Selasa, 30 September 2014
All Pueblo Council of Governors opposes Escalade development in Grand Canyon
Save the Confluence photo
Hopi and Pueblo cite Escalade Project as threat to religious freedom
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans NAIS
ALBUQUERQUE -- The All Pueblo Council of Governors voted to oppose the Grand Canyon Escalade project on sacred
Protester �chipmunks� obstruct work at Utah tar sands mine; 5 arrested
Protester �chipmunks� obstruct work at Utah tar sands mine; 5 arrested
Posted on September 30, 2014 by Utah Tar Sands Resistance
A masked person gives a double thumbs up in front of stopped machine. (hi res)
Press Contact:Raphael Cordray801-554-0171
Sept. 30, 2014 | For Immediate Release
PR SPRINGS, Utah�Protesters again stopped work at the construction site of the first tar sands
Devastation of mining and war silenced at Indigenous World Conference
Devastation of mining and war censored, Pacific Islanders withdraw support for Indigenous World Conference
Protest in Toronto of Hudbay mine in Guatemala
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat
Mining is among the leading causes of murder, rape, assassinations and disappearances of Indigenous Peoples globally.
American Indians,
Native Americans,
United Nations,
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
Mt Polley Disaster: Action on Oct 1, 2014
Emergency Action Oct. 1, 2014
We are calling upon communities to join us this Wednesday, October 1, at 12 PM for an emergency province wide action in solidarity with the Klabona Keepers to shut down Imperial Metals. Drum, sing, take the streets, rally, sit in, be creative and gather with your networks to stand up against the Mt.Polley disaster and keep Imperial Metals from
Day 56: Secwepemc Blockade Imperial Metals Mine
Day 56: Secwepemc Blockade Imperial Metals Mine
By Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe Camp
Censored News
On Day 56 of the disaster we are burning. The sacred fire lit by the Secwepemc women on August 18th 2014 at the Imperial Metals Mount Polley Mine site has spread, is spreading. We spend the morning at the Klabona Keepers hunting blockade finalizing plans and then acting them out. It's time. After our
Senin, 29 September 2014
Demilitarization Censored: Pacific Islanders withdraw support for Indigenous World Conference
"What happens at the UN when indigenous peoples even attempt to speak to the issue of demilitarization? We are forced to leave the "process" with the one thing we cannot even consider bargaining away: our conscience." -- Noho Hewa
Statement by Kalamaoka�aina Niheu
Ohana Koa-NFIP
Censored News
Aloha kakou,
It is with great sadness and outrage to find at the 11th hour that Paragraph 21
Listen: Are Indigenous Issues sold out at the UN?
Indigenous Peoples' summit pushed out of the spotlight
Updated 29 September 2014, 11:54 AEST
During a frantic week in New York when world leaders gathered to discuss climate change and the security situation in Syria and Iraq, a meeting of the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples has largely slipped under the radar.
Indigenous Peoples' summit pushed out of the spotlight (
US Gunrunning to Cartels: Four facts mainstream media doesn't want you to know
Arizona police circulated ATF Project Gunrunner 'Weapons of Choice' in 2008
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
When US Attorney General Eric Holder resigned, the Blaze reported that it was in response to the fact that a federal judge ruled that Fast and Furious documents must be released.
Still, the mainstream media is scratching itself, and refusing to report on the ATF gunrunning weapons to
Censored News,
Eric Holder,
Fast and Furious,
gun walking,
mainstream media,
Project Gunrunner,
US Attorney General,
Wide Receiver
Tribunal on Indian Boarding Schools Wisconsin Oct 22 -- 25, 2014
Devastating Effects Of Boarding Schools On Indigenous
Peoples: Second Annual Tribunal On The Abuse Of
Indigenous Human Rights
October 22 - 25
You�re invited to attend our forum focused on the experiences of Native children who were forced at early ages to attend Indian boarding schools. This Tribunal is scheduled for October 22 through the 25th, 2014,
Canada Attacks Indigenous Rights at UN
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation at Peoples' Climate March, ahead of the UN Climate Summit in New York. Photo by Zack Embree.
Excerpt from Vancouver Observer:
In response to Canada's objections over the non-binding document on Indigenous rights, high-profile First Nations groups issued a strongly-worded joint statement condemning the federal government's stance:
Indigenous peoples'
Willie Nelson, Neil Young honored for Keystone pipeline fight!
(Photo above by Michael Friberg / Bold Nebraska
Bold Nebraska
Censored News
Willie Nelson and Neil Young honored by the Rosebud, Oglala, Ponca and Omaha Nations for their dedication to family farmers, ranchers and native families. The buffalo hide was hand-painted by artist Steve Tamayo and volunteers called "Pipeline Fighters" with symbols to tell the story of people killing
Sabtu, 27 September 2014
Mohawk Nation News BEER HALL PUTSCH
Posted on September 25, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 25, 2014. The tactics that Doug Ford is using for his election campaign for mayor of Toronto reminds us of Hitler�s famous �beer hall putsch� to totally control a meeting. Hitler went into the beer halls with his armed brown shirt goons and
Kamis, 25 September 2014
Meet Josephine Mandamin (Anishinaabekwe) The �Water Walker�
Meet Josephine Mandamin (Anishinaabekwe), The �Water Walker�
Photos and article by Ayse Gursoz
Republished with permission by Ayse Gursoz from Indigenous Rising
Censored News
With a copper pail of water in one hand and a staff in the other, Josephine Mandamin, an Anishabaabewe grandmother took on a sacred walk, traversing over 10,900 miles around each of the Great Lakes. She is
First Voices Indigenous Radio: Mapuche author Pedro Cayuqueo
By Liz Hill
Censored News
One of John Kane�s guests this morning on �First Voices Indigenous Radio� was renowned Mapuche journalist and author Pedro Cayuqueo. Amalia Isabel Cordova provided interpretation. If you missed John's fascinating conversation with Pedro, who has become a recognized voice not only for Mapuche issues but also Indigenous and intercultural intellectual debates across
On Louisiana Gulf after Climate March: Nothing has changed
Message from the People's Climate March
By Cherri Foytlin Sep 24 2014
Photo: Cherri Foytlin at the People's Climate March, by Karen Savage.
The view I have now of Brooklyn Bridge, will soon be replaced with fracking rigs. Coming into Baton Rouge, buildings will change to tank farms, New York Harbor will become BP soiled waters, the subway tunnels � pipelines and canals that let the Gulf of
Five Land Defenders Arrested at Utah TarSands Protest
Five Land Defenders Arrested at Utah Tar Sands Protest
Posted on September 25, 2014 by Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014
BREAKING: Five Land defenders were arrested yesterday morning at the construction site of US Oil Sands� tar sands strip-mine in Utah. The Canadian company�s 32,000 acre lease-holding are on state-managed land in the Book Cliffs, on the East Tavaputs
Navajos to protest liquor permit in Tohlakai NM on Saturday
Navajo Technical University students sign "standing for Tohlakai alliance" petittion.
By Standing for Tohlakai Alliance
Censored News
September 24, 2014
TOHLAKAI, NAVAJO NATION -- Who will speak for the people?
The people will!
The people gather � this Saturday, September 27th, 2014, beginning at 9:00 am at the Tohlakai Store.
The purpose: To
Rabu, 24 September 2014
Dine' Women at Flood Wall Street Top Pic at Rolling Stone
Photo of Dine' (Navajo) women at Flood Wall Street top pic at Rolling Stone
Dine' Robyn Jackson's photo, as it happened, was even better on Censored News!
Photo by Robyn Jackson Censored News
Dine' Women on Democracy Now! 'NO' to being a 'resource colony'
Watch on Democracy Now! Dine' (Navajo) women say 'NO!' to resource colonization on the Navajo Nation. 'NO!' to coal and uranium mining:
Big Oil Brown greenwashes his legacy at U.N. Climate Summit
Photo of Jerry Brown courtesy of Damien Luzzo.
Big Oil Brown greenwashes his legacy at U.N. Climate Summit
by Dan Bacher
Jerry Brown, one of the worst governors for fish, water and the environment in California history, spoke to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Summit in New York City on September 23 in a cynical attempt to greenwash his
Mohawk Nation News 'Naked Truth'
Posted on September 23, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 23, 2014. The powered elite money brokers running the global economy are descendants of an ancient bloodline known as the Anunnaki. The most important intel exposing them is their diabolical �Secret Covenant� plan for humanity. Let us look at some of it.
They state that: �The poisons will be
Selasa, 23 September 2014
Greenpeace just took over a coal train!
You can see video clips rushed by bike from the stopped train, read the stories of the people on board, and sign the petition to end dirty coal here:
Hi Udinesi
I'm on top of a coal train right now with 49 ordinary people, who believe so passionately that we need to stop climate change, we've stopped a train reaching Cottam power station in
Senin, 22 September 2014
Indigenous Medicine Peoples Statement to UN Climate Summit
Indigenous Elders at UN Climate Summit: �We Can No Longer Wait for Solutions From Governmental and Corporate Leaders�
Contact: Shawn Mulford
September 21, 2014
Censored News
NEW YORK � The UN Climate Summit hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon serves to catalyze ambitious action on the
Mariah Gladstone Photos: Native Peoples at Climate March
Thanks to Mariah Gladstone for sharing photos with Censored News!
Peoples Climate March, New York, 2014
Zapatistas 'Beyond the Exchange'
Editorial 3. Beyond the Exchange
Beyond the Exchange
The sharing is something beyond.[i]
Compa�eras and compa�eros of the Sixth in Mexico and the world.
For us, the exchange was a way to take each others� hands, to see one another and how we are doing and what we are thinking.
It was a chance to get to know each other, those of us who are below and who are the originary peoples
Traditional Indigenous left out of World Conference in New York
Traditional Indigenous left out of World Conference in New York
Photo Supai Waters, Havasupai, protesting uranium
mining on Supai sacred land at the Grand Canyon.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
As the United Nations World Conference on Indigenous Peoples begins in New York today, grassroots Indigenous Peoples say they have not be included.
While Native Peoples living on the land have
Frontline Climate March Photos by Sarah LittleRedfeather Kalmanson
Photos from the Frontlines by Sarah LittleRedfeather Kalmanson
Peoples Climate March New York 2014
Thank you for sharing with Censored News
Dine' Women Flooding Wall Street Photos by Robyn Jackson, Dine'
Monday Sept. 22, 2014 FLOODING WALL STREET
Photos by Robyn Jackson, Dine', from New York
With Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
Aerial Photo Flood Wall Street
Dine' Roberto Nutlouis Photos: Peoples Climate March
Photos by Roberto Nutlouis, Dine' from Pinon, Arizona, Peoples Climate March, New York 2014
Photos Mohawks at Peoples Climate March
Photo by Cynthia Treis
Photo by Cynthia Treis
Photo by Jenna Pope
Top photos by Cynthia Treis. Photo 3 by Jenna Pople, thank you!
Peoples Climate March New York 2014
Resist Colonization: World Conference is not the Voice of Grassroots Indigenous Peoples
Reminder - The High Level Plenary Meeting (that is not a World Conference on indigenous Peoples) at the UN, begins in the morning
By Glenn Morris
Censored News
Hello, all,
I am sending this reminder to folks in Denver, that the HLPM begins in the morning. The pomp and circumstance of the opening session begins at 6:30 am, Denver time. The UN is scheduled to webcast the meeting at this url:
Sabtu, 20 September 2014
Zapatistas M�s all� de la compartici�n (Beyond the Exchange) Espanol
Zapatistas Subcomandante Moises
Beyond Sharing
Subcomandante Moises speaks on sharing -- outside the arena of politicians, exploiters and capitalism. The upcoming time of global sharing is on Dec 22, 2014 -- Jan. 3, 2015
Editorial 3. M�s all� de la compartici�n
M�s all� de la compartici�n
La compartici�n es algo m�s all�.
Compa�eras y compa�eros de la Sexta de
Livestream Indigenous Women defending our Climate
NOW! Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014, New York time 5 pm (2 pm Pacific time)
This event features activists Shelley A. Young, Kandi Mosset, Elle Maija Tailfeathers, and Ellen Gabriel who will discuss high-profile media campaigns by indigenous groups in Canada and the United States that protest the oil and fracking industries and the ongoing governmental violations of Tribal
Klabona Keepers Blockade at Sacred Headwaters
Photos from the hunting blockade at the Ealue Lake Road, entrance to the Sacred Headwaters. Photo by Eliza Muirhead
From Klabona Keepers
Censored News
BRITISH COLUMBIA, Unceded Tahltan Territory - September 18, 2014
The Wildlife Defence League (WDL) has been invited by the Klabona Keepers to blockade the only road providing access to the Sacred Headwaters. This area is home to numerous
LISTEN First Voices Indigenous Radio
Thursdays 9:00am-10:00am
Hosted by: John Kane (Interim Host), Liz Hill (Producer)
Listen to Thursday's show:
Web Site:
'Water Ceremony' New York photos by Roberto Nutlouis
Photos by Roberto Nutlouis, Dine' from Pinon, Arizona
Gearing up for the Peoples Climate March, and World Conference of Indigenous Peoples in New York: Navajos join other Indigenous Peoples for Water Ceremony
Ya'at'eeh (Greetings) My name is Roberto Nutlouis. I am a Dineh (Navajo)
from the community of Pinon AZ. My clans are Bitter Water, born for Big Water.
'Four Day of Action to Protect our Home, the Salish Sea'
Compassion Games International - Protect the Sacred
Our Dear Friends and Beloved Relatives,
This weekend marks the momentous beginning to the 4 Days of Action to Protect the Salish Sea. This explosive expansion of human consciousness in the heart of the Pacific Northwest is about to change everything. Together we are the living representation of Nawtsamaat, �One House. One Heart.
Lakotas Owe Aku: 'Uranium investors got the blues again'
FORUM: Powertech Uranium investors got the blues again, mama
Owe Aku is a grassroots organization of Lakota people and our allies founded to promote the protection of sacred water and preservation of our territorial lands. Our actions for environmental justice rely upon cultural revitalization as our major tool in achieving our goals. The principle location
'Harmony with Nature' Living Well, UN Secretary General report
Harmony with Nature
Report of the UN Secretary General
Shared by our friends in Bolivia, Boletin Ruta Critica
Read document:
Kamis, 18 September 2014
Indigenous denounce Climate Summit, Indigenous World Conference
Indigenous denounce Climate Summit, Indigenous World Conference
By Brenda Norrell
Photo by La Via Campesina
French translation by Christine Prat
While the corporate interests hijack the upcoming UN Climate Summit, and frauds attempt to take control of the upcoming UN Indigenous World Conference, both in New York, Indigenous around the world
Climate March, World Conference and Indigenous Resistance
Carrying forward the work of Censored News, your favorite writers and voices at these two new blogs
New at Indigenous Resistance
? 2014 (108)
? September (14)
Watch Secwepemc Webinar: Indigenous Resistance to ...
Mohawk Nation News 'Haggis vs. Poutine'
Indigenous denounce Climate Summit, Indigenous Wor...
Guatemala: Indigenous denounce upcoming UN World C...
Indigenous and Via Campesina
Sabtu, 06 September 2014
Censored News photo mural 2006 -- 2014
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sept. 6, 2014
Govinda at Earthcycles is interested in providing a live broadcast from the Climate Train, across America on Amtrak in September 2014. We are also interested in providing, as always, the voice
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