mencari kerja karena hanya luntang lantung tidak jelas di rumah nya hanya hal itu yang ia lakukan di setiap hari nya, si ayah nya pun mulai bosan untuk menasehati dogol karena tak kunjung juga sadar untuk mencari kerja.

“dogol coba dong kamu cari kerja nak untuk mebantu ayah agar tidak terlalu berat untuk membeli biaya makan setiap hari nya apalagi ayah kan udah tua nak” suruh sang ayah, “ah males lah pak mending dogol tidur dogol capek pak kalo dogol harus kerja, sekolah aja capek pak apalagi kerja” jawab dogol dengan nada tinggi, dogol pun bergegas untuk m
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Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Wiro Sableng #96 : Utusan Dari Akhirat

Wiro Sableng #96 : Utusan Dari Akhirat Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito



Hujan lebat mendera kawasan Teluk Penanjung, Pangandaran. Angin dari laut bertiup kencang laksana hendak membongkar gugusan bukit-bukit karang. Awan hitam yang terus menggantung di udara membuat suasana menjadi gelap seperti .
"Dari arah timur teluk, di antara deru hujan dan hembusan angin kencang serta gelegar ombak terdengar derap kaki kuda yang sesekali dihantui oleh suara ringkikan keras. Tak selang berapa lama, dalam cuaca yang sangat buruk itu di kejauhan tampak seekor kuda betina hitam berlari seperti gila, melompat kesetanan dan meringkik tiada henti. Penunggangnya seorang pemuda bertubuh kokoh mencekal tali kekang erat-erat, berusaha mengendalikan binatang itu.
"Walet hitam!" si pemuda berseru menyebut nama kuda tunggangannya. "Apa yang terjadi denganmu! Tahan larimu! Kau hendak membunuhku?!" Dengan tangan kirinya pemuda ini berusaha mengelus leher tunggangannya agar binatang itu menjadi jinak. Namun hal itu tak bisa dilakukan karena kalau dia hanya memegang tali kekang kuda dengan satu tangan, tubuhnya pasti akan terlempar jatuh.

"Kuda gila!" Akhirnya keluar suara makian dari mulut pemuda itu ketika Walet Hitam masih terus lari kencang tak karuan. Beberapa kali binatang ini
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Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Tiga Ayam Petelur

Tiga Ayam Petelur Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu hari tiga telur menetas bersamaan dalam rimbun jerami tua di pesawahan desa. Anak-anak ayam itu terlihat begitu cantik dengan bulu kuning halusnya. Tak lama kemudian pak tani pemilik sawah menemukan mereka dan memeliharanya hingga mereka tumbuh besar menjadi ayam-ayam betina yang sehat dan kuat.

Tibalah saat mereka untuk mulai bertelur. Pak tani mulai menyiapkan tempat khusus dan nyaman untuk ayam-ayamnya dan seperti yang diharapkan, ayam-ayampun bertelur.

Ayam pertama saat mulai bertelur, begitu gembira terutama melihat pak tani tersenyum pada telurnya. Namun disayangkan si ayam mulai merasa dimanfaatkan pak tani ketika telur diambil dari kandang. Iapun mogok bertelur.

Pak tani lalu memberikan berbagai macam vitamin dan pakan kesukaan si ayam. Ayam pun mulai bertelur kembali meski sering tersendat-sendat. Pada akhirnya pak tani memutuskan untuk memotong ayam pertama karena ongkos pakan yang lebih tinggi daripada telur yang dihasilkan.

Ayam kedua saat bertelur juga merasa bahagia melihat pak tani tersenyum. Ia merasa jika bertelur, ia menjadi begitu menarik. Maka saat bertelur, ia selalu berkotek untuk menarik perhatian pak tani.

Namun beberapa har
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Kamis, 26 Maret 2015


Perampok Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Shiciri Kojun adalah seorang perajin tenun sutra. kata orang, ia bukan hanya sebagai seorang pengrajin kain ? tetapi lebih dari pada itu, ia adalah seniman kain. Motif-motif kain sutra rajutannya sangat indah, sehingga tidak heran jika ia menjadi sangat terkenal karena karya-karyanya.

Pada suatu senja, saat Shiciri Kojun sedang merajut sutra, datanglah seorang perampok memasuki rumahnya. Perampok itu membawa sebilah pedang, yang langsung ditempelkannya ke leher Shiciri Kojun.. ?Serahkan semua uangmu !? kata perampok itu.

Dengan tenang Shiciri berkata, ?Semua uangku ada di laci itu, tapi jangan ganggu saya, karena saya sedang berkonsentrasi mengerjakan tenunan sutra ini..? Pencuri itu pun segera melepaskan pedang yang ditempelkannya di leher Shiciri, lalu berjalan dan bergegas membuka sebuah laci lemari yang ditunjukkan Shiciri.

Ketika perampok itu sedang memasukkan uang-uang itu di tasnya, tiba-tiba Shiciri berkata, ?Jangan ambil semuanya, saya masih butuh seperempat dari uang itu untuk membayar pajak besok pagi.?

Entah mengapa, perampok itu menuruti kata-kata Shiciri. Ia pun hanya mengambil tiga per empat uang di laci itu. Setelah memastikan uang-uang tersebut telah tertata di tasnya, perampok itu segera berjalan menuju pintu keluar.
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Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Pesan Yang Kurang

Pesan Yang Kurang Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sepi. Berat. Itulah yang setidaknya ku rasakan saat ini. Semua indraku belum berfungsi dengan baik. Telingaku, tengah berusaha menyempurnakan pendengarannya. Aku menarik nafas kembali. Mataku, masih terpejam dan seluruh tubuhku terasa kaku. Meski begitu, samar-samar ku dengar suara indah itu. Yang membuatku tenang dan sangat tenang. Hujan. Ya, suara hujan adalah nada terindah yang pernah ku dengar selama ini.

Tenagaku terasa memudar. Aku tau, aku tengah berbaring sekarang. Di suatu tempat yang bahkan aku sendiri belum mengetahuinya. Sebenarnya, bisa saja saat ini aku membuka mataku dan memeriksa dimana diriku sekarang. Tapi… aku. Aku ingin bersantai dulu. Ya, seperti ini. Dengan tubuh lemah, yang dapat ku lakukan memang hanya seperti ini bukan? Berbaring dengan memejamkan mata. Setidaknya ada suara rintik itu yang membuatku tak bosan. Sudahlah, kalau bisa aku ingin melakukan ini selamanya. Entah kenapa.
Lalu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi padaku sebelumnya?

“hey.. cepat.. sadarl
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Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Kura-kura dan Kuda

Kura-kura dan Kuda Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pada zaman dahulu kala hiduplah keluarga kura-kura yg sangat rukun. Akan tetapi banyak di sekeliling mereka yang iri kepada keluarga kura-kura. Suatu hari, Bara si kura-kura ingin pergi mencari makan. Saat di jalan, Bara bertemu dengan Rodi si kuda. “hei kamu! Kura-kura yang lambat, sini kamu!” kata Rodi.
Barapun menghampiri Rodi. “ada apa kuda?” Tanya Bara.
Dengan wajah yang menyeramkan Rodi si kuda pun berkata kepada Bara si kura-kura “kamu mau lewat ke sini kan? Oh, oh, oh, tidak bisa”.
Bara si kura-kurapun terbingung, lalu ia berkata “kenapa tidak boleh? Ini kan jalan umum”.
“kamu melawan yah sama aku!, Kalau begitu kita adu cepat saja gimana?” tantang Rodi.
“baiklah kalau itu maumu kuda!” balas Bara.

Saat perlombaan adu cepat, rodi maupun Bara sudah bersiap-siap. “kalau kau kalah kura-kura, kau akan memberikanku semua hartamu sedangkan kalau engkau menang, aku akan memberimu harataku dan semua makananku” tantang Rodi si kuda.
“priiittttt” suara sempruitan berbunyi yg menandakan bahwa pertandingan sudah di mulai.

Saat pertengahan si Rodi dengan santainya berlali, sedangkan Bara yang tengah berusaha belari cepat. Rodi membuat rencana agar si Bara kalah. Rodi berkali kali membuat jebakan, akan tetapi jebakan itu menimpanya sendiri. Saat menuju garis finish si Rodi membuat rencana lagi yaitu, Rodi memberikan a
... baca selengkapnya di Kura-kura dan Kuda Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Pesan Ibu

Pesan Ibu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu hari, tampak seorang pemuda tergesa-gesa memasuki sebuah restoran karena kelaparan sejak pagi belum sarapan. Setelah memesan makanan, seorang anak penjaja kue menghampirinya, “Om, beli kue Om, masih hangat dan enak rasanya!”

“Tidak Dik, saya mau makan nasi saja,” kata si pemuda menolak.

Sambil tersenyum si anak pun berlalu dan menunggu di luar restoran.

Melihat si pemuda telah selesai menyantap makanannya, si anak menghampiri lagi dan menyodorkan kuenya. Si pemuda sambil beranjak ke kasir hendak membayar makanan berkata, “Tidak Dik, saya sudah kenyang.”

Sambil berkukuh mengikuti si pemuda, si anak berkata, “Kuenya bisa dibuat oleh-oleh pulang, Om.”

Dompet yang belum sempat dimasukkan ke kantong pun dibukanya kembali. Dikeluarkannya dua lembar ribuan dan ia mengangsurkan ke anak penjual kue. “Saya tidak mau kuenya. Uang ini anggap saja sedekah dari saya.”

Dengan senang hati diterimanya uang itu. Lalu, dia bergegas ke luar restoran, dan memberikan uang pemberian tadi kepada pengemis yang berada di depan restoran.

Si pemuda memperhatikan dengan seksama. Dia merasa heran dan sedikit tersinggung. Ia langsung menegur, “Hai adik kecil, kenapa uangnya kamu berikan kepada orang lain? Kamu berjualan kan untuk mendapatkan uang. Kenapa setelah uang ada di tanganmu, malah kamu
... baca selengkapnya di Pesan Ibu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

In Rapid City, hate crimes are 'disorderly conduct'

Photos by Jean Roach, Lakota

Today in Rapid City, Trace O'Connell did not appear in court, but his lawyer entered a plea of not guilty. O'Connell was charged only with disorderly conduct after throwing beer on Lakota students, and verbally abusing them with racial slurs at a hockey game. Today's protesters said O'Connell should be charged with a hate crime. The charge of

Minneapolis AIM spied on via Facebook by Mall of America

Read the story at Intercept:
Mall of America used fake Facebook accounts to spy on
Black Lives Matter, AIM, Idle No More and others.

Gaza Flotilla Three to Sail

Hi all,

We are using the Gaza Flotilla 2 US Boat to Gaza email list to let you know of another Gaza Freedom Flotilla---Number 3--that will sail in the next few months.

Ann Wright has written the following article about the lack of international attention focusing on the terrible conditions in Gaza and

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Mar. 17, 2015. The mark of the beast is the corporate signature you are forced to use to do any business. It means ...

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Oglala Commemoration 2015


This year's event is coming together, slowly but surely. So far it will be a 2 day event, with a 3rd day pending. So please come out for the 16th Annual Oglala Commemoration - Leonard Peltier Day.June 25th Thursday - The Oglala Commemoration Committee will be host to the ILPDC Support Meeting. We invite all

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Parents of 43 Kidnapped Students to Speak in El Paso




Press statement

Censored News
Dutch translation at NAIS Gazette

EL PASO, TEXAS -- The parents of the 43 students kidnapped in late September in Guerrero, Mexico will visit El Paso on Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17 to speak to about their children�s experiences and about the human rights

New Age Fraud in Europe: Steve McCullough Part II

By A. Holemans
NAIS Gazette
Original in Dutch



Part I in English: Fraud profiteering from his version of Native American ceremonies in Europe:

Part II English

Mohawk Nation News 'Anatomy of a Land Grab'


Posted on March 15, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 15 Mar. 2015. We pulled back the curtains and saw into the band council�s change room. It�s the same old genocidal business plan to steal our land and get rid of us for good. We can�t be killed outright without them being charged with genocide. So our unsurrendered land will be turned into CROWN land

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Defending Medicine Lake from Industrial Geothermal Desecration

Indigenous Nations Rallied to Protect Medicine Lake from Industrial Scale Geothermal Desecration
Indigenous Nations� appeal in Ninth Circuit Court concerned desecration and contamination of California sacred area and water in midst of record drought

By Morning Star Gali

Censored News

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Indigenous Rally at Appeals Court to Protect Medicine Lake

Indigenous Nations Rally to Protect Medicine Lake from Industrial Scale Geothermal Desecration

Federal Appeals Court Hearing March 12 in San Francisco, CA

Ceremonial sunrise gathering, march, rally, and press conference Immediately following hearing on courthouse steps.
By Morning Star Gali
Censored News

SAN FRANCISCO -- On Thursday, March 12, 2015 a federal appeals court

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Melee'


Posted on March 12, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAR. 2015. The Corporation of Canada does not require the approval of the Ongwe�hon:weh to push through a proposal, only to have a �consultation� meeting. If we don�t take part, that means we acquiesced. This OBJECTION to usurping Ganiengeh land known as the �Seigneury of Sault St. Louis� was presented to the

Fraud 'chief' exposed in Europe

NAIS Gazette Dutch version Part I

Part II in English at Censored News:


Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Leonard Peltier Clemency Campaign 'It's Time' Part II


Article by Brenda Norrell
Censored News

In this new video by the Leonard Peltier Clemency Campaign, Archbishop Desmond Tutu tells how he has spoken to Leonard Peltier. "I have felt his pain."
Speaking of those killed that day, Thomas Poor Bear, Lakota, says, "Our people never condone in killing, it is a tragedy." Remembering Jo Stuntz and the agents, Poor Bear said his people pray for

O'odham Ofelia Rivas to speak at 'Balance Unbalance' Conference at ASU


Balance-Unbalance International Conference

March 4 at 9:19pm � Edited �

Ofelia Rivas, founder of O'odham Voice against the Wall, will be speaking on panels at the Balance Unbalance Conference at ASU in Tempe, Arizona, to be held March 27 -- 29, 2015.

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette

Statement by Ofelia Rivas on Shu-da�g (Water)

Water is life

Video Apaches 'Protect Oak Flat' by Paper Rocket Productions


from Paper Rocket Productions



Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette

For nearly a decade, Resolution Copper Mining, a subsidiary of British-Australian mining conglomerate Rio Tinto, had unsuccessfully sought ownership of Oak Flat Campground.
Yet, on December 19, 2014, with

Zapatistas 'Thank you Part III: The Most Expensive Building in the World'

Thank you Part III: The Most Expensive Building in the World Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Italiano and Espanol

Thank you Part III:

The Most Expensive Building in the World

Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

February-March, 2015

It is the eve of the big day� in the wee hours of the morning. The cold bites under the

NEWE Cultural Days at Poo-Ha-Bah Healing Center, Western Shoshone 2015

From Ian Zabarte," Even if you cannot attend, we welcome visitors to stay and share in the healing waters. Donations for the use of the pools are accepted. Hotel rooms are for reserve with a modest cost. Please call to reserve time for either."

--In Memory of Corbin Harney

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Zapatistas 'Capitalism Destroys, the People Build'

Capitalism Destroys, the People Build Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s

Capitalism Destroys, the People Build

French, Italian and Espanol
Also see: 'Gracias III' in Espanol and Italiano

Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s

The words of the EZLN�s General Command in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s in the Zapatista community La Realidad at the presentation of the Zapatista

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Celebrating Native Women's Voices on International Women's Day

Buffy Sainte Marie, Sarah James, Joye Braun and Amalia Astorga.

Celebrating Native Women's Voices on International Women's Day

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

On International Women's Day, we celebrate the writers, photographers and voices of the women who have made a difference at Censored News. We begin with Margene Bullcreek, Goshute Shoshone, who passed to the Spirit World on March

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

John Trudell, Sihasin, more 'Native American Showcase' Austin, March 21, 2015

For interviews with Sihasin's Jeneda and Clayson Benally, Dineh. Berta Benally said, "If anyone needs any press or interviews please contact me at and we can rock n roll."

Jim Pepper Tribute Concert San Francisco March 22, 2015

A Tribute to Jim Pepper (1944-92) the great sax player in San Francisco.

Concert by Brava Theater, Dr. Loco, and AIM-WEST!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'Harper De Sade'


Posted on March 6, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 6 Mar. 2015. Prime Minister Harper is having a Sado-Masochistic relationship with the Canadian people. What happens when Harper�s Nazi plans fail? We Ongwe�hon:weh will redress the genocide, theft and desecration of our lands? In 1940 a British-French-Polish declaration was issued to

Mohawk Nation News 'Costa Can'Cordia'


Posted on March 7, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 7 Mar. 2015. Captain Joseph Brant of the British army tried to pull his people, the Mohawks, out of the canoe into the ship to shred the Two Row Wampum/Teiohateh. He was trying to remove one line on the belt representing the Ongwe�hon:weh.

The good ship �Harper�pop�.

Prime Minister

GOGAMA: Another Oil Train Catches Fire in Ontario

Another Oil Train Derails and Catches Fire in OntarioFourth Oil Train Accident in Three Weeks Shows Need for Immediate Moratorium

By Center for Biological Diversity
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans
GOGAMA, Ontario � An oil train derailed and caught fire early this morning in Ontario near the town of Gogama, the second such incident in Ontario in three weeks, and the fourth oil

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Zapatistas 'Gracias 1'


On Sunday March 1, 2015, after more than six months of work and building materials offered up by Zapatista supporters, La Realidad now has a health clinic and a school. The construction was made possible by the solidarity of people and groups around the world.
March 5, 2015

El d�a domingo 1 de marzo del 2015, despu�s de m�s de 6 meses de trabajo, se entreg� a las bases

Zapatistas Bulletin Board: Events March -- August, 2015

Photo: Zapatistas with Tohono O'odham in Sonora
by Brenda Norrell, Censored News

On the Bulletin Board

The Concierge


March 2015.

Early morning in reality.

Just here, as usual: watching and listening. The crack in the wall is barely visible from the other side. On our side it expands with persistence.

In the classrooms and in the huts of the

KELO TV: Oglala Lakota Ban Lawyer for Man Charged in Hockey Game Incident

Tribe Bans Lawyer Representing Man Charged In Hockey Game Incident

March 5, 2015, 12:58 PM by Kevin Woster


By Keloland TV


A South Dakota tribe has barred a Rapid City-based defense lawyer from entering their land.

Oglala Lakota Tribe

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'WASAKO�NI�TA�IEN'


Posted on March 5, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 5, 2015. As the eagle sat on top of the tree of peace looking out for the people, a foul smell was coming from the direction of Washington DC. An eloquent foreigner from far away was visiting the big �outhouse� on the hill. Some see it as one of the lowest places on earth.

All I



El Conserje.



Marzo del 2015.

Madrugada en la realidad.

Aqu� nom�s, como de por s�: mirando y escuchando. La grieta en el muro apenas profundizada por el lado de afuera. Ensanchada con porf�a por nuestro lado.

En los salones de clase, las champas de las miles de familias zapatistas que recibieron,

Zapatistas on the Passing of Don Felix

Letter from the EZLN to Do�a Emilia Aurora Sosa Mar�n, compa�era of Honorary Major Insurgent F�lix Serd�n N�jera

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


Traduzione italianoTraduction en Fran�aisDeutsch �bersetzung

February 2015

To: Do�a Emilia Aurora Sosa Mar�n.

From: Subcomandates Insurgentes Mois�s and Galeano

EZLN, Chiapas, Mexico

Compa�era Emilia:

We got the news

La Via Campesina protests GMO trees, shuts down Brazil summit

Global Week of Actions Against GMO Trees in Brazil Ends with Shut Down of CTNBio Meeting in Brasilia

Occupations in Brazil Today Follow Emergency Global Day of Action

Posted at Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

March 5, 2015)-This morning 300 peasants organized by La Via Campesina occupied the meeting of the Brazil National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) in

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Remembering Margene Bullcreek: The Goshute's Nerve Gas Neighbors

When Margene Bullcreek stood up to halt the nuclear dump on Skull Valley, her efforts led to new exposures of the nerve gas neighbors next door

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat
Also see KUER Utah news report by Judy Fahys

The passing of Margene Bullcreek, Goshute Shoshone, reminds us of the need to record the stories for future generations. Margene



Posted on March 3, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 3, 2015. The incident in Moscow that killed Boris Nemstov reminds us of the events of one hundred years ago. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Hapsburg Dynasty was heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. They occupied Serbia which had always been a part of the Russian Federation. On June 28,

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Goshute Shoshone Hero Margene Bullcreek Passes to Spirit World

In Memoriam by Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone

Also see: 'Remembering Margene Bullcreek: Goshute's Nerve Gas Neighbors' by Brenda Norrell, Censored News:

Video: Margene Bullcreek and Native Icons of the Environmental Movement


Originally posted on April 6, 2010, it is reposted today in Memory of Margene Bullcreek
Margene Bullcreek, Goshute, points out Indian Nations continue to be targeted with nuclear waste dumping. �We�ve been targeted with environmental racism and genocide long enough.�

Video by Seventh Generation Fund
Article by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Listen and watch the Native American

AIM Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2015: Photos by Carla Lisa Cheyenne


Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2015

AIM Grassroots 2015 royalty
(Top Photo) Miss AIM Grassroots: Mahli Shey (granddaughter of Renee and Larry HandBoy)
Miss Liberation: Katie Underwood granddaughter of (Clifford Black Elk and daughter of Tara Black Elk) Aim Grassroots AIM warrior: Wicahpi Rowland from the Fire Lightening Tiyospaye



'Crying Earth Rise Up' Premiere Packed at Sedona Film Festival

�Crying Earth Rise Up� Premiere at the International Sedona Film Festival

Article and photos by Natalie Hand
Lakota Media Project/Owe Aku
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS
French translation by Christine Prat

SEDONA, Ariz. -- The emotionally charged documentary �Crying Earth Rise Up� was showcased to a full house at this week�s Sedona International Film Festival.

Earthcycles at work on new Crow Voices Radio FM antenna

Video: Native youths at summer camp doing radio for Crow Voices at Center Pole

Grassroots Crow at Center Pole on Crow Nation creating new FM station
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Govinda of Earthcycles is at Center Pole on the Crow Nation, in southeastern Montana, today setting up a new antennae upgrade for the new Crow Voices Radio's 91.1 LPFM.
While the low today is 5 degrees, Govinda

March to Protect Medicine Lake: Federal Court, March 12, 2015

Indigenous Nations Rally to Protect

Medicine Lake from Geothermal Desecration

Federal Appeals Court Hearing March 12 in San Francisco, CA

Ceremonial sunrise gathering, march, rally, and press conference

Immediately following hearing on courthouse steps.

By Protect Medicine Lake

Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- On Thursday, March 12,

Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Bahe: The Big Mountain Dineh Resistance: Still a Cornerstone

The Big Mountain Dineh Resistance: Still A Cornerstone

By NaBahe (Bahe) Keediniihii (Katenay) 2015

Shared with permission at Censored News

Big Mountain, Dinehtah (Navajo Lands) � In this remote high desert which is mostly covered with juniper and pinon pine forest in northeastern Arizona lays a region known as Black Mesa. The region was once so pristine but in the 1960s, Peabody

Black Mesa Ida Mae Clinton 'Stop your fears! Believe strongly in yourself!'

�Stop your fears! Believe strongly in yourself!� - Ida Mae Clinton, Star Mountain

Shared with permission from Bahe of Big Mountain's Sheep Dog Nation Rocks. Thank you!

By Ron Lester Whyte

Sheep Dog Nation Rocks

Sheep Dog Nation Rocks publisher Bahe Katenay shared this article. It is written by an African American supporter of Dineh resisting relocation. The supporter, Ron Lester Whyte,

Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'Can you teach me how to die?'


Posted on February 26, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

MNN. Feb. 26, 2015. An army recruiter went into a high school to entice the kids into joining the military and becoming killers. He described how WWII Allied soldiers were taught how to smash jawbones while gouging eyes, crushing windpipes and snapping necks, and generally applying deadly force to the weakest,

Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Rosebud Lakotas Celebrate Veto of Keystone XL Pipeline Bill

Oyate Wahacanka Woecun

Shield the People

February 24, 2015
Censored News

Greetings from the Lakota, Nakota, Dakota Nations. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Oyate Wahacanka Woecun, Shielding the People would like to thank President Barak Obama for his veto of the Keystone Pipeline, 270-152. We view this as positive recognition of our long standing

Anna Rondon Photos: Dine' Support Apaches at Oak Flat Resistance!

Photos by Anna Rondon, Dine'

Anna Rondon, Dine' said, "Kooper Indigenize Curley performing at Oak Flats Saturday Feb 21, 2015. We offered a prayer at the holy ground. We brought our spring water to this holy ground to signify spiritual pureness to nurture us and strengthen our dream visions for the battles within this spiritual war, its always been."

Mohawk Nation News 'Nazi Terror in Canada'


Posted on February 24, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 24, 2015. As the Gestapo said in 1933, �As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally.� Harper�s new anti-terrorist bill C-51 is setting up the secret police of Canada, carrying Canadians into the fast lane onto the road to fascism.

Heil CSIS. It was just

Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance Cheyenne River

Photo by Natalie Hand

Resister Sisters Photo by Natalie Hand

Moccasins on the Ground � Tour of Resistance to Protect Sacred Water

Cheyenne River Lakota Homelands, Dupree, South Dakota

By Natalie Hand

Lakota Media Project

Owe Aku International
Censored News

The Moccasins on the Ground (MOTG) training camp opened on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe homelands on a cold

Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Photos Remembering Friends on Longest Walk 2 across America

Long Walk 2 in Denver and Western Shoshone land. Photo 1: Protesting Newmont gold mining in Denver, at the drum is Western Shoshone Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson. Photo 2 Daniel, Miwok, and Kenzie, Dine' at Denver powwow. Photo 3 Govinda's Earthcycles radio broadcasting bus, live with Long Talk Radio at the Denver Capitol. Photo 4: The wonderful Miwok youth singers, and long walkers, on Western

Photo Oscar Honoree Harry Belafonte: Earthcycles Bus on Long Walk 2

Govinda's Earthcycles radio bus
on the National Mall in DC
at end of Long Walk 2.
Photo Brenda Norrell

Oscar Honoree Harry Belafonte joined Native American long walkers at the end of the Longest Walk 2 in DC

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Feb. 23, 2015

Harry Belafonte was honored at the Oscars last night for his activism. At the end of the Longest Walk 2 across America, Belafonte was

Lakota Media Project Video 'Who will protect Cheyenne River? I will'

Watch Lakota Media Project Video:

'Who will protect Cheyenne River? I will'

Moccasins on the Ground, Dupree, South Dakota, Feb. 2015

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

Photos Moccasins on the Ground Training Cheyenne River Feb 2015


Photos by Natalie Hand
Moccasins on the Ground training at Cheyenne River Lakota land, South Dakota, this weekend. Lakota, Dakota, Cree, and more organizing to fight Keystone XL pipeline!
Natalie, thank you for sharing your photos with Censored News!

Oglala Commemoration June 25 -- 26, 2015


JUNE 25 and 26 2015

In conjunction with the Oglala Commemoration Event, will will be hosting the ILPDC � Support Meeting. We invite all Leonard Peltier Support Groups, individuals, family and friends to attend this important meeting. We will be discussing a new phase in Leonard�s struggle for freedom and the

42nd Anniversary of Wounded Knee Occupation 1973

New photos of Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2015
by Carla Lisa Cheyenne at:

Mohawk Nation News 'Skulking Stevie.'


Posted on February 22, 2015

Please post & distribute.

MNN. Feb. 22, 2015. Prime Minister Harper is setting in place the rise of the Fourth Reich here in Canada. Harper is beefing up Canada�s manufacturing sector to make bombs, bullets, tanks and nuclear weapons for his economic miracle. There will be jobs in factories and in security. Those who oppose the corporate

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Photo Apache Elders at Oak Flat Encampment

Photo by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache


Read update and background on theft of Apache sacred land for copper mining

Memorial Service for Long Walker Tomas Reyes

By AIM West
Censored News

Wishing a good journey
for our friend Tomas from
the Longest Walk northern
route in 2008

Greetings Relatives,

An inter-tribal and community memorial service to honor the life of Tomas Reyes, will be held at Inter-tribal Friendship House (IFH), 523 International Boulevard, in Oakland. Thomas passed to the spirit world with a pure heart on Wednesday, February 11,

Mohawk Nation News 'Experts and Extremists'


Posted on February 20, 2015

Mohawk Nation News

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 20, 2015. Notice how the media panels of �experts of nothing� try to tell us what the government line is. They repeatedly call critics of government and corporate theft of resources and destruction of the environment as �extremists�! Genocide is an old on-going settler

Aljazeera: US Land Grab from the Apaches

The US government's land grab from the Apaches
February 19, 2015

Why did Congress include a lucrative Arizona land swap benefiting a foreign mining company in a must-pass defense bill?

Oak Flat All Nations Spiritual Gathering Feb. 21, 2015

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Clinton Foundation received millions from Keystone XL proponents

Clinton Foundation received millions from Keystone XL proponents
By Sarah Lazare
Common Dreams
Fossil fuel corporations and a Canadian trade agency that has promoted the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline have donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, which is jointly run by Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea.
Read article:

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Plagiarizers, Non-Profits and Lobbyists Scam Indian Country

Plagiarizers, non-profits and lobbyists enrich themselves in Indian country

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

When the casino industry took control of the national news in Indian country, reporters were replaced by stay-at-home plagiarizers. The news became sanitized, censored and manipulated.

It has been many years since I have seen a reporter from any of the national Indian

Mohawk Nation News 'Religion Railroaded'

Posted on February 18, 2015

Religion Railroaded

Mohawk Nation News

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 18, 2015. The invaders to our land were Radicalized Christians. They were sent here under Papal Bulls to murder the Ongwe�hon:weh and steal everything we have in the name of Jesus Christ. How radical is that? Harper is part of the radicalized Christians who are still running

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Apaches meet with Forest Service at Oak Flat


Apaches at Oak Flat by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache



Oak Flat Photos by Sandra Rambler

On Oct. 11, 2014, San Carlos Apache Tribal Chairman, Terry Rambler was joined by tribal member and spiritual leader, Larry Brown and Rice Elementary School teacher, Irene DelaRosa at a coming-of-age ceremony for Tahleeni White at Chi'Chil'Bilda'Goteel (Oak

Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women: Volcano of Violence



Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women the top of an underwater volcano of violence against Indigenous women

By Thohahoken

Censored News
English and Dutch
(Photo: Students from Laurier University and Six Nations Polytechnic created a project called "Pink Feather Promise" with a mission to support the educational goals of the children of MMIW. They participated in the flashmob at

Dan Bacher Photos: March for Real Climate Leadership

Photo of the March for Real Climate Leadership banner at the front of the march by Dan Bacher.

800_march_for_real_climat...original image ( 5184x3456)

Largest Anti-Fracking March in U.S. History Photo Essay

by Dan Bacher
Censored News

Over 8,000 Californians, including a diverse group of Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Latinos, African Americans, Asians, labor union activists,

'Crying Earth Rise Up' Lakotas battle contaminated water and uranium mines

Crying Earth Rise Up Examines the Human Cost of Contaminated Water

& the Fight to Prevent the Expansion of Uranium Mines

Distributed by the National Educational Telecommunications Association on April 4

By Vision Maker Media
Censored News

Elisha Yellow Thunder (Oglala Lakota) waits with her daughter, Laila, during a dialysis session. Photo by Suree Towfighnia

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Washington Police Shooting Ignites a Cross-Border Controversy

Human Rights News

Washington Police Shooting Ingites a Cross-Border Controversy

by Fronteta NorteSur
Censored News
English and Dutch
February 16, 2015

The fatal shooting of an unarmed Mexican migrant by police in Washington state has stirred renewed attention south of the border on the use of deadly force by U.S. law enforcement agencies. The February 10 shooting of Antonio Zambrano Montes

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Dan Bacher 'Cold, Dead Fish Awards 2015'

Cold, Dead Fish Awards for 2015

by Dan Bacher, February 13, 2015

Censored News

The year 2014 started off with a record drought that was aggravated by the impact of the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources draining Trinity, Shasta, Oroville and Folsom reservoirs to record low levels to fill southern California reservoirs and the Kern Water Bank.

Folsom Lake

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Sandra Rambler: Traditionally Speaking Apache Oak Flat Spiritual Gathering

San Carlos Apache Sandra Rambler reflects on the defense of Oak Flat and all that is sacred, after Sen. McCain's copper mining sneaks through in the defense bill

By Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache
Censored News

More photos

�Yu�shdaa,� my grandmother would often say to us, which meant, �Come here.� She would sit us down and begin explaining what all the millions and billions of dollars

Mohawk Nation News 'Women Awake'


Posted on February 11, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 11, 2015. In the 1990 �Mohawk Oka Crisis� 5,000 heavily armed Canadian soldiers surrounded three of our communities. We were protesting the expansion of a non-Ongwe�hon:weh golf course over our burial and ceremonial grounds. The army attacked and hurt many of us. One of our children was stabbed in the

Swiss Leak: Mining Magnate and Clinton posed as philanthropists while bilking world's energy resources

Photo credit 'Goldcorp out of Guatemala'Guatemala youth Topacio Reynoso mining resister shot and killed in 2014. Marlin mine is owned by Tahoe Resources. Goldcorp owns 40 percent of the shares.

Mining magnate and Bill Clinton posed as philanthropists as they bilked the world�s energy resources

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

English and Dutch

Leaked Swiss bank files show the Clinton

Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Dine' Walkers Conclude 225 Mile Trek: Remembering Long Walk

Walkers Conclude 225-Mile Trek to Mount Taylor

By Lyla June Johnston

Censored News

French translation by Christine Prat

On February 1st 2015, the walkers of Nih�gaal Bee Iina (pronounced ni-hi-gahl beh ee-nah, meaning "Our Journey for Existence") completed their quest to walk over 200 miles in the name of their children, land and ancestors. The walk was in commemoration of the 150th

Authentic Journalism: The Toughest Job of Narco News

Thank you to Narco News for 15 years of the toughest unpaid job in America

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

For journalists, there are few jobs that require more courage than reporting on the so-called drug war in Mexico. Journalists in Mexico are continually murdered and disappeared as the United States� ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) is exposed running assault weapons to the

Photos Apache Oak Flat Spiritual Gathering by Sandra Rambler

Photos by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache

Censored News

On Feb. 5, tribal members and guests danced to four blessing songs by medicine man, Anthony Logan and other spiritual leaders at the San Carlos Apache Tribal Administration lawn prior to beginning the spiritual march to Oak Flat.

On Feb. 5, Tribal Vice-Chairman, Tao Etpison joined by Seven Mile Wash District

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Grand Canyon Tram Scam: Notes on NBC News Story

Grand Canyon Tram Scam: Notes on NBC News� story

Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma: "These landscapes and the canyon and the confluence today are still very, very important to the Hopi people and we'll never let that go. We're not going to give up on being good stewards of these lands. Never."

by Roger Clark, Grand Canyon Program Director

Photo credit Kristen M. Caldon

Navajo President

Behind the Story: FBI repression of anti-fossil fuel activists

Letter to Censored News

Hi Brenda,
"My name is Sasha, and I am a co-founding moderator of the EF! Newswire.
Last month I published a story through the Defending Dissent Foundation about state repression of anti-fossil fuel activists in Cascadia:
The story was immediately posted in The Ecologist,

Why Is The FBI Harassing Activists in Cascadia?

Why Is The FBI Harassing Activists In Cascadia?

Thanks to Defending Dissent Foundation and Earth First! Journal for permission for Censored News to publish this original work!

Dissent News Wire

Censored News

Alexander Reid Ross , January 5, 2015, In : Analysis & Opinion

Editor�s note: this story has recently been picked up by The Statesman and AP� but you heard about it here first!

Mohawk Nation News 'Homeland Security'


Posted on February 9, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 9, 2015. On May 18, 1997, over 100 Haudenosaunne/Iroquois were brutally beaten by New York State Troopers. They disrupted a sacred tobacco burning ceremony at Onondaga, the capital of the Iroquois Confederacy. Lawyers, Terrance Hoffmann of Syracuse and Abramowitz, Grand, Iason & Anello of New

Mohawk John Kane's new radio talk show: 'Let's Talk' on WBAI

By John Kane, Mohawk
Let's Talk, WBAI
Censored News

My new show, Let's Talk with John Kane is the return of WBAI's talk-back programming. Join me every Thursday morning from 10 am till noon. Listen on WBAI FM99.5 or streaming on and participate by phone at 212-209-2900. Let's Talk will feature guests and commentary but most of all, you. We will look at issues from NYC to the New

'Moccasins on the Ground' Training Feb. 20 -- 22, 2015

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

'Stand Strong Against Racism' Rapid City Feb. 10, 2015

Censored News: Rapid City Journal victimizing victims:

Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Censored News Photos through the Years

Censored News photos through the years. Photo 1 Indigenous Peoples Border Summit by Brenda Norrell; Boarding School Tribunal by Brenda Norrell; Bolivia by Brenda Norrell; Yaqui water rights defense, Sonora, Mexico, by Brenda Norrell; Nez Perce resistance to megaloads by Brooklyn Baptiste; Bill Means, AIM West, by Brenda Norrell.

The beauty of the road is the friends we make

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Rally for Wild Buffalo and Wolves Montana Capitol Feb. 10, 2015

Buffalo Field Campaign Joins in Solidarity with Tribal Communities

By Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign

Jimmy St. Goddard, Blackfeet Confederacy

Nikos Pastos, Salish, Kootenai, and Pend d'Oreille

Censored News

HELENA, MONTANA -- Buffalo Field Campaign will support tribal communities at the State Capitol in Helena, Montana

Schedule Apache Oak Flat Resistance Feb. 2015

Save Oak Flat


Office of Senator John McCain

Friday February 6, 2015


11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

2201 E. Camelback Road

Phoenix, AZ

In Solidarity with the call by the Apache Nation to stand in defense of the Sacred Oak Flat, a PROTEST ar Senator John McCain's office in Phoenix is being organized for Friday February 6 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.In an underhanded land swap package

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

Dine' Walkers against Fracking Reach Mount Taylor

Nih�gaal bee Iin�

A moment of prayer....

A few seconds of silence,

To the reverence of life.. so few wish to embrace.

Shi K'�, give of your body.. With all the spirit of your mind, and pray for the Mother Earth beneath.... Your aching feet. Take this moment for your own silent thoughts.

Many thanks and blessings to all who believed! We couldn't have done it without your



Posted on February 4, 2015

Please post and distribute. Thank you.

MNN. Feb. 4, 2015. To scare us Prime Minister Harper says we are at war with the Islamic State!! That �a great evil has been descending over our world�. Does he mean himself? That shoot out on Parliament Hill really scared him even though it was a false flag. To �protect� himself he�s turning spy

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Lakotas 'Crying Earth Rise Up' at Film Fests 2015


Debra White Plume, Lakota


Sedona Film Festival, Arizona, Feb. 26 and 28, 2015

Frozen River Film Festival, Minnesota

Crying Earth Rise Up: Feb. 21, 2015 at 1 pm

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 8:30 PM (CST) Winona, MN


"Crying Earth Rise Up" tells the story of two women who

Mohawk Nation News 'Chinatown'


Posted on February 3, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Feb. 2, 2015. At the recent meeting with the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. to object to the attempted illegal expropriation of our Kahnion�ke:haka land known as the �Seigneury�, Chief Mike Delisle said, �You won�t be forced to leave!� Permits will be given out by the provincial government to

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Rapid City Journal Victimizing Victims with Bordertown Racism

Rapid City Journal's bordertown racism exposed after Lakota students attacked at hockey game

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS
Feb. 1, 2015
Updated Feb. 2, 3 and 4, 2015

The Rapid City Journal has victimized Lakota students after these students were assaulted at a hockey game in Rapid City, South Dakota.

The students and staff from American Horse School

Lakota: Sounds of Resistance Youth Concert

Dine' join New Mexicans: 'NO!' to dirty coal of San Juan power plant


San Juan Power Plant
on Navajo Nation
in New Mexico

PRC Concludes Hearings on PNM�s Plan for Costly, Outdated San Juan Generating Station

Monday, February 2, 2015

By Shane Levy, Sierra Club �

Mike Eisenfeld, San Juan Citizens Alliance -

Joan Brown, New Mexico

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015



Post navigationKAYONI #85

Posted on January 31, 2015


Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute.

MNN. Jan. 31, 2015. Paper currency is fiat and based on nothing. Ongwe�hon:weh land is the only real asset. The following Objection to the fraudulent attempt of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. to usurp Kanion�ke:haka land known as the �Seigneury Sault St.

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Native Women to Protest Redskins Ethnic Slur in Phoenix: Superbowl and Domestic Violence

Native American Activists Tell NFL �No More� Stereotypes--

Hold Vigil/Protest at Super Bowl

By Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst

Jacqueline Keeler

January 28, 2015

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

PHOENIX -- Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry, a national group of Native parents dedicated to ending the mascotting of Native

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Senate betrays Native Americans, approves Keystone XL pipeline

Leonard Peltier's Written Statement to Boarding School Tribunal


By Leonard Peltier

Censored News

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans

French translation by Christine Prat

In the fall of 1953 I was living with my widowed Grand mother Mary Dubois Peltier (originally from

Federal fish agency opposes Shasta Dam raise



Photo: Mark Miyoshi and Chief Caleen Sisk watch as Jesse Sisk and James Ward work on lighting the ceremonial fire in September 2014. Photo by Dan Bacher.

Federal fish agency opposes Shasta Dam raise

by Dan Bacher

Censored News
The Winnemem Wintu Tribe, fishing groups and environmentalists have been fighting a federal plan to raise Shasta

Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Boarding School Tribunal releases findings and recommendations

Boarding School Tribunal 2014 by Brenda Norrell

Article and photos by Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS
French translation by Christine Prat

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Truth Commissioners of the Indigenous Peoples Boarding School Tribunal held here in October have released the findings and recommendations, following three days of testimony by

Velocity of Movement: Civil Rights Movement, American Indian Movement and the Zapatistas

Velocity of Movement: Civil Rights Movement, American Indian Movement and the Zapatistas

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

The Civil Rights Movement and the American Indian Movement had this in common: They survived the attempts by the US government's COINTELPRO and other secret ops to eradicate them. They survived the attempts by the media to

Dineh Walkers Honor Horse Nation, Receive Shiprock Support

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

Dineh Walkers against Fracking, Journey for our Existence, is honoring the Horse Nation as they walk to the Four Sacred Mountains to protect the land, water and air from fracking.

Celebrating the Dineh walkers who walk in the "Spirit of our Relatives," the Shiprock, N.M., Chapter passed a resolution supporting

More Femicide Victims Identified from Border Graveyard

More Femicide Victims Identified from Border Graveyard
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored News
January 25, 2015
Women's/Human Rights News
The parents of Esmeralda Castillo Rincon recently heard sad news about their long-disappeared daughter. The 14-year-old had been missing from her Ciudad Juarez home since 2009, and the parents had waged a long campaign demanding her safe return.On January 16,

San Carlos Apache Nation Spiritual Gathering Oak Flat Feb. 5 -- 8, 2015


Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Mohawk Nation News: CUBA SI! YANKEE NO!


Posted on January 23, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 23, 2015. In December 1959 a group of McGill University students were sitting in the university cafeteria. We were admiring Life Magazine cover of Fidel Castro. One of the students, a reporter for the McGill Daily, said, �I�d like to go to Cuba and interview him!�. We all said, �We�ll go with

EPA's millions won't bring back Navajo uranium miners

Navajo miners at Kerr McGee mine in Cove on Navajo Nation

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

The US EPA announced a settlement that will bring millions to the Navajo Nation in uranium mine cleanups. Those millions will not bring back the Navajos who died from cancer and respiratory diseases after being sent to their deaths by Kerr McGee -- the company that knew the radiation in Cold War uranium

Apaches Ceremony to Protect Oak Flat Feb. 7, 2015


Earlier, San Carlos Apaches protested Resolution Copper. Now, Sen. John McCain pushed the bill through Congress to steal sacred Apache land for copper mining, in the Defense spending bill.

Video: Muskogee-Creek Phillip Deere 'On Being a Natural Human Being'


'Majority Can Be Wrong,' A Conversation with Phillip Deere, Muskogee-Creek Elder

"I don't believe in majority. Majority can be mistaken."

Article by Brenda Norrell

Censored News

In this rare interview, Muskogee-Creek elder Phillip Deere describes the return to ancestral ways and traditional spiritual ways. Deere describes how tribal councils often result in disagreements, while

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015




MNN. Jan. 22, 2015. The Gus'wen:tha, Two Row Agreement, between the Ongwe'hon:weh of Ono'ware:geh, is the basis of our arrangement for the invader...

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Walking the Good Walk: Photos of Dineh Walking against Fracking!

Walking the Good Walk today, Dine' (Navajos) against Fracking: Journey for our Existence!

Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015: "Today we were invited to speak to three classes at the Tse Yi Gai high school in Pueblo Pintado (NM). We shared information on historical trauma, resource extraction and the implications they have on us. There was a sense of empowerment that we could all feel as we departed to

VIDEO: Northern Paiute Wesley Dick: Traditional Tule Violations Dismissed


Thank you to Northern Paiute Wesley Dick for sharing his story of winning his federal case of traditional tule gathering for ancestral crafts.
On the Longest Walk northern route, the Earthcycles/Censored News Long Talk Radio, interviewed Wesley, descendant of Wovoka's family, at home in 2008.
Now, with Wesley's creation of this new video, he shares this struggle. Wesley said of winning

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

'Powerlines' Dine' authentic filmmaking on Navajoland

By Censored News

Dine' filmmaker Klee Benally and cast are now shooting the movie Powerlines on the Navajo Nation. Klee said of the photo above, Day 5 of filmmaking in Cameron, "Special thanks to my sis Michelle Babbitt and family for use of the awesome location."

Klee Benally: "Awesome folks who are acting in my feature length Powerlines movie! Tony, Nezbahe, Kayla, and Belinda!

Mohawk Nation News 'Remembering Dick Hill'


Posted on January 21, 2015

Please post and distribute.

MNN. Jan. 21, 2015. The beautiful words of Hazel Hill describing her husband Dick. He was a hero to us all.


Your strength was like a mountainBoth physical and spiritual the sameYour mind as brilliant as the sunriseNew challenges welcomed as each day came

Your spirit was unshakeableYet gentle

Mohawk Nation News 'Modern Day 'Indian' Land Theft'


Posted on January 20, 2015

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2015. Christine Elliott is the wife of former Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty. He was a balancer for the robber baron shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. He chose to have a conflict with the Kanion�ke:haka at Kane�ko:ta by committing a modern-day INDIAN land theft.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Rumble on the Mountain: A Celebration of Water

Support the water defenders on Jan. 24, 2015 in Flagstaff, Arizona!

Center for Biological Diversity's Statement: Obama's State of Union Address

E-mail this pageMore press releases

For Immediate Release, January 20, 2015
Contact: Patrick Sullivan, (415) 517-9364,

Center for Biological Diversity's Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON� Kier�n Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, released the following statement ahead of President

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Snowden's and Greenwald's Latest Bombshells

Excerpt from The Guardian, by James Ball, referring to UK and US spying on journalists spied on by US and UK, latest Snowden leaks:

Also in the news:

Greenwald interview with CIA agent in prison for exposing US torture:
Former CIA agent John Kiriakous,

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Video: Opening Arguments Arizona Ethnic Studies Ban in Ninth Circuit

JANUARY 12, 2015

Maya Arce v. John Huppenthal Oral Argument

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral argument in Maya Arce v. John Huppenthal, on the constitutionality of Arizona�s ban on ethnic studies programs in public schools.

Watch 44 minutes, opening arguments at C-Span:

Read more at Censored News

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Indian Nations ask Obama to reject KXL and request emergency meeting

Tribal Nations Ask President Obama to Reject KXL and Request Emergency Meeting with Department of Interior

Great Plains Tribal Chairman�s Association concerned about exclusion of Tribal interests on tar sands pipeline debate and the impact on Treaty Rights

Link to Letter (PDF)

By Indigenous Rising
Posted at Censored New
Censored News translations: German translation by

US and UK: Deadly game of entrapment

The United States and United Kingdom have engaged in deadly games of entrapment, resulting in long prison terms, agents fathering children, violence and death

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Top: UK undercover cop Mark Kennedy
(Mark 'Flash' Stone') who fathered
children. Photo 2: 'Anna' infiltrator in
Florida and California

The US and UK undercover agents have been playing a deadly

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Dineh 'The Good Women Walkers'

B��sh Dilhil

Journey for our Existence
Today's Censored News photos from Dineh Walkers against Fracking, now in Counsellors, N.M., on Navajo Nation with snow!
Top Photo: "Here's to good women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."
photo by: Makai Lewis

BLM Farmington Holds Pipeline Public MeetingBut Refuses to Let the Public Speak

Press statement

Farmington, NM�

Christine Prat 'France: The January 11th Farce'


By Christine Prat
Censored News

English, French and Italian

The worst of the corporate media claim that �demonstrations� took place all over France this Sunday, January 11th 2015. To call that �demonstrations� is an oxymoron: people demonstrate when they have no other means to be heard. In this case, there were rallies, ordered and organized by

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Dineh Walking 'No Man Camps on Navajo Nation! No Pinon Pipeline!'

Nih�gaal bee Iin�

Journey for our Existence

Dineh Walking against Fracking

"This property is proposed to become a permanent man camp. With the oil boom comes man camps, with man camps, comes violence against women, prostitution, drugs and trafficking."

Read Grace Her Many Horses' account of the violence against Native Americans

Mohawk Nation News 'Je Suis La Paix'


Posted on January 13, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 12, 2015. France is undergoing a big awakening from a long dark nightmare. As the soldiers and police are moving amongst them, violent events are taking place initiated by the banking quagmire. Prime Minister Hollande even said the perpetrators of the attacks at Charlie Hebdo are the �illumine�.

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Student Challenges Racist Law Banning Mexican American Studies

Student Challenges Racist Law

Banning Mexican American Studies

Tucson Public Schools banned books by leading Chicano
and Native American authors when Mexican
American Studies was prohibited

Press statement

Censored News

SAN FRANCISCO (January 12, 2015)- Arizona House Bill 2281 was used to prohibit the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Program at Tucson Unified School District. �

Journalists failing Indigenous Peoples with stay-at-home plagiarism

Who will cover the news today?

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
English, Dutch and German

As stay-at-home plagiarizers continue to produce fake news, the words of journalist Scherer Garcia, who just passed to the Spirit World, reminds journalists of their high calling. Garcia said it is the job of journalists to interview everyone. Garcia pointed out that it is not the work of a journalist to

Yaqui Water Rights Defenders Imprisoned

Yaqui water rights spokesmen imprisoned, as Mexico steals Rio Yaqui water

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

Yaqui water rights defenders battling the theft of their water by the Mexican government have been imprisoned. The National Indigenous Congress, Zapatistas, and Amnesty International have demanded the release of the Yaqui spokesmen for the Traditional Authority in Vicam,

Walking to Ojo Encino: 'Journey for Our Existence' Dineh against fracking!

A reason to walk, future generations.

Journey for our Existence!

Dineh walkers against fracking have walked through Chaco and Counsellors and are walking to Ojo Encino, N.M., today!


US deporting migrants to danger zones

Deportations to Dangerous Zones

By Frontera NorteSur
Dutch translation by Alice
Holemans, NAIS, Censored News
French by Christine Prat, Censored News
Tens of thousands of Mexican immigrants from the conflict-ridden, impoverished state of Guerrero have been deported from the United States since 2010.Netzahualcoyotl Bustamante Satin, Guerrero's secretary for migrant and international affairs,

Leonard Peltier on the passing of his little sister

In memory of Vivian Peltier by Leonard Peltier

My Dear little Sister, I am so sorry,

I should have been there to help you.

We went through a lot together.

I have memories kept deep inside,

And they will always be a part of me.

I remember us as little children,

Life was never easy for us.

there were times we were afraid,

I was afraid too, but I tried to look brave.

I felt a

On writing well and living well: Julio Scherer Garcia and the art of the interview

Farewell to the Grand Old Dean of Latin Journalism

In an age where stay-at-home plagiarism has become the pattern in journalism in the US, these words remind journalists of their calling -- Censored News

By Kent Paterson

From the Editor

Frontera NorteSur

"Those that say Julio Scherer Garcia has been a reference for the Mexican press during the past half-century or more are wrong and

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'SHAKE, RATTLE and ROLL'


Posted on January 8, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 8, 2015. Someone out there besides Stephen Harper and the Board of Directors for the Corporation of Canada has seen the �100-year business plan to be rid of the INDIAN problem�. We are now in the 9thdecade. This genocide plan needs to be published for the world to see what Canada really is.

Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Zapatistas Declaration Festival of Resistance Rebellion against Capitalism

Photos by Timo Russo

Declaration from the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

German (below)

Declaration from the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

To the peoples of the world.

From Chiapas, Mexico, we send out our word to all those women and men from below, in the countryside and the city, in

Fort Robinson Outbreak Spiritual Run 2015

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

Photos by Timo Russo, Festival of Resistance to Capitalism 2015

Photo by Timo Russo 2015

Photos by Timo Russo 2015

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

Pronunciamiento del Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeld�as contra el Capitalismo

A los pueblos del mundo.

Desde Chiapas, M�xico, levantamos nuestra

Kamis, 08 Januari 2015




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Jan. 8, 2015. Someone out there besides Stephen Harper and the Board of Directors for the Corporation of Cana...

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Border Drones are Big Flop, audit says

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

TUCSON -- The border drones are a big flop, says a new audit. As homeless children sleep on the streets of America on freezing nights, the US is spending millions on worthless drones and spy towers that do not work. But that doesn't discourage the United States government from wasting more money, now billions, on drones and spy towers for the

On the Road to Chaco: Dineh Walking against Fracking

On the road to Chaco Jan. 8, 2015


Jan. 6, 2015 "Made it to Nageezi. We are being hosted by a family who helped us put up our tipi. We have food in our stomach and chizh on the way! Feeling so blessed and grateful. �hxe'h�� to the Harrison family!"

Dineh Walking against Fracking

The Journey for our Existence

Join them at Chaco campground tonight!

Read more: http://

Banning of Native American books, Mexican American Studies, goes to federal court

The banning of Mexican American Studies, and Chicano and Native American books, in Tucson schools, exposes Arizona's white privilege government

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News original

The banning of Chicano and Native American authors, and the Mexican American Studies program, in Tucson Public Schools, proceeds before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday.

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Dine' Walk against Fracking 'Our Journey for Existence!'

Censored News

Nih�gaal bee Iin�

Update: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015: Ya'aht'eeh Abin�. I know many of you have been wondering what the route is. We covered 12 miles yesterday from Dzil N��'ooldili to Nageezi. Here is the plan for the rest of the week. Today we plan on covering as many miles as we can, Chaco is our next destination and its approximately 24 miles. We expect it to take 2

Photos Protest of Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota 2015

Photos by Gary Dorr Photos: Protests as South Dakota Public Utility Commission considers Keystone Pipeline permit. (Middle photo) Prayer circle at South Dakota Capitol on Jan. 6, 2015, during two days of protests.

Thank you to Gary Dorr for sharing your photos with Censored News!

By Censored News
Photos by Gary Dorr

PIERRE, SD, - A grassroots coalition of landowners, native leaders

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Zapatistas: Words on 21st Anniversary of War against Oblivion

The Words of the EZLN on the 21st Anniversary of the beginning of the War Against Oblivion. Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s.

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


December 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015
Traduzione italiano
e???????? �etaf??se??English translationTraduction en Fran�aisDeutsch �bersetzung

Compa�eras and compa�eros, families of the students from Ayotzinapa

El Paso: Protest Mexico and US Presidents and Plan Mexico


Censored News
English and Dutch

El Paso, TX, January 6, 2015- Today as President Barack Obama meets with Mexican President Enrique Pe�a Nieto, major cities, including El Paso advocacy group Uni�n del Pueblo Fronterizo, will protest to demand an end to the deadly �Plan Mexico�

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Action across South Dakota to Protest Keystone Pipeline Jan. 6, 2015

Coalition of Grassroots Activists Take Action across South Dakota to Protest the Keystone XL Pipeline

Rapid City Protest: January 6:

Top of Main Street Square parking ramp, 7:45am MT

Sioux Falls Protest:

10th and Minnesota, 2:00pm CT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 5, 2015

Sabrina King, Dakota Rural Action Organizer
Joye Braun, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

UK 'Royal Family' linked to pedophile ring as Anonymous exposes elite

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch

The media in the United Kingdom is exposing the alleged involvement of members and staff of the so-called Royal Family in an international pedophile ring for the elite, which involved raping and murdering minors.

Anonymous, on Twitter, began exposing the pedophiles weeks ago, in the operation #OpDeathEaters online.

In recent years, the roles

Zapatistas attacked enroute home from Resistance Conference

Breaking news Monday, Jan. 5, 2015

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

National Indigenous Congress delegates now enroute home from the Zapatistas gathering have been attacked by police and paramilitary. The trucks and buses attacked are transporting Yaqui and other leaders from northern Mexico.
Indigenous enroute to Puebla and Mexico City were also attacked late Sunday, Jan
4, 2015.
The Global

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

EZLN affirms support for missing students during anniversary

EZLN Affirms Support for Parents of Missing Mexican Students

Zapatistas stand under the Zapatista flag during 20th anniversary celebrations of the armed indigenous insurgency in Oventic December 31, 2013. | Photo: Reuters

Published 1 January 2015

The rebel group issued an invitation to the parents of missing students to participate as guests of honor at

Mohawk Nation News 'Soul Suckers'


Posted on January 4, 2015

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 3 Jan. 2015. The National Museum in Ottawa is removing the vast Ongwe�hon:weh exhibit. The new theme for the existence of Canada is based on corporate fiction. Education about us is one page in a history book. We are now being forced to sell ourselves as being incorporated INDIANS or being packed and stored

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN, 1 Jan. 2015. The military sends in an advance force which is often sacrificed in battle. The band councils, national,...

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Sandra Rambler 'Born and Die Apache'

Photo Jennifer Johnson

By Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache

Traditionally Speaking

Apache Messenger
Translations into French, Dutch and German by Censored News

"The words of our ancestors still hold true today, 'You are born an Apache! You will die as an Apache! Don�t ever act like the White Man�the enemy!'"

How do you respond to a White Man whose name is