Rabu, 30 April 2014

Video Indigenous Youths Collective Resistance 'Reject and Protect' from Keystone!


Published on Apr 29, 2014

Indigenous youth and leaders from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Ponca Nation, and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speak to their visions and their work. From connecting with the land, to replanting sacred corn, to building energy sovereignty. Their collective resistance to the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Tarsands brought them all together at the

John Kane, Mohawk: 'No Honor Among Chiefs or Thieves'

No Honor Among Chiefs or Thieves

By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk

Censored News

I have to begin my column this week by stating up front that I am Haudenosaunee. I support traditional governance based on the Kaianerehkowa and a culture grounded with the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen (Words Before All Else) and the Tiohateh (the Two Row Wampum). I must emphasize that it is traditional governance I

Senin, 28 April 2014

VIDEO Moccasins on the Ground Red Shirt, Lakota homelands April 2014


'Water is sacred.'

By Unedited Media Published on Apr 28, 2014

Lakota and their allies gather to build solidarity, unity, and skills to protect Sacred Water against the Keystone XL tarsands pipeline.

Watch this wonderful video of voices from all across the nation gathered at Red Shirt, on Lakota lands at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, protecting the Ogallala aquifer and water and land

Leadhorse Choctaw sharing stickball game in Central and South America

Now in Central America and headed south, Leadhorse Choctaw shares "Kabooca Towa' stickball game, the game of peace

July 2014: New! Read Leadhorse Choctaw's Journal Overland through the Americas

By Leadhorse Choctaw
Censored News
Leadhorse Choctaw is on a journey through Central and South

Minggu, 27 April 2014

VIDEO Rosebud Hip Hop artist Frank Waln live in DC 'Reject and Protect'


Hip Hop artist Sicangu (Rosebud) Lakota performing at 'Reject and Protect' in DC

VIDEO Cheyenne River Robin LeBeau: Fighting Keystone pipeline in DC


Cheyenne River Lakota Robin LeBeau 'Reject and Protect' in DC

Published on Apr 25, 2014
Robin LeBeau speaks about Indigenous resistance to the Keystone XL at Reject and Protect and beyond, on the frontlines out on the land. From spiritual camps in Sweet Grass and Rosebud to peaceful direct action and civil disobedience trainings that are happening on the ground across Lakota Country.

Mohawk Nation News 'Hoffmann and Hoffmann'


Posted on April 25, 2014

Please post & distribute.

MNN. APR. 24, 2014. Our representation is based on the law of the land, the constitution of the Rotino�shonni:onwe, known as the Great Law of Peace. On May 18, 1997 over 100 of us were peacefully having a traditional tobacco burning ceremony in Onondaga, the capital of the Iroquois Confederacy. At 3.00 pm almost

AIM Song Moccasins On the Ground at Red Shirt Community


By Native Impact
Published on Apr 27, 2014
April 2014 - Community leaders from across the United States and Canada join together on the Oglala Lakota Nation to become one mind, one spirit to protect the land, children and water - We welcome all to step up and protect sacred water. YOU CAN'T DRINK OIL.

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Reject Keystone Live Video DC Sat, April 26, 2014


Twitter photos Sat., April 26, 2014

Watch video recorded live today below!

We Act Radio Streamed live on Apr 26, 2014

Cowboy Indian Alliance, joined by thousands in the climate movement.

Censored News video screen capture

Photo by actress activist Daryl Hannah

Photo by actress activist Daryl Hannah

Saturday, April 26, 2014



Cowboy Indian Alliance fighting

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Reject Keystone! Ponca Casey Camp opens ceremony at Sec State John Kerry home


Cowboy and Indian Alliance's Reject and Protect at Sec. State John Kerry's home

BREAKING NEWS, Friday, April 25, 2014
Top photos by Jamie Henn
Censored News

WASHINGTON DC -- Ponca Casey Camp-Horinek opened the Interfaith Ceremony outside US Secretary of State John Kerry's home this morning, during the Cowboy and Indian Alliance's Reject and Protect action to halt approval of

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Reject Keystone: Ponca Casey Camp 'The white man has turned on its own'

Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, screen capture by Censored News

Ponca Casey Camp-Horinek: The white man has turned on its own, seizing the land of farmers and ranchers

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

Breaking News by Censored News
English, Dutch and French
WASHINGTON DC -- Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, said the white man has turned on its own. White farmers and ranchers on the route of the

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Hundreds of media cover Cowboy Indian Alliance in DC resisting Keystone XL pipeline

From Russia and China, to Nebraska and Kansas, to the New York Times and CBC, the media is covering the Cowboy Indian Alliance in DC!

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Hundreds of newspapers and TV stations -- from China and Russia to Nebraska and Kansas, to the New York Times, NBC, CBC and more -- are covering the Cowboy and Indian Alliance in DC, the Reject and Protect campaign

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Marvel Handboy's Photos: Cowboys and Indians Resist Keystone in DC


Photos by Marvel Handboy, thank you for sharing with Censored News!
Cowboy and Indian Alliance in Washington DC uniting, and resisting against the Keystone XL tarsands pipeline.

News video of today's events by Environmental Action:

Faith Spotted Eagle 'Indian Women defending land from Keystone XL pipeline'

Faith Spotted Eagle: Women are nurturers, but they are also Mother Bears, ready to defend the land and water

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News
English and French

WASHINGTON DC -- Faith Spotted Eagle, Ihanktonwan Oyate (Yankton Dakota) told the �Reject and Protect� action resisting the Keystone XL tarsands pipeline today in DC that Indian women are ready to protect their land from the

VIDEO 'Reject and Protect' Cowboy Indian Alliance 'NO!' Keystone pipeline




Streamed live on Apr 22, 2014
Cowboy Indian Alliance members open the Reject and Protect encampment against Keystone XL with horseback ride, tipi raising and ceremony.

John Kane, Mohawk 'It's not just the pipe -- it's what's in it'

Photo Mike Hudema 'Reject and Protect' Washington April 22, 2014

It's not Just the Pipe � It's What's in It

By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk

Censored News

As this column hits the press, thousands are gathering in Washington, D.C. to take a stand against the Keystone XL Pipeline. During a week that a decision was expected out of the Obama Administration on this issue, the Reject and

Mohawk Nation News 'Jigosaseh, Mother of Nations'


Posted on April 22, 2014

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute.

MNN. Apr. 22, 2014. We gave our word to our prophet Dekanawida that we would spread the peace throughout the world. Another international peace conference to spread the Great Peace is coming soon like the one we had in London in 1710. In the Great Peace women have a duty to intervene

California: Hearing on labeling of GMOs April 22, 2014

From Quanah Parker Brightman
Censored News


Film 'Crying Earth Rise Up' Manderson, SD, April 22, 2014

From Debra White Plume, Lakota: "Come to the screening tonight! Wonderful poster artwork by Carla Rae Marshall.

Senin, 21 April 2014

Cowboy Indian Alliance in DC: Reject and Protect fighting Keystone tarsands pipeline

Photo by Farhad

Cowboy and Indian Alliance tipis up and ready for action on the National Mall in DC!

Lakota Joye Braun halting megaload.

Lakotas van in accident enroute:

Joye Braun and others from Cheyenne River in South Dakota found out their bus wouldn't make it to the Reject and Protect action in DC.
They headed out in their van and hit a deer. They made it back home safely

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Hanging Tobacco'


Posted on April 19, 2014

Please post & distribute.

MNN. Apr. 19, 2014. O�ien�kwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [Roti�skennen:kete]. They are also known as the �ghost warriors�. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

The men of this society

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Canada threatens ancient Mohawk allies'


Posted on April 18, 2014

Mohawk Nation News

Please post & distribute.

MNN. Apr. 18, 2014. Corporation of Canada CEO Harper is sending 6 CF18s and other weapons of mass destruction for NATO provocations against our ancient allies, Russia. Russia is legally a longtime ally of the Rotino�shonni:onwe/Iroquois Confederacy and its friends and allies

Kamis, 17 April 2014

Western Shoshone Walk on Sacred Land May 5 -- 11, 2014

Photo by Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson, Western ShoshoneLong Walk 4 Western Shoshone land

Newene Sogobi Mava's Mia Walk on the Sacred Land

May 5, 2014 - May 11, 2014

"This event is NOT a protest or a political event. It is about praying and blessing our Shoshone land. Everyone is welcome. Please tell your friends and help us get the word out!" -- Johnnie L. Bobb

After an initial orientation

Rabu, 16 April 2014

Arivaca Arizona rises up against occupying army of Border Patrol


Arivaca rises up against Occupying Army of Border Patrol!

Censored News: The mighty folks of Arivaca, Arizona, have once again risen up against the Occupying Army of the Border Patrol. Some of you might remember when the good folks of Arivaca flew kites around the US spy towers to mess with them. The spy towers were pointed at their homes. There's lots of artists and mellow folks out

Rosebud Lakotas aren't selling gas to TransCanada trucks!

Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota halted its first megaload and directed its businesses to prohibit the purchase of fuel to anything that transports material affiliated with the TransCanada XL tarsands pipeline!

Also see: Rosebud halts megaload
Lakota Voice: Rosebud counts first coup on megaload:

Selasa, 15 April 2014

John Kane 'Who you calling formerly colonized?'

Who You Calling Formerly Colonized?

By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk

Censored News

During the past week I have had more conversations about "decolonization" than I have had in my whole life. As I mentioned in one of my Facebook conversations, I am not entirely comfortable with the expression.

Clearly as Native people continue to carve out our existence with the dominant societies, cultures

Never Forget: Environmental activists killed in the past decade 908

Sharp rise in environmental and land killings as pressure on planet�s resources

By Global Witness
Posted at Censored News

Urgent action required to challenge impunity of perpetrators, protect citizens and address root
causes of environmental crisis

Killings of people protecting the environment and rights to land increased sharply between 2002
and 2013 as competition for natural

Tacoma hunger strikers deported under cover of darkness

Photo by Andrew Ironshell, Lakota


Update from Andrew Ironshell, Lakota: Last Thursday, Society for a Just Society and allies from across Indian Country held an action at the Seattle Homeland Security headquarters in support of those

Senin, 14 April 2014

Robyn Jackson 'What water really costs' Dine' Grassroots defend water at Tucson conference

What Water Really Costs: Din� Grassroots at Water Conference in Tucson

Photos and article by Robyn Jackson

Censored News
Dutch translation NAIS

TUCSON -- How would you define �quality of life?" For a group of Navajo water rights advocates, �quality of life� includes respect, equality, health, and consideration. Yet, at this year�s Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) Annual Conference,

Lakota Voice 'Rosebud Sioux Tribe counts first coup on megaloads'

Rosebud Sioux Tribe Counts First Coup on Megaloads

April 14, 2014

by Ann-erika White Bird

Lakota Voice


Tonight, a small number of Sicangu Lakota Tribal members took a stand against the megaloads rolling through reservation lands. Lakota Voice arrived, after being passed by one megaload headed

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk--Russia 1710 Treaty Belt'


Posted on April 13, 2014

MNN. Apr. 13, 2014. In 1710 the four chiefs from the [Iroquois Confederacy] Rotino�shonni:onwe went to the Court of Queen Anne in London to make peace treaties with the 13 European monarchical families. It was the first International Conference on World Peace called by our people to make the same kind of peace treaties we had

Snowden revelations lead to Pulitzer Prizes for courageous media

A Vindication for the Public: The Guardian and Washington Post Win the Pulitzer Prize

April 14, 2014

By Edward Snowden


I am grateful to the committee for their recognition of the efforts of those involved in the last year's reporting, and join others around

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Pte Ospiye Spiritual Camp at Bridger begins resisting Black Snake tarsands pipeline

Chief Arvol Looking Horse blesses new camp resisting Black Snake tarsands pipeline

By Joye Braun, Lakota

Censored News

Today April 12, 2014

Joye Braun
Cheyenne River Lakota

The Pte Ospiye Spiritual Camp in Bridger has its grounds blessed today by the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe. Campers and organizers of the camp started the journey of the camp in Green Grass, South

Zapatistas invite Indigenous for exchange in May 2014

To: The Sixth in Mexico and the World

From: Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s

Enlish, French, Dutch and Italian translations: http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/

Compa�eras, compa�eros and compa�eroas of the Sixth:

We send greetings from all of the Zapatista men and women of the EZLN

We want to let you know about our next steps:

1. Native Peoples: During the week of May 26 to 30,

Kamis, 10 April 2014

SEATTLE: Natives protest and support hunger strikers in detention centers

Photos by Andrew Ironshell, Lakota


Photos by Andrew Ironshell, Lakota.

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

April 10, 2014

SEATTLE -- Native Americans joined protests today in solidarity with hunger strikers in detention centers. Natives Americans protested both at Homeland Security's ICE headquarters and at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, pressing the Gates

Rabu, 09 April 2014

Censored News Most Censored April 2014

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Censored News photo collage

The most censored issues are at the US Mexico border where US Border Patrol agents continue to smuggle drugs and "spot" for the cartels to bring their loads across. The mainstream media continues to ignore the arrests of Border Patrol agents for drug smuggling and the fact that the agents are literally getting away with murder

Selasa, 08 April 2014

Mike Wilson: US Border Patrol shot Tohono O'odham at border


Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham

Mike Wilson: Tohono O'odham government and police corruption perpetuates US Border Patrol violence

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN MIGUEL, TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION -- Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, said the US Border Patrol shot two Tohono O'odham at the border, one in the face. The Border Patrol claims O'odham side-swiped its vehicle in San Miguel, "The

Waking up in the Sonoran Desert

Photo Thomas Wiewandt, Desert Dreams

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Waking up in the Sonoran Desert is a profound experience. It is silence as never experienced before. Before dawn the Morning Dove is the only sound in a silence that can only be described as delicious. At sunrise, the noisy Gila Woodpecker starts making its noise. Somewhere out there, cactus are bursting into bloom, and

Snowden: US spied on human rights workers

By Luke Harding

The Guardian

The US has spied on the staff of prominent human rights organisations, Edward Snowden has told the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, Europe's top human rights body.

Giving evidence via a videolink from Moscow, Snowden said the National Security Agency � for which he worked as a contractor � had deliberately snooped on bodies like Amnesty International and Human

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Leonard Peltier's statement on passing of Peter Matthiessen

Statement on the passing of his dear friend and supporter Peter Matthiessen from Leonard Peltier:

By Leonard Peltier

Censored News

Greetings my friends, relatives, and supporters:

4/6/2014 8:34 a.m.
The other day Peter Matthiessen came into my thoughts, I thought I better call him and see how he is doing. Since I knew he was sick, I did not want to concern or disturb him with my

Mohawk Nation News 'Historic Mohawk-Russian Relations'


Posted on April 5, 2014

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 5, 2014. Mohawk Nation members are looking for the Two Row Wampum/Guswentha belt. In 1710 at the World�s First International Peace Conference our Haudeonsaunee chiefs presented this belt to the 13 monarchies of Europe and to explain the Great Law of Peace.

Russian Czar,

Moccasins on Ground Activist Training April 25 -- 27, 2014


APRIL 25 @ 5 p.m. - April 26th & 27th All Day - Red Shirt Community on the Pine Ridge Homelands - Meals Provided - Bring Your Bedroll

For more info on the Moccasins on the Ground Training Camp to Protect Sacred Water OR TO DONATE to the TRANSPORTATION FUND please visit www.oweakuinternational.org

The Moccasins on the Ground training developed by Owe Aku focuses on skills,

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Quebec and Dekanawida'


Posted on April 5, 2014

Mohawk Nation News

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 5, 2014. After forming the original Five Nations Confederacy, Dekanawida left for the Sky World. He told us this story about forthcoming events before he got into his stone canoe for the trip.

Jigohnsaseh, of the Women�s Council, helped Dekanawida: �Make all

Jumat, 04 April 2014

Celebrating the courage of those who exposed US torture as it happened

Political prisoners rally Denver 2008
Democratic National Convention

Celebrating the courage of those who exposed US torture as it happened, from Tucson and Denver to the Hague

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by NAIS

TUCSON -- In Tucson in 2007, there was a movement to expose US torture, while the mainstream media trembled and turned away. Human rights attorney Bill

Big Mountain Spring Training Camp 2014


MAY 16th-23rd, 2014


�What we are trying to save�the Female Mountain�is alive. She is alive, she has blood flowing through her veins, which is the Navajo Aquifer, and the coal they are digging is Her liver. They are destroying Her.��Marie Gladue, Big Mountain Relocation Resister

�We need to exercise our right to be human. To

Kamis, 03 April 2014

VIDEO MSNBC 'Impact of Keystone XL on Native American tribes'


Mohawk Nation News 'I Want a Country'


Posted on April 3, 2014

Mohawk Nation News

MNN. Apr. 3, 2014. Quebecois separatist candidate, Pierre Karl Peladeau, declares, �I want a country �. He wants total power first as a cabinet minister, then as premier and then king of his dynasty. He is launching a hostile corporate takeover of Quebec Inc. Peladeau wants a country.

Mohawk Warriors: �Mr. Peladeau, we

Rabu, 02 April 2014

US Senators push to terminate portion of Arapaho's Wind River land

Northern Arapaho Leaders Call On All Tribes to Oppose Bill

By Northern Arapaho Tribe

April 1, 2014 Censored News

WIND RIVER RESERVATION, Wyoming�A new push by U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., toterminate a portion of the Wind River Reservation should appall and worry NativeAmerican people everywhere, Northern Arapaho leaders said Tuesday.Draft legislation by Enzi,

Selasa, 01 April 2014

John Kane, Mohawk 'Stirring the Ashes'

Stirring the Ashes

By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk

Censored News

One of the biggest challenges for any people is broad participation in the issues that affect everyone. And when you stop and think about it, there is very little from the smallest ripples in a family to major calamities in a community that occurs without impacting others.

The notion of "mind your own business" or "let

KSFY Camp brings a face to South Dakota Tribes' KXL fight


KSFY News - Sioux Falls, SD News, Weather, Sports

Rosebud Sioux tribal member Wizipan Little Elk said, "We're going to be here at least a month, at which point, we're expecting President Obama and the administration will be making a decision. If the decision is no, we will pick up camp and go home and continue to be vigilant about the issue. If he says yes to the route, we're going

MSNBC: Rep Grijalva on opposition to Keystone XL pipeline


Spirit Camp Rosebud

March 31, 2014: MSNBC's Ed Show was at Rosebud Spirit Camp, broadcast includes Lakota protection camp from Keystone and interview with Arizona Rep Grijalva, vice chair of Native American Caucus