Rabu, 31 Desember 2014
The Face of Resistance: Censored News 2014
Thank you to all the photographers who contributed to Censored News!
Censored News 2014: Defending the Sacred and Exposing the Exploiters
Censored News Photos
Around the world, the struggle to defend Mother Earth and human rights, and expose the exploiters is maintained by the good hearts as a sacred trust
by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The year of 2014 was a difficult one for many, and the struggles to defend the earth and defend human rights were fought with sacrifice around the world. The most viewed articles at
Yankton Sioux seeks dismissal of Transcanada's KXL tarsands permit
Faith Spotted Eagle
Thomasina Realbird, Yankton Sioux
Faith Spotted Eagle, Ihanktonwan Treaty Chair
Censored News
Wednesday, December 31, 2015
YANKTON SIOUX NATION -- In a determined move, the Yankton Sioux Tribe will square off with Transcanada on
Senin, 29 Desember 2014
New York Times' Copycat Journalism: Tex Hall and Blood Oil
The top article above by The New York Times, published today, has a very similar title,
and similar facts, to the Censored News article in February.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The New York Times has finally covered Chairman Tex Hall and the corruption in the oil and gas industry on the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation in North Dakota.
The New York Times article today has almost the
Mohawk Nation News 'ONGWE�HON:WEH ORATION'
Posted on December 29, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 23, 2014. Britain and its colonies, US, Israel, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are partners in waging continual war against world peace. Colonization will end:
1.WHEN public officials make oaths to local natural inhabitants of the land and not to a foreign autocrat.
Minggu, 28 Desember 2014
The Ride to Wounded Knee
Photos by Ken Marchionno
Dec 28, 2014
300 Miles, The Oomaka Tokatakiya Future Generations Ride by Ken Marchionno and Students of the Future Generations Teen Photojournalism Project
Thank you for sharing with Censored News!
News Rot: The Black OP Media of 2014
The mainstream media in 2014: No more than a black Op
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
TUCSON, Arizona -- No one spins wars better than CNN and no one kills with drones better than the White House. The paid media in the US marched to the tune of their handlers in 2014, continuing the rot and decay of US manufactured news. The news became no more than a black OP, a dark operation of the
The U.S. and Mexico: Hand-in-Hand in Human Rights Violations
The U.S. and Mexico: Hand-in-Hand in Human Rights Violations
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans NAIS/Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat/Censored News
Though little-noticed by the U.S. media, events north of the border bore striking similarities to developments in Mexico in 2014. Like in the mass protests that arose south of the Rio Bravo and
Selasa, 23 Desember 2014
Detroit's abandoned Silverdome is now just an empty shell left to rot
Detroit's abandoned Silverdome is now just an empty shel...
Photographer Johnny Joo visited the abandoned Pontiac Silverdome last month after the roof finally collapsed and his photos offer an eerie, empty look at...
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Ken Marchionno Photos '300 Miles Oomaka Tokatakiya'
Ken Marchionno Photos '300 Miles Oomaka Tokatakiya'
The Oomaka Tokatakiya is a nearly 300-mile memorial horseback ride across South Dakota in the United States. The ride starts on December 15th, at the site where the Lakota Indian Chief Sitting Bull was killed, and traces the trail taken by some of his tribe to join Chief Big Foot. It goes on to follow Big Foot's effort to reach
Senin, 22 Desember 2014
Zapatistas Posters: Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism
Read more about the Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism, happening now in Mexico:
Family statement: Lakota man shot by Rapid City police after Native Lives Matter Rally
Allen Locke, 30, shot by Rapid City
police five times after Native Lives
Matter Peaceful Protest Rally
Family of Native American Police Shooting Victim Releases Statement
Call for prayer gathering outside Rapid City Mayor's office Monday, 300 6th St. at 10am MST, Native leaders will meet with Rapid City Chief of Police and Rapid City Mayor regarding shooting of Native American man by
Minggu, 21 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada's Final Solution'
Posted on December 21, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN, Dec. 21, 2014. Why negotiation tables, war department of Indian Affairs and special military trained police and surveillance strategies? Why does the corporation of Canada have to pass illegal laws to take from and remove us? They, in effect, acknowledge that we are the sovereigns of Ono�ware:geh
Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014
How One Indigenous Woman Took On a Multinational Mining Corporation... And Won
Published on
Friday, December 19, 2014
Common Dreams
How One Indigenous Woman Took On a Multinational Mining Corporation... And Won
Indigenous Peruvian farmworker Maxima Acu�a de Chaupe withstood violent eviction attempts, beatings, and a legal battle to protect her land from being turned into an open-pit gold mine
Sarah Lazare, staff writer
Acu�a de Chaupe at
CheBus y Contra Las Agresinones a la Caravana Climatica
Red Contra la Represi�n: Libertad a Christian Rosendahl Guerrero y contra las agresiones a la Caravana Clim�tica
Network Against Repression: Freedom for Christian Rosendahl Guerrero and against the attacks on Climate Caravan
Desde marzo de este a�o la iniciativa Caravana Clim�tica, integrada por distintos activistas ambientales comenz� su recorrido en el norte de M�xico, con destino a Lima,
Mohawk Nation News 'Hands off our Russian Allies'
Posted on December 20, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 20, 2014. We Ongwe�ho:ne, the true sovereigns of Ono�ware:geh, thoroughly object to Canada�s sanctions against our wampum carrying Russian allies. They, like us, are being targeted for genocide. Canada is going after Russia�s banking, energy and defense sectors. The
Zapatistas: On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and Hysteria
On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and Hysteria as a Method of Analysis and Guide for Action. Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
December 2014
To the compas of the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the family members and compa�eros of those killed and disappeared in Ayotzinapa:
Sisters and brothers:
Zapatistas 'On the Eve of the Festival'
On the Eve of the Festival
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
December 19, 2014
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the National and International Sixth:
Greetings to all of you. We are writing to let you know how participant registration is coming along for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism: �Where those
'Why the Mountain' documentary film for Mauna Kea
Friday, December 19, 2014
"Why The Mountain" is a documentary film for Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is inundated with 13 telescopes. The Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) will dwarf what's already on the summit.
Our goal is to produce a beautiful, powerful and evocative film to help people everywhere understand why Mauna Kea is sacred to Hawaiians, a fragile ecosystem that needs protection,
Censored: One Woman's Journey
Thank you to Ann-erika White Bird and Lakota Voice!Brenda Norrell, One Woman�s JourneyLakota Voice Lakota Voice contacted Brenda Norrell, Censored News, last November requesting permission to reprint her story, �Powers of deception, arm chair journalism and editorial scams�. After Censored News published a highlight of Indigenous Resistance for 2014, we again contacted Ms. Norell. This time,
Kamis, 18 Desember 2014
Rabu, 17 Desember 2014
Censored News Heroes in Resistance Awards 2014
Censored News Photographer of the Year Robyn Jackson, Dineh
Censored News Heroes in Resistance Awards
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch
Leonard Peltier
Censored News readers have selected their heroes to be honored as Heroes in Resistance. The Lifetime Achievement Awards honor Leonard Peltier, Debra and Alex White Plume, Billy Frank, Jr., Lehman Brightman and Dineh
Mohawk Nation News 'Visualize the Peace'
Posted on December 17, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 17, 2014. Today is the first day of the solstice. The natural variety of languages will enhance the spreading of the Great Peace throughout the world. Everyone wants to see a world without war for our children. Mohawk Nation News is being translated into many languages. We are grateful for
Selasa, 16 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'OLD TIME REMOVAL!'
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. DEC. 16, 2014. This letter was send to the Governor General of Canada, Hon. David Johnson, on December 16: "...
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Swan case dismissed, Colville Members for Justice Respond
Swan v. Colville Business Council Dismissed
Colville Members for Justice Respond
By Joe Fry, Media Coordinator
Colville Members for Justice
Dec. 13, 2014
Censored News
Further action now being considered, which may include federal complaint
Yvonne Swan
In an order filed on December 2, 2014, in the Court of Appeals of The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Chief
Senin, 15 Desember 2014
Navajo Nation buys ceremonial masks at Paris auction, rescues masks
Navajo delegation calls repatriation efforts a success
�These masks are spiritual beings and the Navajo people have strong connections with them. We need to regard them as such.� Vice President Rex Lee Jim.
By Navajo Nation
Censored News
English and German
PARIS�The Navajo delegation on a mission to Paris, led by Navajo Nation Vice President Rex Lee Jim was successful in their repatriation
Zapatistas Festival of Resistance as Genocide of Indigenous Peoples Continues
Zapatistas in Sonora, Mexico, with O'odhamPhoto by Brenda Norrell
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The Eve Auction in Paris continued its cultural genocide with an auction of ceremonial items of Hopi, Pueblo, Navajo, Lakota and other Native Americans today.
The auction in Paris follows the theft of sacred Apache land for copper mining in the US Congress, led by Arizona Sen. John
Mohawk Nation News 'ONO�WARE:GEH'
Posted on December 15, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Ni:wen.
MNN. Dec. 15, 2014. Ono�waregeh is Mohawk for Great Turtle Island. New Victoria Mayor, Lisa Helps, swore an oath to the Ongwe�hon:we of the area. When all mayors refuse to take an oath to the Queen, the Privy Council will be removed and colonization will end.
Privy Council: �Brother, can
Paris Auction selling Hopi, Pueblo, Navajo and Plains Sacred Items
Klee Benally confronts auctioneer Alan Leroy in Paris
Navajos Buy Back Artifacts at Paris Auction
PARIS � Dec 15, 2014, 10:53 AM ET
By THOMAS ADAMSON Associated Press
Navajo officials spent several hundred thousand euros to buy back seven tribal masks at an auction Monday in Paris a sale that went ahead despite efforts by the U.S.
Minggu, 14 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News: GETTING TO KNOW YOU
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the "Seigneury". "Dec. 13, 2014. To:...
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McCain's new mode of genocide: Theft of Apache sacred land for copper mining
Photo by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache"We need the water for our beloved children and grandchildren and all those who are yet to be born."
Once again, John McCain is the darling of the coyotes and snakes
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sen. John McCain's new mode of genocide is no where more obvious than in the slick theft of Apache sacred lands for the benefit of a foreign
Zapatistas Moises: De Ayotzinapa, del Festival y de la histeria como m�todo de an�lisis y gu�a para la acci�n
De Ayotzinapa, del Festival y de la histeria como m�todo de an�lisis y gu�a para la acci�n. Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s
Diciembre del 2014.
A l@s compas de la Sexta nacional e internacional:
Al Congreso Nacional Ind�gena:
A los familiares y compa�eros de los asesinados y desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa:
Hermanas y hermanos:
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. 12 Dec. 2014. One day in 1975 while I was sitting at my desk in Indian Affairs, Harry Chapman, the Registrar, show...
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Jumat, 12 Desember 2014
Canada Blocks NAFTA Investigation Into British Columbia Fish Farm Impacts on Wild Salmon
For Immediate Release, December 12, 2014
Alexandra Morton, (250) 974-7086Jeff Miller, Center for Biological Diversity, (510) 499-9185
Canada Blocks NAFTA Investigation Into British Columbia Fish Farm Impacts on Wild Salmon
Decision Threatens Salmon Runs
Zapatistas World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism
Schedule for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
Traduzione italianoTraduction en Fran�aisEnglish translationDeutsch �bersetzung
Dutch translation
Schedule for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Sun Setting on British Empire'
Posted on December 12, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans NAIS
German translation by Selina Berger
MNN. Dec. 12, 2014. When every corporate band council refuses to take an oath to the Queen, it is the beginning of the end for the British Empire in North America.
Queenie: �On your knees when you�re talking to
Kamis, 11 Desember 2014
Indigenous leaders assassinated defending land
Human Rights Day: tribal leaders assassinated for defending their land
Guarani leader Marinalva Manoel was stabbed to death after campaigning for her tribe's ancestral land.
� Aty Guasu
By Survival International
Dec. 9, 2014: To mark Human Rights Day on Wednesday, Survival International � the global movement for tribal peoples� rights � warns about the growing humanitarian crisis
Shakedown: How deportation robs immigrants of their money and belongings
An action alert about a dangerous deportation practice: stop the shakedown of immigrants!
Dear brendanorrell@gmail.com,Hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year are dumped at the Mexico border and permanently expelled without their most basic belongings: their money, identification documents, cell phones, important phone numbers, photos and keepsakes. From the border they
Apache elders words on theft of sacred lands for copper mining
The US House has passed legislation to steal Apache sacred land for Resolution Copper mining. Sen. John McCain is pushing for this theft of Apache land in the Senate. Censored News is reposting these photos and words of Apache elders about Oak Flat. Articles and photos by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache. Testimony to Congress:"If this land is transferred to Resolution
Rabu, 10 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'CIA TORTURE INC.'
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Dec. 10, 2014. Will and Kate represent the British monarchy, which is "white privilege". They arrived in New York...
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Seeking nominees for Censored News Heroes in Resistance Awards
Censored News Photos
Seeking nominees for Censored News Heroes in Resistance
Censored News will honor our heroes. Please send us the names of your heroes, so we can honor those who made a difference in 2014. Please include grassroots people, media, and all other heroes.
Also, please nominate heroes for Censored News Lifetime of Resistance Award.
Thank you!
Renewed push for clemency for Leonard Peltier
Renewed push for clemency for Leonard Peltier
Media Contact: Jack Magee
Email: jacko@dublin.com
Dec. 10, 2014
Press statement posted at Censored News
December 10th, International Human Rights Day, marks the beginning of a Human Rights Action Center (www.humanrightsactioncenter.org) global campaign to seek clemency for Native American Leonard Peltier. Peltier, now 70 years of age
Selasa, 09 Desember 2014
Democracy Now: Indigenous Women Frontline Earth Defenders: Climate Change Solutions
Watch video: http://www.democracynow.org/2014/12/9/indigenous_women_on_the_front_lines
Indigenous Women: Frontline Earth Defenders Share Their Climate Change Solutions
Today is �Gender Day� at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, a day that acknowledges the disproportionate impact of climate change on women, who make up 70 percent of the world�s poor. We hear from a panel of indigenous
Photos: Paiutes fight against theft of water rights to Pyramid Lake
"Today's meeting at Pyramid Lake, Nevada concerning all issues including water issues. This is the Chairman Elwood Lowery with council members."Ray Bones Lowery
Paiutes fight against water rights to Pyramid Lake
Article by Brenda Norrell
Photos by Ray Bones Lowery
Censored News
PYRAMID LAKE, Nevada -- Pyramid Lake Paiutes continued to fight for their water rights to Pyramid Lake, one
Senin, 08 Desember 2014
Big Energy threatens climate talks in Peru
Dear all,
Please find the briefing paper published by Attac France and Aitec in the framework of the Lima UNFCCC conference to highlight how TTIP and CETA are jeopardizing climate and energy transformation processes :
Here in English :
Climate or TTIP, make your choice!
Here in French :
Climat ou
PERU TRIBUNAL: Verdicts on Violation of Rights of People and Nature
Peoples of the 4 river basin of Peru present their case for violations to Rights if Nature and the peoples impacted by oil development in the northern Amazon of Peru. Photo by Robin Milam
Tribunal verdicts on violation of rights of people and nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 2
Delegation of Saweto with
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
Casey Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
Yasunidos caravan arrived at Rights of Nature Tribunal in LimaINSPITE of Ecuador's customs to release the bus tocontinue their Caravan from Mexico!
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 1
Lima, December 6th,
Today: Indigenous Women at UN Climate Summit Peru
Top photo by Robin Milam
Posted at Censored News
WECAN International is headed to Lima, Peru this December for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP20 negotiations. Join WECAN and our allies for a series of events and mobilizations in pursuit of climate justice, systemic change, and equitable solutions that
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
Casey Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Photo Robin Milam
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Please go to updated link: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/12/peru-tribunal-denounces-violations-to.html
Indigenous leader enroute to UN climate summit murdered
The Guardian reports, "The body of an indigenous leader who was opposed to a major mining project in Ecuador has been found bound and buried, days before he planned to take his campaign to climate talks in Lima.
"The killing highlights the violence and harassment facing environmental activists in Ecuador, following the confiscation earlier this week of a bus carrying climate campaigners
Posted on December 8, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. The Mohawks called the Jesuits �Ratisti�hen�sta:tsi, which means �burnt to a crisp�. The people carry out the punishment for three capital offences, treason, espionage and conspiracy, by burning the criminal[s] at the stake. These crimes could lead to the annihilation of
Mohawk Nation News 'Binding the Arrows'
Posted on December 8, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. A copy of this Objection was sent by registered mail to the Governor General of the Corporation of Canada:
Never ending Longhouse uniting all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh.
�To: Every Ongwehonwe in the Rotinoshonni Confederacy and to all our Friends and Allies on Onowaregeh:
Jumat, 05 Desember 2014
Failure of Indian country news is crime against humanity
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
It should be considered a crime against humanity for salaried reporters, supposedly covering national Indian news, to stay home and plagiarize instead of being present in DC.
Those reporters are failing as watchdogs to prevent the theft of Indian water rights, and Indian land rights. Real reporters in Indian country could do a great deal to protect land and
Sen. McCain leads planned theft of Apache sacred lands for copper mining
UPDATE: McCain's new mode of genocide: Theft of Apache land for copper mining
McCain is the darling of the coyotes and snakes
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sen. John McCain's new mode of genocide is no where more obvious than in the slick theft of Apache sacred lands for the benefit of a foreign corporation for copper mining. Of course, McCain's theft of sacred lands in Arizona is nothing
Paiute Leaders Statement to Congress on Pyramid Lake Water Rights
Paiutes protest planned theft of
Pyramid Lake water rights
Photo by Bad Bear Sampson 2014
Paiutes fighting to protect their water rights to Pyramid Lake say this document proves the current Paiute chairman has waived rights:
Mohawk Nation News 'Feathered Economic Hit Men'
Posted on December 5, 2014
Please post & distribute.
MNN. Nov. 5, 2014. The economic hit men have now donned feathers to corrupt the leader in Kahnawake. They tell the leader, �Here�s some money. Don�t worry about the people. Take the money for yourself and your family.� With the band council proposal to give us money for Kahnawake and the Mohawk interest
Rabu, 03 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Another Trail of Tears'
Posted on December 3, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 3, 2014. As Don Corleone said, �We�ll give them an offer they can�t refuse�. The INDIANS known as the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake MCK were obviously trained at the school of dirty tricks. I saw these tactics played on our people when I worked at Indian Affairs. They tried to
Selasa, 02 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Stir the Mind'
Posted on December 1, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 2, 2014. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake is calling for a one-day community consultation on the supposed loss of the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis SSSL by the Mohawks of Kahnawake. It was not lost. We always knew where it was! We are not the intruders. Yet we are being asked if we
Senin, 01 Desember 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'CA'NAZISM'
Posted on December 1, 2014
Mohawk Nation News Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 1, 2014. Canada is the first colony to register with the Vatican/CROWN in 1867 as a corporate state. The definition of Nazism is the merger of corporation and state. All those carrying Canadian identification are the new Nazis!
Harper is
Minggu, 30 November 2014
Bolivia's Nuclear Power Plant is Disturbing News to Native Americans
Native Americans alarmed by Bolivia President Evo Morales announcement of building a nuclear power plant
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The announcement by Bolivia President Evo Morales that Bolivia would build a nuclear power plant came as troubling news to those who attended the Climate Change and Protection of Mother Earth Conference in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in 2010.
PERU: Rights of Nature Tribunal Dec 2014
2014 Rights of Nature Tribunal
Click for Print quality poster
Informaci�n sobre el Tribunal en espa�ol
Convening parallel to Lima UN FCCC COP 20
Free & open to the public
Parallel to the UN FCCC December 2014 meetings in Lima, the Global Alliance intends to host its second International Rights of Nature Tribunal. The intention is to hear a small number of cases aligned with the UN FCCC
Protests as Ski Area Opens with Sewage Snow on Sacred Site
Protests as ski area opens with 100 percent treated sewage snow on sacred site
By Klee Benally
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz � On Friday, November 28, 2014, more than 50 people rallied and marched as Arizona Snowbowl ski area opened with snow made from 100% treated sewage on the sacred San Francisco Peaks. With no natural snowfall,
Sabtu, 29 November 2014
An Epidemic of Plagiarism
Salaried plagiarizers, and stay-at-home re-writers, have turned Indian country journalism into a sweatshop of stolen words and photos
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The plagiarism by stay-at-home reporters has become an epidemic in Indian country. It is plagiarism, compounded by deception. Salaried plagiarizers, and stay-at-home re-writers, have turned journalism into a sweatshop of stolen
Dineh Jean Whitehorse: Boarding schools, relocation and sterilization
Jean Whitehorse, Dineh, AIM West
Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at livestream.com
Watch video: Jean Whitehorse's presentation begins at minute 25, after
Webster Arthur, Nez Perce, and Raquel Arthur, Pyrmaid Lake Paiute
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Jean Whitehorse, Dineh from Navajo Nation, spoke on abuse in boarding schools, bias in children's
Gila River O'odham Lori Riddle: Protecting sacred land
Lori Riddle, O'odham, with Govinda of Earthcycles
earthcycles on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Lori Riddle, O'odham of Gila River Indian Community, spoke on how her family endured the poisons of living on a Superfund site, during the American Indian Movement's gathering, AIM West, here Nov. 21 -- 22, 2014.
Speaking on the long
Jumat, 28 November 2014
Photos March to Protect the Peaks
Louise Benally leads march for Protection of San Francisco Peaks
Photos by Klee Benally
US, Canada and Ukraine vote against Russia�s anti-Nazism resolution at UN
US, Canada & Ukraine vote against Russia�s anti-Nazism resolution at UN
Published time: November 22, 2014 07:59Edited time: November 23, 2014 14:43
Reuters / Mike Segar
Canada, Hate crimes, Russia, UN, USA,Ukraine
UN General Assembly�s Third Committee passed a Russia-proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes.
Kinder Morgan pulls out of Burnaby Mountain!
A Kinder Morgan employees drill on Burnaby Mountain in the background as a signs placed by anti-pipeline demonstrators are pictured in the foreground in Burnaby, B.C., on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. Kinder Morgan has stopped drilling on Burnaby Mountain and will move out its equipment beginning today, a company spokeswoman said Friday.
Photograph by: Jonathan Hayward , THE CANADIAN PRESS
Shellmound March: Protect the Sacred 2014
Friday, November 28
at 12:00pm - 3:00pm in Pacific time
Starts within an hour
Corner of Ohlone Way and Shellmound St. Emeryville CA
Please join us for the 15th anniversary of our annual protest. In 1999, the City of Emerryville built the Mall that now sits on the corner of Shellmound St and Ohlone Way. This was once a Ohlone village site and it is one of the largest Shellmounds
AIM Panel on Racist Mascots and Genocide
Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at livestream.com
Video Part I Racist Mascots, Sat., Nov. 22, 2014
American Indian Movement, AIM West, Panel on Racist Mascots and Genocide
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Videos by Govinda at Earthcycles
SAN FRANCISCO -- Bill Means, Lakota, said there is no issue more important than racism. The racism of sports mascots continues the
Mohawk Nation News 'Shame On You America'
Posted on November 27, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 27, 2014. John Robles, our Taino Ongwehone brother, lives in Russia. He posted a list of shame as his �thanksgiving� tribute to the United States of America.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go
Kamis, 27 November 2014
Posted on November 27, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 27, 2014. In 1976 the MNN editor was working at Indian Affairs in Ottawa. One evening I was working late. A man came to see me. He spoke about 24-year old Nelson Small Legs Jr., who had appeared at the Berger Commission on the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline. His appearance
Rabu, 26 November 2014
Burnaby Mountain: Suzuki family members and Tahltan Nation members arrested
UPDATE NOW BELOW: Livestream of Burnaby Mountain
Wed. Nov. 26, 2014
Click here for livestream by Sea Shepherd:
Today via Twitter:
In the video, a group of women including Suzuki family members and Tahltan Nation arrested on Burnaby Mountain, as the struggle
Protest Snowbowl Opening Day 2014: Sewage Snow on Sacred Mountain
Protest Planned for Snowbowl's Opening Day
By Klee Benally
Protect the Peaks volunteerindigenousaction@gmail.com
FLAGSTAFF, AZ -- Arizona Snowbowl is opening their controversial ski area on November 28, 2014 with snow made from 100% treated sewage on the San Francisco Peaks.
This protest is being held to address environmental issues, public health concerns, and ongoing religious
Black Berets Cofounder Henry Dominguez speaks at AIM West
earthcycles on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Video by Govinda, Earthcycles
SAN FRANCISCO -- Listen as Henry Dominguez, cofounder of Black Berets, shares his memories at the American Indian Movement gathering in San Francisco, Nov. 21 --22, 2014.
Sharing his heartfelt memories, Dominguez, wearing the coat he wore on the Longest Walks,
Nez Perce and Paiute: Water Rights and Borders at AIM West
Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at livestream.com
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Listen to Webster Arthur, Nez Perce living on Pyramid Lake Paiute, and his daughter Raquel Arthur, Pyramid Lake Paiute, speak on borders, Paiute water rights to Pyramid Lake, and more Native American rights, at the American Indian Movement gathering in San Francisco, AIM
Tribes Unite to Protect Grand Canyon from Escalade Development
Tribes Unite to Protect Grand Canyon from Escalade Development
Posted on November 26, 2014 by Roger Clark
Hopi and Save the Confluence (STC) leaders meet with Havasupai Tribal Council, Nov. 14, 2014. Attendees included STC coalition member Renae Yellowhorse, Hopi Chairman ?Herman Honanie, Havasupai Council member Carrie Sinyalla, Havasupai Chairman Rex Tilousi, and Hopi Cultural
Selasa, 25 November 2014
Bahe: Keeping Legends Alive, Radio Show About October Sheep-Impoundments
From: "NaBahii Keediniihii"
Keeping Legends Alive, Radio Show About October Sheep-Impoundment
Greetings All,
40 years, I have lived and witness my Dineh community stand up for liberation, honor the Treaty of 1868, honor their ancestors who have fought against the colonial Spainards and Euro-Americans, honor the Great Spirits of the Female Mountain (Big Mountain and Black Mesa),
'Honoring Our Ancestors' Traditional Meal
Ruben Cu:k Ba'ak | Tohono O'odham
UnderGraduate | ASU | "I am Here To Change The World."
Upon suffering beyond suffering: the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the
El Paso Response to Ferguson Grand Jury Decision
Contact: Adriano Perez
Email: alternativeaspects@gmail.com
Date: 11/25/2014
A peaceful protest in El Paso, Texas
EL PASO, Texas, November 25, 2014- A National Protest in Response to the Grand Jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown
Mohawk Nation News 'Listen to your Mother'
Posted on November 25, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 25, 2014. The cops and soldiers all have mothers. The time has come for mothers to speak to their sons and daughters who are carrying out the will of the multinational energy corporations and their agents.
Minggu, 23 November 2014
WATCH LIVE 'No Honor in Racism' Rally Santa Clara
Clyde Bellecourt photo by Jacqueline Keeler
Above "An early bird agitator at the 49er
and Washington team. Here Black Beret rep Naiche confronted him. We are here to educate not engage provocations."
saidTony Gonzales
Photo Jacqueline Keeler, marching to Levi Stadium, now
Photo Jacqueline Keeler now at No Honor in Racism, Levi Stadium, Santa Clara
CALIFORNIA NOW 'No Honor in Racism Rally'
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Dozens of grassroots indigenous groups are hosting a �No Honor in Racism Rally' opposing the use of Native identity and culture as a mascot and demand an end the use of a racial slur by the Washington NFL Team. A prayer gathering, march, and press conference will be held prior to Today� game at the Levis Stadium.
Times and Location:
Sabtu, 22 November 2014
LIVE AIM West Conference Day 2 2014
Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at livestream.com
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Bill Means, Lakota, said there is no issue more important than racism. The racism of sports mascots continues the frontier mentality that led to the mass murder of Indian people.
In Wounded Knee, more than 300 men, women and children were killed.
LIVE AIM West Day 1 Fri, Nov. 21, 2014
earthcycles on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Update Day 2 AIM West live at:
Sweet Medicine all women's drum at AIM West
For today's video files from AIM West, go to Earthcycles and scroll down to Video Library. We'll be live again on Saturday. Earthcycles and Censored News:
Anonymous to Ku Klux Klan in Ferguson 'We Are Coming'
Read article at:
Jumat, 21 November 2014
Zapatistas Welcome Caravan, Families of Ayotzinapa's 43 disappeared
The Words of the General Command of the EZLN, presented by Subcomandante Insurgente Mois�s, concluding the event with the caravan of the families of the disappeared and students of Ayotzinapa, in the caracol of Oventik, November 15, 2014.
Spanish, French and Italian
Mothers, Fathers, and Family members of our murdered and disappeared brothers in Iguala, Guerrero:
Students of the
AIM West Day 1: Thank you to the storytellers!
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- A special thank you to everyone who spoke today at the AIM West Conference in San Francisco on mascots in sports; tarsands; water rights, and more. It is a wonderful reminder of how a life well lived can live on in the stories of the storytellers. A special thanks to the elders who shared their stories and insights from lives well lived,
Mohawk Nation News 'The New Indians'
Posted on November 22, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 21, 2014. Prime Minister Harper�s anti-terror bill has created the new INDIANS who are Canadians that stand by the Ongwehonwe and the laws of creation. War has been declared to desecrate our land. Like the ongwehonwe, the natural people of Onowaregeh, they are being brutally
Ecuador to Host Indigenous Conference in 2016
By Telesur
Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa announced on Saturday that his country will host the Latin American Conference of Ancestral Peoples in 2016, an event that aims to revive the voice of indigenous peoples.
"The goal is to relaunch the discourse of our ancestral peoples, which is falling into cliches, which in the case of Ecuador, the vast majority of indigenous
LIVESTREAM American Indian Movement live in San Francisco
American Indian Movement fights racist images, exposes US sterilization of Native women and theft of Indian water rights
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photo Sweet Medicine all women's drum group at AIM West
SAN FRANCISCO -- The American Indian Movement's annual west coast conference began Friday with AIM cofounder Clyde Bellecourt and Bill Means, Lakota, describing how sports
LISTEN Chief Arvol Looking Horse on Indigenous Wisdom Summit
Chief Arvol Looking Horse: Tar sands is the cancer of Canada
By Brenda Norrell
Indigenous Wisdom Summit
Censored News
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Lakota 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, began with a prayer for Grandmother Earth and the relatives, during the online Indigenous Wisdom Summit Nov 18 -- 20, 2014.
Chief Looking Horse spoke of the birth of the white
KKK Ferguson police ties exposed by Anonymous
Anonymous exposes ties between Ferguson police and Ku Klux Klan
Read article:
RT: Klan threatens to shoot Anonymous 'n****r lovers'
Also see: Nevada racist alert, incoming House Speaker:
Nevada racist alert: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/11/
New York: Letter Writing Dinner for Leonard Peltier and Oso Blanco
By Harvey Arden
BROOKLYN, New York � Tuesday, November 25th � Letter-Writing Dinner For American Indian Warriors Oso Blanco and Leonard Peltier
WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7 pm sharp, Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
AIM West Live Fri, Sat, Sun: Nov 21 -- 23 2014
Earthcycles and Censored News will be live in San Francisco Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Schedule at www.aimwest.info
Share our link:
By AIM West
Censored News
The 7th Annual AIM-WEST Coast Conference will be held at the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS), in San Francisco, on November 21-22, 2014.
Kamis, 20 November 2014
San Francisco Sounds Out for Missing Students in Mexico!
Photo by Brenda Norrell
San Francisco Sounds Out for Missing Students in Mexico
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Nov. 20, 2014
A large and loud crowd marching down Market St in San Francisco tonight, demanding justice for the 43 missing students in Guerrero, Mexico. Their signs demanded an end to the terrorism in Mexico. A light rain was falling, but they were undeterred. Trailed by the
Violent arrests at Burnaby Mountain
Photos by Jonathan Hayward Canadian Press
See more photos:
Screenshot from Sea Shepherd livestream today
Watch videos from today
Defending the Earth from Kinder Morgan pipeline
In the news at Vancouver Observer:
Post navigation
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Posted on November 20, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 20, 2014. At a recent meeting the Rotinoshonni/Iroquois discussed the residential school holocaust perpetrated on us by the CROWN/Vatican. They became of one mind that the CROWN/Vatican should be charged and forced to answer for the crime of genocide before
Arrests underway at Burnaby Mountain
Arrests at Burnaby Mountain as police arrive to enforce injunction, livestream by Sea Shepherd http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sea-shepherd-vancouver?utm_source=crowd-live-backend&utm_medium=visit-channel&utm_campaign=notifications
Rabu, 19 November 2014
Leaked Doc: Tar Sands Strategic Plan
Download now!
The 'plan' includes using a grassroots scheme
Tarsands Alberta, Canada, poisoning the Cree and other Native peoples,
now threatening the continent with dirty pipelines
TransCanada's Scheme includes Paid Media, and Researching Activists
Excerpt from Common Dreams:
Greg Grey Cloud free after Lakota song in Senate defending Mother Earth
Photo Frank Thorp V via Twitter
Lakota song as Keystone XL vote fails in the US Senate
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat http://www.chrisp.lautre.net/wpblog/?p=2580
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans NAIS
Greg Grey Cloud, Crow Creek Lakota and co-founder of Wica Agli on Rosebud in South
Selasa, 18 November 2014
Senate vote fails on Keystone Native chant sounds out
UPDATE: Greg Grey Cloud, Lakota, free after Lakota song in the US Senate defending Mother Earth from Keystone XL pipeline tarsands:
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Greg Grey Cloud, Crow Creek Lakota and co-founder of Wica Agli on Rosebud in South Dakota, was free last night after being jailed for sounding out in the US Senate the song of the people whose water
'NO! Keystone tar sands!' Wica Agli in DC to support Rosebud President
Wica Agli Travels to Washington, D.C. to Support President Scott of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the Cowboy and Indian Alliance
November 17, 2014 Press Release
Reposted from Lakota Voice
Wica Agli members are in Washington, D.C.
Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit today online
Compassion Games International - Protect the Sacred
Very Beloved Relatives!We are thrilled to invite you to sign up and join us for the totally free Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit � an unprecedented no-cost online event offered by The Shift Network, November 18-20 � where Indigenous sisters and brothers from around Mother Earth are gathering together to show the human
Senin, 17 November 2014
Congratulations to our Heroes
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
It is wonderful watching my longtime friends honored for fighting the good fight. Each is on their own path, upholding their cultures and traditions, and fighting for human rights and border rights in what is known as Arizona.
It is an incredible time for the Benally family. Jones Benally of Big Mountain is being honored at the Heard Museum in Phoenix. Sihasin -
Supai Waters: Raising the AIM staff
By Supai Waters
Censored News
Good afternoon,
Northern Havasupai AIM scout enroute to Red Lake
United Nations AIM camp. All unified AIM chapters on stand by, waituntil southern route AIM staff is raised and standing atattention. Drum nations stand by.
We will shoot the first arrow for clearance.
Anonymous takes the hoods off the KKK after Ferguson threats
Anonymous seizes Ku Klux Klan Twitter account over Ferguson threats
Summary: After racial hate group Ku Klux Klan said it would use 'lethal force' on Ferguson protesters, a skirmish with Anonymous erupted: Anonymous has now seized two primary KKK Twitter accounts. UPDATED.
Read articles and watch video:
Lakotas 'House vote on Keystone pipeline is act of war'
by Aldo SeoaneWica Agli
Lakota Voice
ROSEBUD, SD � In response to today�s vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to authorize the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, the Rosebud Sioux Tribal President announced that the Rosebud Sioux Tribe (Sicangu Lakota Oyate) recognizes the authorization of this pipeline as an act of war.�The House has now signed our death warrants and the death warrants
O'odham Resistance against Loop 202: Protect the Sacred
By Akimel O�odham Youth CollectiveContact: Akimeloodhamyc@gmail.com
November 15th, 2014
Censored News
On Saturday November 15th, 2014, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) came to the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) to hold a public forum regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed South Mountain Loop 202 Freeway. About 25 people
Minggu, 16 November 2014
Yaqui Jose Matus receives Corazon Indigenous Award
Jose Matus, a lifetime upholding border rights, human rights and Yaqui ceremonies
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Jose Matus receives
Corazon Indigenous Award
PASCUA YAQUI NATION -- Jose Matus, Pascua Yaqui ceremonial leader and human rights activist, was selected by the Pascua Yaqui Nation to receive the Corazon Indigenous Award.
Matus was one of twelve people in the Tucson area
Sabtu, 15 November 2014
Winners Native Music Awards 2014!
Debut Group of the Year 2014 Sihasin, Clayson and Jeneda Benally
Congratulations to all the winners from Censored News
Send us your photos: brendanorrell@gmail.com
Artist of the Year
Mato Nanji
Vanishing Americans
Best Blues Recording
Vanishing Americans
Best Compilation Recording
Don�t Let Me Forget
Nov. 15, 2014, Saturday, 7 am till noon
The Arizona Dept of Transportation will be holding a public forum at the Komatke Boys & Girls Center, where community members will be given the opportunity to provide their comments on the recently released FEIS. GRIC has been in opposition to the South Mountain Freeway/ Loop 202 for decades with several community votes and resolutions. NO BUILD!
Jumat, 14 November 2014
Buzzfeed: Twelve Native Americans who are making a difference
Klee Benally, a Din�, is a busy man. He�s a musician, documentary film director, and project coordinator for Indigenous Action Media.
12 Native Americans Who Are Making A Difference
These Native Americans are standing up to represent their heritage and their culture. Watch some of them taking a stand on Rebel Music: Native America NOW, an MTV Facebook Premiere Exclusive.posted on Nov. 13,
Native Americans join lawsuit against Enbridge and Tarsands Nov 2014
Lawsuit Targets Secretive Plan to Ramp up Tar Sands Oil Shipments in Alberta Clipper Pipeline
Press statement
Posted at Censored News
On November l2, 2014, Honor the Earth joined with the White Earth Nation, the Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Indigenous Environmental Network in a lawsuit against the US State Department. The suit challenges the State
Kamis, 13 November 2014
Indian Gaming: The Price of Influence
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Indian casino lobbyists and management companies continue to bilk millions, possibly billions, out of Indian Nations. They use the sovereign status of Indian Nations, combined with PR spin, lobbyists and politicians, to enrich non-Indians.
The national Indian media, largely funded by casinos, is part of the scheme.
Millions of dollars each year go to lobbyists
Listen: Let's Talk Native 'Native American Music Awards'
John Kane
By John Kane, Mohawk
Let's Talk Native
Censored News
Jan Lookingwolf
Lifetime Achievement Winner
Jim Boyd
It's all about the NAMMY's which takes place this Friday, November 14th at the Seneca Allegany Casino. Ellen Bello President of the Native American Music Awards joins us at the top and then a parade of NAMMY nominees join the show. Jimmy Wolf and Caren Knight-Pepper
Rabu, 12 November 2014
Coast Salish Nations Sign International Treaty to Protect the Salish Sea
Coast Salish Nations Sign International Treaty to Protect the Salish Sea
Treaty makes Kinder Morgan Expansion Project illegal in Coast Salish Law
International Treaty to Protect the Salish Sea
COAST SALISH TERRITORY, NORTH VANCOUVER, BC; SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 � Today, First Nations from the lower mainland, Vancouver Island, and Washington State have come together to sign an historic
American Indian Movement's stance on Libya: Moments in history
Think outside the box today, moments in history
Vernon Bellecourt, AM
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
In the media's censored files in the United States are the facts that the American Indian Movement, and other Native Americans, maintained a relationship with Libya. For the history books, here are quotes by American Indians and Qaddafi. In the future, history books will be written to
Top Most Censored in Indian Country Nov. 2014
Vicam Yaqui Traditional Authority organizes water rights resistance
Photo Brenda Norrell Sonora, Mexico
Water rights protests: Navajo, Paiute, and Yaqui in Sonora/ Censored News
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Here's the Top Most Censored Issues in Indian Country:
Theft of Indian water rights by non-Indian attorneys, Congressmen and corrupt tribal officials
This is why we need more
Ethics concerns over 'Native American Encyclopedia'
Ethics and copyright concerns over 'Native American Encyclopedia' online
Letter to the Editor
Ethics concerns over
Native American Encyclopedia
Censored News
I'm hoping you might be able to help.
I have some serious concerns about a web site called "Native American Encyclopedia" (NAE) http://nativeamericanencyclopedia.com/
1. It is pulling in an increasing amount of visitors who are
Selasa, 11 November 2014
Livestream Native American Music Awards Nov. 14, 2014
November 12, 2014
Salamanca, New York - On Friday, November 14th, at
Mohawk Nation News 'I am Dekanawida'
Posted on November 9, 2014
This important story is being republished. Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Feb. 23, 2014/Nov. 9, 2014. Our messenger, Dekanawida, told us this story about the White, Red and Black Serpents just before he left us. Dekanawida referred to them as serpents because they slither underneath society.
Wampum #1: �I am Dekanawida. With the
Senin, 10 November 2014
Rally for Alexi Cruz, student detained in El Paso Immigration Center
Community Rallies for Alexi Cruz, Student Wrongly Detained in El Paso Immigration Center
Alexi, who came to the U.S. at 14, is eligible for DACA
El Paso, TX, November 10, 2014� Human Rights Organizer, student and father, Alexi Cruz was wrongly detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after his car broke down on the side of the road in Lordsburg, NM. Alexi was racially
Mohawk Nation News 'Bloody Remembrance'
Posted on November 10, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Thank you.
MNN. Nov. 10, 2014. War is the bankers� favorite theatre. November 11th is a celebration of war. Everybody gets a day off. Commemorations are televised of the past and present bloodletting. The bagpipes blare. Why do Scottish clad men marching with bagpipes symbolize Canada in
Jumat, 07 November 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'KAHNAWAKE, P.O.W. CAMP I.R. 14'
Posted on November 6, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Thank you.
MNN. Nov. 6, 2014. The timeline shows no surrender, treaty or permission by Mohawks to turn Kahnawake into a reserve. Under the military Corporation of Canada Kahnawake is a �Prisoner of War� Camp without walls for the Mohawks. It was created on October 25, 1924. The
CALIF: The Power of Big Money Overcomes the Power of the People
Goliath Wins Against David on Prop. 1
Prop. 1 Passes: The Power of Big Money Overcomes the Power of the People
Winnemem Wintu Chief Caleen Sisk
Caleen Sisk, Chief and Spiritual Leader of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, said the water bond, peripheral tunnels, Shasta Dam raise and other water projects now being planned by the state and federal governments are in in reality "one Big Project" that
Voters approve fracking bans in San Benito and Mendocino Counties
Voters approve fracking bans in San Benito and Mendocino Counties by Dan Bacher
Censored NewsIn election victories for the environment and public health, voters in San Benito County and Mendocino Counties on November 4 approved ballot measures that will ban fracking and other extreme oil-extraction techniques. Measure J in San Benito County passed with 57% of the vote,
Kamis, 06 November 2014
Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe Camp Day 91: Shut Down Imperial Mining
Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe Camp
Censored News
On Day 91 of the disaster, we are enjoying good company. We have moved through so many powerful communities, shared so many meals, so much laughter and so much time. In Iskut, it's snowing, we make moves quietly, we cook a traditional Pakistani Nihari with moose meat, fry bread and other good things and we eat and we eat. On days like today we wonder
Long arm of US censorship: Reporter in Russia silenced after Mohawk interviews
Mohawks with Marcos, Yaqui land
Sonora, Mexico
Voice of Russia reporter John Robles, who interviewed Mohawks, continues after being silenced at Voice of Russia
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
John Robles was silenced at the Voice of Russia, after his profound interviews, including those with Mohawks. Robles, born a US citizen in Puerto Rico, was granted asylum in Russia. Now, Robles says the
We want them alive: The search for Mexico's 43 missing students
A student of Guerrero State carries a portrait of a disappeared person, during a protest in Mexico City, on Wednesday.RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP/GETTY IMAGE
Autor: Andalusia Knoll / Upside Down World
Translations in eight languages
Rabu, 05 November 2014
Anonymous Million Mask March 2014: We need more whistleblowers!
Today Anonymous marches in the Million Mask March
Whistleblowers needed: Theft of Indian water rights
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
We need more whistleblowers to expose the ongoing theft of Native American water rights! In the west, non-Indian attorneys, often hired by tribal governments, are convincing American Indian Nations to give up their water rights in the so-called Indian "water
Zapatistas: Government kidnapped defenders against highway destruction
Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the Cowardly Attack by Government forces against the �atho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla on November 3, 2014
Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the Cowardly Attack by Government forces against the �atho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla on
Mohawk Nation News 'Republic of Kevin'
Posted on November 5, 2014
Please post and distribute.
MNN. Nov. 4, 2014. Rev. Kevin Annett, a non-Indian, and his followers are nullifying Canada and proclaiming the �Republic of Kanata� on January 1, 2015, in Winnipeg. It will be on all our unsurrendered Indigenous land known as �Canada�. The
Selasa, 04 November 2014
Bad Bear's Photos: Protest to Save Pyramid Lake
Carson City, Nevada, State Legislature. Natives fight for water
rights for future generations.
Photos by Bad Bear Sampson, Western Shoshone/Paiute photojournalist
and long walker
News article: Paiute water rights will be lost if Obama signs bill
Hitler's Blueprint: Indian reservations and US genocide
Starvation and cold at the prison camp of Fort Sumner, New Mexico
after the Longest Walk
Apartheid and the Holocaust: Genocide of American Indians
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Russell Means spoke a great deal about how Hitler used the genocide of American Indians -- starvation on long walks, and slow death on reservations -- as a blueprint for the Holocaust. Here is an article about
Censored News Fundraiser
Censored News still needs to raise $205 for the live coverage from the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, WI, for the hotel and airfare in October 2014. We are reader supported news.
We are all volunteers and rely on donations for travel to provide live coverage and authentic print journalism and photos! Thank you! brendanorrell@gmail.com
Boarding School Tribunal coverage
Mohawk Nation News 'Richelieu Unity Strength and Peace'
Posted on November 3, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Thank you.
MNN. Nov. 3, 2014. The MNN editor made these comments to the Quebecois of Sorel Quebec, a city on Mohawk territory near Kahnawake. A sculpture was being unveiled dedicated to the French people.
1710 Iroquois explain Great Peace to Queen Anne�s Court, London.
Senin, 03 November 2014
Comcaac (Seri) holder of traditions passes to Spirit World
Comcaac (Seri) holder of traditions passes to Spirit World
By Brenda Norrell
Seri land on coast
Censored News
DESEMBOQUE, Sonora, Mexico -- Amalia Astorga, Comcaac (Seri) and upholder of traditions, passed to the Spirit World after a long life of living and sharing Comcaac culture and traditions on Seri land, on the coast in Sonora, in northwest Mexico.
Sabtu, 01 November 2014
Navajo and Hopi governments release statements on sheep impoundments
Navajo Nation demands halt to livestock impoundment on Hopi Partitioned Lands
Navajo Nation press statement Oct. 30, 2014
Published at Censored News
President Ben Shelly and Speaker Pro Tem LoRenzo Bates are demanding that the Hopi Tribe and the Bureau of Indian Affairs cooperate with a request issued by the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office to cease and desist from ongoing impoundment
Dirty Money, Dirty Water: Nature Conservancy teams up with Big Oil and Wal-Mart
Photo of lower San Joaquin River on the "Delta Loop" by Dan Bacher
By Dan Bacher
Censored News
Good Morning
Below are my latest three articles, all about the big corporate money behind Prop. 1, Governor Jerry Brown's Water Bond.
If you every had any doubts that the political process in California wasn't completely corrupt and driven by big money, please read the following articles about
Video Etta Begay speaks on rangers impounding her sheep
Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Statement of Etta Begay of Red Willow Springs re: the recent livestock impoundments at her homesite.
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Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014
Window Rock March: Dineh demand halt to livestock impoundments
Photo by Roland Begay
Black Mesa Residents and Supporters March in Window Rock, Navajo Nation demands halt to livestock impoundments
By Indigenous Action Media
Photo by Nadine Narindrankura
Oct. 31, 2014
WINDOW ROCK, Din� Bikeyah � On October 30, 2014 dozens of Din� Black Mesa residents and Read more at Indigenous Action Media
supporters protested recent paramilitary style assaults by
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014
Relocation Resisters: Navajo elders victims of domestic terrorism
By Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Censored News
Clarence and Mary Lou Blackrock of Cactus Valley are sitting up all night by the fire, unable to sleep for fear of their sheep being taken. This distress endangers the elders health. This family wanted these pictures shared so that the world can see the suffering at the hands of the federal government
Media Pimps: Hollywood isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top
Hollywood isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice at NAIS
With the creation of the Internet, new forms of fraud and crime were created by reporters who never leave their homes. These armchair journalists have joined the world of other corporate criminals. They steal
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014
Update on Big Mountain impoundments
October 28, 2014 by BMIS By Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Hopi Rangers arrested two individuals and impounded 120 sheep this morning at the homesite of Tom and Etta Begay in Red Willow Springs. Heavily armed rangers guarded and blocked nearby dirt road entrances as well.
�The Hopi Rangers came
Sheep Dog Nation Rocks' Aggressive confiscation of Navajo sheep'
Once Upon A Time in Big Mountain, A world as We've not known
Native American history has been re-written for the purpose of patriotism toward capitalist-aggression. The former, indigenous America, had the intellect, scholarship and self-governing but spirituality was always supreme. This Blog hopes to present thoughts and discussion based on such awarenesses.
South Dakota: TransCanada fails to block landowners and Natives from Keystone XL hearing
Update: TransCanada Fails to Block Bold Nebraska, Nebraska Landowners From South Dakota Keystone XL Hearing
By Bold Nebraska
By Mark Hefflinger - October 27, 2014
Tagged Keystone XL
UPDATE 10/28/14:
Despite TransCanada�s lawyers� best efforts
More Navajo Sheep Impoundments! Human Rights Observers Needed!
Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Censored News
The BIA directed Hopi Tribal Police have impounded another family's herd this morning. They blockaded the family's driveway, detained in police cars and then released two family members for trying to document, and shut two others in the house. When the Rangers came out
Listen: Commitment Song Chief Terrance Nelson at Boarding School Tribunal
Commitment song by Grand Chief Terrance Nelson, of Southern Chiefs Organization, at Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Oct. 22 -- 24, 2014.
Mohawk Nation News 'Long Knives'
Posted on October 28, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 28, 2014. The illegal and immoral purges started before the gunfight on Reichtag Hill in Ottawa. Harper�s role models are Hitler and Stalin. The cabal fantasizes the big lie that they own Onowaregeh, the Indigenous land of Great Turtle Island. Canadian true history is about atrocities against us. War,
Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014
'Halt impoundments' says Navajo Hopi Land Commission
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The Navajo Hopi Land Commission's letter to Hopi Chairman Herman Honanie states that the Hopi Tribe should desist from the impoundment of Navajo sheep due to the traumatic impact on Navajos with sheep on Hopi Partitioned Lands. The Commission says that the Hopi Tribe should work with the Commission in a spirit of cooperation to resolve the issues in a
Day 3 Boarding School Tribunal!
Day 3 Live at the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Click arrow above to watch live or go to:
Bill Means: "We are rebuilding our nations, because we have treaties"
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
More testimony from Day 3: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/10/conclusions-boarding-school-tribunal.html
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin --
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Nazi Canada'
Posted on October 25, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute.
MNN. Oct. 25, 2014. The false flag gunfight on Parliament Hill was Hitler�s Reichtag fire of February 1933. Canada�s new anti-terror law is the model for the Nazi takeover of the world. Within days democracy was shut down. Now martial law can be declared, armed soldiers sent into residential areas,
Action begins over Navajo sheep impoundments, Peabody Coal
Peabody Coal is the terrorist!
Action begins on Black Mesa in response to the livestock impoundments of Navajo sheep of those resisting relocation on Hopi Partitioned Land, Turquoise Trail Rd
Read more: Widespread sheep impoundments, one Navajo arrested: http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/10/call-for-help-sheep-impounded-arrest-of.html
(Below) Protesting the monster of uranium
Indigenous Congress and Zapatistas Declaration for Ayotzinapa and Yaqui
Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the crime in Ayotzinapa and for the liberation of the Yaqui leaders
Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the crime in Ayotzinapa and for the liberation of the Yaqui leaders
(Note: this text was read by CNI members in one of the mobilizations held in Mexico on October 22, 2014, and
Beatings and Shame: Native Americans Testify at Boarding School Tribunal
By Brenda Norrell
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The testimony of Native Americans who were beaten in boarding schools concluded on Friday, during the three day Boarding School Tribunal here. Native Americans described being kidnapped from their families and not seeing them for years, while they endured severe beatings and starvation in boarding schools operated by the governments of the United
Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014
Leonard Peltier's Testimony to Boarding School Tribunal
Written Testimony by imprisoned activist Leonard Peltier. Testimony read into the record by Dorothy Ninham, at the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by NAIS
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- Imprisoned activist Leonard Peltier described when he was kidnapped from
Preliminary Conclusions Boarding School Tribunal
Photo Brenda Norrell
Revitalization of AIM: Dennis Banks announced a walk across America for Leonard Peltier, beginning Feb. 2015, from Alcatraz to Washington DC
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News original live coverage
More testimony from Day 3:
Boarding School Tribunal Green Bay photo by Brenda Norrell
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014
Call for help: Sheep impounded, arrest, of Navajos resisting relocation Oct 2014
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat
Louise Benally said, Dine' (Navajo) residents face arrest and livestock theft on their ancestral homelands of Big Mountain, Black Mesa, Arizona. These are ELDERS and families that RELY on their livestock for sustenance. It is the US government with their borders and mass forced relocation,
Day 2 Boarding School Tribunal Green Bay
Dennis Banks, Bill Means, Grand Chief Terrance Nelson
Photo Brenda Norrell
Jean Whitehorse, Dine' (Navajo)
Photo Brenda Norrell
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Tribunal on the Devastating Impacts of Boarding Schools began the second day with Jean Whitehorse, Dine' (Navajo) speaking on Native rights and the sterilization of Indian women.
First Voices Indigenous Radio Oct. 23, 2014
By First Voices Indigenous Radio
Censored News
Host John Kane, Mohawk, speaks with those at the Boarding School Tribunal in Wisconsin, on national radio First Voices Indigenous Radio, WBAI.
Listen live: http://stream.wbai.org/
Brenda Norrell, Grand Chief Terrance Nelson and Dr. Pamela Pam Palmater will join John Kane on Thursday, Oct. 23, on a special two-hour edition of WBAI-FM�s �First
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014
Day 1 Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay
Photos by Brenda Norrell Censored News
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014
Updated schedule for Tribunal: http://www.blueskiesfoundation.info/PROGRAM.pdf
Dutch translation
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Boarding School Tribunal began with a traditional prayer and AIM song on Wednesday morning. Dennis Banks, Anishinaabe, and Bill Means, Lakota, welcomed Native
US Torture: Photos more disturbing than Abu Ghraib
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Common Dreams
US Given New Deadline for Torture Photos 'More Disturbing' Than Abu Ghraib
Judge says Obama administration must clarify why thousands of images depicting abuse of detainees held by U.S. forces have never been seen by American public
Jon Queally, staff writer
Common Dreams
An artist's intepretation of prisoner
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014
Earthcycles Livestream Boarding School Tribunal
Live Coverage begins mid-day on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014
Boarding School Tribunal Registration
Stephanie Davis greets Dennis Banks at Boarding School Tribunal 2014
Wednesday afternoon: A tour of Green Bay is underway on Wednesday afternoon. The Tribunal presenters return at 9 am on Thursday, with more on Friday.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014
Hopi in Hotevilla Receives Green Award
Trees, Water and People Announces Winner of $40,000 �Green Business in Indian Country Start-Up Award�
Trees, Water & People (TWP) is pleased to announce Tyler Tawahongva as the winner of the 2014 Green Business in Indian Country Start-Up Award. Mr. Tawahongva, a Hopi member of the Coyote Clan from Hotevilla, Arizona, will receive up to $40,000 in start-up capital and technical assistance to
Tribute to 19 Hopi Imprisoned for Resisting Boarding Schools
Hopi Prisoners at Alcatraz, January 1895
Back Row (left to right): unidentified; Polingyawma; Heevi'ima; Masatiwa; unidentified. Middle Row: Q�tsventiwa; Piphongva; unidentified; Lomahongewma; unidentified; Lomayestiwa; Yukiwma. Front Row: Tuvehoyiwma; unidentified; Patupha; Q�tsyawma; unidentified; Sikyakeptiwa; unidentified.
Hopi arrested in Arizona, 1894
#57, Mennonite Library
EZLN joins the October 22 events in support of Ayotzinapa and the Yaqui People
The EZLN joins the October 22 events in support of Ayotzinapa and the Yaqui People
Communiqu� from the Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee�General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation
October 19, 2014
To the classmates, teachers, and family members of the dead and disappeared of the Escuela Normal[i]�Ra�l Isidro Burgos� of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.
Heartache and Genocide: Indian Boarding Schools in Photos
Heartache and Genocide: Indian Boarding Schools in Photos
Censored News live coverage of Boarding School Tribunal:
Day 3 Preliminary conclusions and testimony
More Testimony from Day 3:
Day 2
Senin, 20 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Get Smart!'
Posted on October 21, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 21, 2014. The Quebec Police in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu were chasing a 25-year old businessman, Couture Rouleau. His car hit two men in a parking lot, who happen to be soldiers. One died. With the cops in hot pursuit, his car flipped over near the Canadian Forces Base. Witnesses saw him crawl out with
Censored News Fundraiser for Boarding School Tribunal Coverage
Hi friends,
Censored News is fundraising for coverage of the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay.
Update Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014: The Boarding School Tribunal has concluded. Censored News still needs to raise $310 to pay for the airfare and hotel.
Here's the live coverage from Censored News. Govinda at Earthcycles provided the livestream.
Day 3 Preliminary conclusions and
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014
Big Oil Company Donates $250,000 to Yes on Proposition 1 campaign
Graphic of Jerry Brown courtesy of Red, Green and Blue.
Big Oil Company Donates $250,000 to Yes on Proposition 1 campaign Top contributors to water bond donated over $9.9 million! by Dan Bacher
Censored NewsThe California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) revealed on October 17 that Aera Energy LLC, a company jointly owned by affiliates of Shell and
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014
Music, Films and Protests: Censored News Mailbox Oct 18, 2014
Censored News Mailbox Oct. 18, 2014: Films, Music, Protests, Awards and More
October 2014
UNO Native American Film Festival
Nov. 7-9 in Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha's Second Annual Native American Film Festival, November 7-9, 2014, will showcase ten feature films, documentaries, and animations. Co-presented by the University of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO) Native American
Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News '9/11 Radioactive Dump'
Posted on October 17, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 17, 2014. Many of our Haudenosaunee men proudly worked on the Twin Towers in New York City. We always wanted to know the truth on what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Huge caverns of melted granite below Twin Tower foundations caused by thermo nuclear explosions
Pacific Climate Warriors Block World's Largest Coal Port in Canoes!
Climate Warriors celebrate after blocking coal ships!
By 350.org
Censored News
NEWCASTLE, Australia -- The Pacific Climate Warriors have been welcomed back to shore after a long day blockading the Newcastle Coal Port.
Only four of the twelve ships, including two coal ships, scheduled to pass through the port have broken the blockade lead by a group of Pacific Climate
Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014
Pacific Standoff Begins: Warriors arrive in canoes to halt coal ships
Live coverage by Aaron Packard, 350 Pacific:
NOW! Pacific Islander Climate Warriors in Canoes Halting Coal Ships
See update at Censored News:
AUSTRALIA: After the stand off with the first coal ship, which inched it's way through, there's been no other ships coming through when they're were 6 scheduled
O'odham Border: Sometimes we need to hear their voices
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sometimes we need to hear their voices, again.
Listen to the Indigenous Border Summit of the Americas on Tohono O'odham land 2007, and the voices of Kahentinetha, after the Mohawks saw the abuse of the US Border Patrol, spy towers, and cage for migrants on Tohono O'odham land at the border.
Listen to Angie Ramon, O'odham, whose son was run over and killed by
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014
Secwepemc Ts�ka7 Warriors burn down Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek Mine Bridge
Secwepemc Ts�ka7 Warriors deactivate Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek mine roadInternational Statement, October 14, 2014Censored News
With much discussion with Elders Councils and around Sacred fires and ceremonies the Secwepemc Ts�ka7 Warriors have acted out their collective responsibility and jurisdiction to and in the Ts�ka7 area by deactivating the Imperial Metals Ruddock Creek mine
New Report Exposes Mexico's Dirty War
Corpses of students massacred by police as they were coming from Iguala to collect funds.
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored NewsNew Report Exposes Mexican Dirty WarAfter more than two years of painstaking work, a revealing report on the Mexican government�s dirty war against opponents in the state of Guerrero decades ago will be delivered Wed. Oct, 15, 2014, even as new human rights and political
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014
Censored News Begins 9th Year!
With 3.5 million pageviews, we begin our 9th year!
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
We celebrate the beginning of the ninth year of Censored News!
In 2006, after being censored, then terminated, as a staff writer for Indian Country Today, I began Censored News to expose what is being censored, and as a platform for grassroots Indigenous Peoples. It was launched at the Indigenous Border
Dine' Traditional Harvest Recipes
Reposting these popular traditional recipes, most of the Dine' recipes were collected while I was food editor of Navajo Times Today many years ago. There's also mesquite and nopalito (cactus pad) recipes from Tohono O'odham, and others from Sonora. Enjoy! Thanks for reading, Brenda
Dine� Traditional Harvest Recipes
Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Foods for Health
Mohawk Nation News 'Ebola Crisis Set-up'
Posted on October 13, 2014
Please post and distribute.
MNN. OCT. 14, 2014. �Crisis actors� are hired by government agencies and mainstream media to portray trauma and suffering. They play victims or witnesses in staged false flags, like school shootings or hoax terrorist attacks to promote totalitarianism.
Watch the following video on the New York Times and CNN
Massive dumping of wastewater into aquifers shows Big Oil's power in California
Massive dumping of wastewater into aquifers shows Big Oil's power in California
Oil industry illegally injected nearly 3 billion gallons of wastewater
by Dan Bacher
Censored News
As the oil industry spent record amounts on lobbying in Sacramento and made record profits, documents obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity reveal that almost 3
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014
Posted on October 12, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 12, 2014. Genocide is planned! It�s predictable and preventable.
Wisconsin Weasel: �Welcome to the Commission on legalizing genocide!�
Victims are divided into haves and have-nots. The Vatican played a major role in the eradication of Indigenous in the Western Hemisphere. Today states
GLENDALE, Ariz: Protest Racist NFL Team Name Oct. 12, 2014
Battle Over Racist NFL Team Name Comes to Glendale, ArizonaIndigenous Organizations to Hold March, News Conference and Rally for Respect
PHOENIX, AZ � A march, news conference an rally for respectful representation of Indigenous Peoples will be held in Glendale, Arizona on Sunday, October 12, 2014. The events will coincide with an NFL game at University of Phoenix
VIDEO: Protest against Columbus Day in Houston 2014
Click arrow below to watch video
By Cheryl and Steve Melendez
American Indian Genocide Museum
Censored News
HOUSTON -- Indigenous activists and supporters came together in Houston for an educational protest against Columbus day. The group of brave souls gathered for a walk (some wearing shackles and bound together with chains) in the refreshing rain to Bell Park in the Texas Medical
Photos: Dine' awarded Justin Willie Humanitarian Award
Photos by Shannon Francis, Dine'
Censored News
Congratulations to Aretta Begay, Shannon Francis and Roberto Nutlouis, awarded the Justin B. Willie Humanitarian Awards, honoring traditional agriculture.
LEUPP, Navajo Nation -- Honoring the legacy of traditional Dine' agriculture and human rights, Aretta Begay, Shannon Francis and Roberto Nutlouis were awarded the
Supai Waters 'Time to feed your spirits'
From Supai Waters
Havasupai land
Censored News
Good morning Brenda,
Sending success at front line in the morning. Three stars appear each day. Those are the ancient elders gathered again to send honor and triumphant, success. The north node represents accomplishment now that the three feather nations have united. In unison to honor the winged ones in the center star. It's time to retreat and
Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014
Rage and Fury Sweep Mexico, the World: Justice for Ayotzinapa
Rage and Fury Sweep Mexico, the World: Justice for Ayotzinapa
By Frontera NorteSur
Censored News
Oct. 10, 2014Swelling outrage over a police massacre and the forced disappearance of scores of students swept Mexico and the world this week.Tens of thousands of demonstrators demanded justice for six people killed September 26 and 27 by municipal police officers and paramilitary gunmen in Iguala,
Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Wisconsin Whitewash?'
Posted on October 9, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 8, 2014. Blue Skies Inc. is holding a supposed �Truth Commission on Indian Boarding Schools� in Wisconsin on October 22 to 24, 2014. The U.S. is exporting its genocide program. The holocaust of Great Turtle Island is well known. Over 150 million Indigenous people were eliminated. Canada is a
Murdered and Tortured: Students in Mexico and US Boarding Schools
Carlisle: The children who never came home
Photo by Brenda Norrell on Long Walk 2
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Most of us live lives sanitized from the torture in Mexico. Once you have seen the torture, or the photos of this torture, these bodies remain imprinted on your mind forever. Please remember the students disappeared and murdered by police in Guerrero, Mexico.
The tortured
Zapatistas Support for Students of Ayotzinapa, Police Massacred
October 2014:
To the students of the Escuela Normal[1] �Ra�l Isidro Burgos� in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.
To the national and international Sixth:
To the people of Mexico and the world:
Sisters and Brothers:
Compa�eras and Compa�eros:
To the students of
AIM West Annual Conference 2014
AIM-West coast 7th annual Conference:
Date: November 21-22,
(on 23rd protest Washington football mascot on site at Levy Stadium, in Santa Clara)
Time: 9 � 6 pm (daily-lunch included)
Place: California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission St. SF CA 94103
www.ciis.edu (415-575-6100)
AIM-WEST Unthanksgiving Dinner �Eagle feast with the
AIM West Film Festival Oct 12 2014
AIM-WEST 5th International Film Festival:
Date: Sunday, October 12, International Day of Resistance to Colonization (1492-2014)
Time: 10 am � 11:30 am pre-event with traditional dancers, drummers & singers
12 noo � 9 pm film screening, see website for listing and schedule
Place: Arlene Francis Center for Politic, Art, and Spirituality
99 6th St.
SOA Watch 'End Police Violence, Militarization at Home and Abroad
From Mexico to Ferguson: End Police Violence & Militarization at Home and AbroadThe militarized "solutions" taught at the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC) are also being applied to communities within the US. We need to end the racist system of state violence and militarization at home and abroad.
They thought they would just be arrested. But something else awaited themOn September
A quienes escuchen en este M�xico de sangre y de dolor (Blood and Pain in Mexico)
Photo link
The Blood and Pain in Mexico
(Computer translation excerpt) Enrique Pe�a Nieto and those behind him operate with the old style of dictatorships and the new discourse of "democracy", that is, with the best and most perfect style of Mexican political wickedness, being made to build a country that crime is a state policy, that is where everything is available for the right price,
Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014
Funder of Hawaiian telescope is same for Native rights violator in Calif
Photo of protest at Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation offices on October 7 in solidarity with protests to stop the building of a giant telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Photo courtesy of Santa Cruz Indigenous Solidarity.
MLPA Initiative Funder pledged $250 million for Mauna Kea telescope
Protesters rally in Palo Alto against desecration of sacred mountain
by Dan Bacher
In the news today: Navajo Times
Photo by Robyn Jackson, Dine', Censored News
Rolling Stone featured this scene in its top photos, is Navajo Times censoring it?
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Why does Navajo Times have this article, 'Groundbreaking, Hawaiian blessing for telescope' -- instead of an article about the Native Hawaiian protest over the telescope desecrating the sacred mountain Mauna Kea? http://
Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014
Manufactured news is death sentence for Indigenous Peoples
Systematic plagiarism and deception in news aid corporate genocide
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Each day the news becomes more manipulative with the truth distorted to deceive you. There is no better place to observe this than in the national Indian country news, where the news ranges from systematic plagiarism to news lite, distraction and spin.
The news coverage of the recent UN
Native Hawaiians protest telescope on sacred mountain
Mauna Kea Protest
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 -- 7am to 2pm
Saddle Road at the entrance to the Mauna Kea Observatory Road
Website: sacredmaunakea@wordpress.com
Native Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians will gather for a peaceful protest
against the Astronomy industry and the �State of Hawaii�s� ground-
breaking ceremony for a thirty-meter telescope (TMT) on the
Senin, 06 Oktober 2014
Posted on October 4, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 4, 2014. Two related incidents. The orchestrated attack on selected Mohawks by Canada�s band council of Kahnawake MCK inc.
Corporate band council meetings in Kahnawake.
And an attempted murder of a young driver by the Surete du Quebec SQ. Both are part of the �ordo ab chao� conflict strategy
Mohawk Nation News 'Ebola Blankets, Anyone?'
Posted on October 3, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 3, 2014. The first and largest germ warfare in mankind was in the Western Hemisphere. Small pox were given to us through blankets and other means to murder over 150 million Indigenous people. Small pox was a European invention. The government, military and the people all took part in the
Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014
World Conference on Indigenous: Canada and Mexico expose themselves
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
To recap, let me know if I missed anything: First, a former CIA employee tried to take control of the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples planning session near San Diego. Next people flew around the world planning it. Next, the North American Caucus called for cancellation of the conference. Next it was made clear that grassroots Indigenous could not
World Conference on Indigenous violated by presence of Mexico's president
MEXICO: Indigenous Leaders repudiate "double talk" of Mexican President Pe�a Nieto at UN HighLevel Plenary Meeting in NY
Rosa Rojas / La Jornada
?Source: La Jornada
Translation by Tonatierra
The discourse of the Mexican government before the so-called World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) organized by the United Nations in New York "is a fork-tongue discourse"
Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Secrets from the Scottish Closet'
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. SEP. 20, 2014. Surprisingly some Canadian Metis support the Scots in their quest for sovereignty. The relationship between the Scots and us is still that of colonizer and colonized. The Scots came over to get �free� Indian land that was advertised by the colony of Canada.
It�s time to reveal Scottish
Photo Casey Camp addresses Willie Nelson, Neil Young on tarsands fight
By Bold Nebraska
Censored News
Casey Camp of the Ponca nation addresses Willie Nelson and Neil Young, who were honored by the Rosebud, Oglala, Ponca and Omaha Nations for their dedication to family farmers, ranchers and native families.
The "Harvest the Hope" concert featuring headliners Willie Nelson and Neil Young took place on Sept. 27, 2014 at the Tanderup farm near Neligh, NE, which
Iguala, Guerrero and the Pacific: Balance of darkness and hope
One half million people lined the streets and crowded Zocalo Plaza with a heroes
welcome in Mexico City at the end of the Zapatista caravan
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
There are two places in the news that I have loved, one is now a place of tragedy and horror, and the other is a place of valiant courage and hope like none other.
The first is Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico.
On the Zapatista
Pacific Climate Warriors to Block World's Largest Coal Port in Canoes
Pacific Climate Warriors will Block the World�s Largest Coal Port
By Aaron Packard
Indigenous Resistance
In October this year 30 Pacific Climate Warriors from 12 different islands will arrive on Australian shores to stand up to the coal and gas industry.
We are now excited to announce that on October 17th, the Pacific Climate Warriors will use the canoes they have built to paddle out
PACIFIC Video Vanuatu: Climate Warriors of Coal Industry
Vanuatu climate warriors celebrate their traditional canoe which will be part of a flotilla of canoes from 12 Pacific Island nations that will travel to Australia to protest the expanding coal industry.
Bolivia President Morales at UN Climate Summit 2014
Watch video at link:
Press conference and Climate statement
Brother Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Co-Chair of this thematic discussion, sisters and brothers
LA 'Through Indian Eyes: Native American Cinema' 2014
Through Indian Eyes: Native American Cinema
October 4, 2014 -
December 15, 2014
Billy Wilder Theater
Los Angeles
Info: https://www.cinema.ucla.edu/billy-wilder-theater
Chris Eyre (10/4, 10/5); Shelley Niro, Randy Redroad, David Delgado Shorter (10/5); Heather Rae (10/5, 10/6); Ian Skorodin (10/6); Sydney Freeland, Billy Luther, Bird Runningwater (10/24);
Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014
Mohawk Nation News 'Mossad Animal Farm'
Posted on October 1, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 30. 2014. Who is the real terrorist? It seems ISIS is helping to set up a worldwide dictatorship. It�s no coincidence ISIS has the same acronym as the �Israeli Security Intelligence Service�, which is created, funded, trained and militarily armed by the CIA and Mossad. Canada has CSIS that
Postingan (Atom)